This was first published in our weekly newsletter, Apptopia Insight. To receive insights like this weekly, sign up here.

  • 0.77 correlation coefficient exists between Time Spent by All Users* and Instacart’s Orders. By analyzing just female user behavior, one gets a much clearer picture of orders activity: Time Spent by Female Users has a 0.92 correlation with Instacart’s Orders.
  • Since the beginning of 2022, Instacart’s female customer segment is growing its Time Spent in app 28% faster than the male customer segment. 
  • The 30-day moving average for Time Spent by Female Users shows a weakening trend YTD; however, recent months are positive Y/Y, indicating seasonal slowdown during U.S. summer.

*All users, user segments, and associated user behavior is derived from Apptopia Proprietary Device Panel.

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