Register your gigs on-the-go, and claim your royalties faster.
Register your gigs on-the-go, and claim your royalties faster.
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The IMRO App provides for improved on-the-go access to essential business tools for IMRO songwriters, composers and copyright owners. The new mobile app makes registering your gigs and set lists on-the-go, efficient and easy thereby speeding up the process of claiming royalties for your live performances.
Key Features:
- Manage all your live performances notifications, including setlists and gig dates.
- Locate venue details using GPS functionality.
- Search your works catalog for information on songs you have registered with IMRO.
- Detailed FAQs on all functions.
- Gig submission date deadline notification.
The IMRO App is designed specifically for quick access using a mobile environment, drawing on content from IMRO’s multi award nominated website
IMRO is dedicated to bringing the benefits of cutting-edge technology to its members, wherever they may be.
© IMRO, 2019
Version History
Last version released 975 days ago.
Thanks for using our gig submissions app. We regularly update our app to fix bugs, improve performance and add new features to help you submit your live performances as quick and easy as possible.
Thanks for using our gig submissions app. We regularly update our app to fix bugs, improve performance and add new features to help you submit your live performances as quick and easy as possible.
Thanks for using our gig submissions app. We regularly update our app to fix bugs, improve performance and add new features to help you submit your live performances as quick and easy as possible.
Thanks for using our gig submissions app. We regularly update our app to fix bugs, improve performance and add new features to help you submit your live performances as quick and easy as possible.
Thanks for using our gig submissions app. We regularly update our app to fix bugs, improve performance and add new features to help you submit your live performances as quick and easy as possible.
Thanks for using our gig submissions app. We regularly update our app to fix bugs, improve performance and add new features to help you submit your live performances as quick and easy as possible.
Thanks for using our gig submissions app. We regularly update our app to fix bugs, improve performance and add new features to help you submit your live performances as quick and easy as possible.
Thanks for using our gig submissions app. We regularly update our app to fix bugs, improve performance and add new features to help you submit your live performances as quick and easy as possible.
Thanks for using our gig submissions app. We regularly update our app to fix bugs, improve performance and add new features to help you submit your live performances as quick and easy as possible.
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