98.1 KJUG
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The official app of 98.1 KJUG! Listen to us at work, home or on the road. Install our app and get instant access to our unique content, features and more!
98.1 KJUG, located on California's Central Coast, is #1 for Today's Best Country
- New design and interface
- See current and recently played songs and up to date station and local news on a single screen
- Get notifications and single click access to any station promotions or contests
- Wake up to your favorite station with our alarm clock. Record a personal reminder to play before waking to the station.
- Fall asleep while listening to your favorite station
- Access station's weekly show schedules so you don’t miss a thing
- Real time weather for where you are
- Share our app via Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail
Version History
Last version released 1778 days ago.
Improvements to app presentation. General fixes.
General fixes.
New updates to presentation. Performance improvements. General fixes.
App Updates
General Fixes