WPB Broadcasters Demo
Rich streaming app with connection to the latest VIP news at your local station.
Rich streaming app with connection to the latest VIP news at your local station.
Total Ratings
GP ratings are temporarily unavailable
WPB is the leading digital service provider to broadcasters!
-Download this sample app to see connection to live audio stream, contests, VIP registration, Facebook/Twitter, alarm clock, and push notifications about the hottest happenings at your radio station.
-The app includes banner space for your favorite local advertiser.
-All content is efficiently managed within the WPB web dashboard to maintain continuity between your website and mobile app presence.
Version History
Last version released 2940 days ago.
This is the new release of WPB Broadcasters Demo app.Version 1.0.2 with minor improvements.
This is the new release of WPB Broadcasters Demo app.Version 1.0.1 with minor improvements.