Locanto Classifieds 2.0
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Want to make money on things you no longer need? Or maybe you’re second-hand savvy and are looking to snap up a bargain! Locanto is a classifieds app and your answer for local buying and selling on-the-go. Post an ad or browse our hundreds of categories, from pet supplies to vehicles, and all from your mobile phone or tablet!
Looking for something in particular?
Your local marketplace
- See who’s selling what nearby
Live chat
- Get answers instantly from other online Locanto users
Be the first to know
- Turn on push notifications to get alerts directly to your phone!
Want to post a classified ad?
Be found faster
- Posting an ad takes seconds on mobile!
Your very own profile
- Add your photo or business logo
Share your ad on social media
- More shares = more views!
So you love finding used stuff at a fraction of the price? Search through our categories – we’ve got something for everyone! Find something you like? Send a quick message to the seller or make an offer straight away. Now all that’s left to do is sit back, relax, and wait for your phone to beep!
Clear out your wardrobe, explore the attic and sort through the garage – all those neglected or unused items could make you cash on the Locanto App – your go-to for free classifieds. Nothing to sell? You can also use Locanto to advertise your services, an event, a job opening, or even classes you’re offering!
Upload photos from your phone, add a quick description and that’s it – your ad is online! Someone’s interested in your ad? You’ll get the message straight to your pocket so you can reply instantly – no waiting around for emails!
Find the things you need and sell the things you don't, all within your local area. Browse Classes, Community, Events, For Sale, Jobs, Real Estate, Services or Vehicles.
Download our app today to join the millions of people using Locanto each week.
Version History
Last version released 1969 days ago.
We have taken your feedback into consideration and made some improvements to our app.
What's new in version 2.7.1?
- We have improved and modernized the layout in many places.
- Multiple small bugs have been fixed to make Locanto even faster and easier to use.
We’ve listened to your feedback and made improvements to our app. To leave us more feedback, or to report a problem, please contact us here: http://lcn.to/send-feedback. Thanks for your help!
What's new in version 2.4.3?
- Bug and stability fixes
We’ve listened to your feedback and made improvements to our app. To leave us more feedback, or to report a problem, please contact us here: http://lcn.to/send-feedback. Thanks for your help!
What's new in version 2.4.2?
- Bug and stability fixes
We’ve listened to your feedback and made improvements to our app. To leave us more feedback, or to report a problem, please contact us here: http://lcn.to/send-feedback. Thanks for your help!
- Fix for models that were not supported by 2.4.0
Bug and stability fixes
- Receive your saved searches by email or push notification.
- Choose to see push notifications with or without a preview.
- Easily accessible notifications overview (appears as a globe).
- Fixed minor bugs and made performance improvements.
'''What's new in version 2.2.0?'''
This update includes:
* Auto log-in improvements
* Improved push notifications
* Ad sharing capabilities
* Performance improvements
* Minor bug fixes
* Streamlining settings
This update includes:
-New countries added
-Performance improvements
(Previous version 2.0.0)