Logos Quizz Cars

In-App PurchaseYes
LaunchedOct 12, 2014

Total Ratings

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Comeback of the famous logos game in this special and unique version with worldwide cars brands.

Over 180 logos through 9 levels will put you to the test.

Prove to your friends that you are the best and
share your scores through social networks.


Logos Quizz Cars screenshot 1
Logos Quizz Cars screenshot 2
Logos Quizz Cars screenshot 3
Logos Quizz Cars screenshot 4

Version History

Last version released 3819 days ago.

LaunchedOct 12, 2014

Other Information

In-App Products

1. 250 Golds$3.99
2. 50 Golds$1.99
3. 100 Golds$2.99
4. 25 Golds$0.99