Duby - Cannabis Social
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Duby is the #1 Social Network for Cannabis in the World!
This is your new smoke spot. Take a break and pass some dubys while you chill with friends.
Our new Duby Explorer curates the best content and provides maps, menus, brands, and deals.
Duby now combines the best of social with the best of business.
- Find dispensaries, products, and get live menus near you.
- Light up a duby and pass it to other users anonymously near you.
- Grow your sesh, send private messages, and explore the world of weed with duby.
- Share in private, discover in public.
* * *
Security and Privacy:
At Duby, we take every user’s privacy seriously. As a provider of medical cannabis and adult use marijuana related applications, security and privacy are our top priorities because we want you to feel comfortable that your personal information will remain private by default. Location obfuscation, input sanitation, and explicit protection of personally identifiable information aim to protect your privacy and weed out negative content. Your email address is the only personal information required for user registration and is not made available to other users.
Duby App is a community of adult 18+ years old legal medicinal cannabis patients who seek to share information based on common interests. At no time may users use Duby to conduct any form of illegal activity, break state law, or otherwise endanger the well-being of others. To do so will be deemed an immediate violation and your profile will be removed permanently at the sole discretion of Lear Marketing, LLC. Any violation of local laws or other use it was not intended for as outlined in our terms of service will not be tolerated. Users are encouraged to report other members violations and offending member's will be removed from the platform. Dubys cannot include illegal activity of any kind. We reserve the right to reject any content that do not meet our standards.
Version History
Last version released 1975 days ago.
- Bug Fix Release
- Critical Bug Fix Release
- New Duby Explorer
- Improved Layout for Large Devices
- Edit Your Comments
- Ignore Follow Requests
- Performance Improvements
- Enhanced Stability and Bug Fixes
- Pull to refresh comments
- Add on/off volume icon overlay to all videos
- Allow for more than 280 characters in comments
Summer of 2018 Feature Updates
- Camera AE/AF Improvements
- Quick Mention on Comments and Descriptions
- Business Video Uploads
- A few more bug fixes too
- Create Story from Explorer
- Hashtag Search Improved
- Better Maps and Bug Fixes
Maps | Menus | Brands | Deals
- Live Data Feeds
- Video Previews
- New Search
- Scoreboards
- Gamification
... it's the biggest Duby update ever!
Duby provides frequent updates to ensure you remain a happy user.
- This is a minor update to improve user experience
- Thank you for using Duby!
Duby is the #1 Cannabis Social App in the World
- We regularly provide updates and new features
- This update addresses some bugs with content creation
Thanks for Updating!
Fixes several bugs related to IOS 11
- Keyboard overlay on new Duby
- Video creation crash resolved
- And a few other nasty critters
- Better Business Maps
- Stability Improvements
- Image Optimization
A much anticipated bug patch
- A huge fix for random crashes on all device types.
- Thank you for your patience DubyFam!
New Feature - Save a Duby for Later
- Great for low speed connections
- Create now, Pass the Duby Later
NEW: Favorite Users!
- See your favs in My Sesh
- Tons of updates and bug fixes
Duby Maintenance Release
- Bug Patches and Security Updates
- Improved Stability
What's New?
- Bug Patch Release
-Security Updates
- And, a pinch more Awesome
- Profile Enhancements
- Enhanced Security
- More Bug Fixes
- New Duby Menu Bar
- Grouped Notifications
- Duby Stories are Back
- And more fun features and fixes...
Made of More Awesome
- New Passers Screen
- Updates, Tweaks, and Bug Fixes
- Better Videos
- New Camera Features
- Improved Tool Tips
----New Live Login
---New User Intro
--Better Camera
-More Bug Fixes
Ok fam... you may want to sit down before you update ;)
- Beautiful NEW profile
- Track your Influence score
- Check out My Sesh to quickly connect with friends
- New activity screen and following tab
- New Camera!
This is what you have been waiting for. Enjoy!
- New Duby Story format
- Videos using volume buttons
- Fixed comment bugs
- Improved stability
- Default image quality set to high
- Remove account option added
- Performance Improvements
- Security Enhancements
* Pass anywhere
* Notify switches
* Auto play videos
* Map your dubys
* Dates on your dubys
* Follow-back messaging
* Tons of bug fixes and improvements. A must have update!
This build is smoking hot!
Want to be in Amsterdam, Denver, or maybe Brazil? Change your locality in this latest release!
Check out the new Top Users and go local from anywhere.
* Fixed and Improved Notifications!
* Performance Optimizations
* Update Password In-App
* Critical Security Updates
... and a pinch of awesome
- Bug Fixes and Security Updates
- Required Maintenance Update
- bug/crash fixes
- fixed search issue when sending PM
- landing screen should load faster
- New Activity Screen ;)
- We killed A TON of bugs!
- Duby is faster
- Go Anonymous! For the fam who wants to feel a little safer ;)
- Show Off Your Profile to Instagram!
- We killed a ton of bugs!
- New users have a better experience
- Ability to block users
- Security updates
-Critical bug fixes
-Critical Messaging Bug Fix
- Invite friends! Share the duby love :)
- Share your favorite pictures to INSTAGRAM!
- Faster messaging!
- View someone's profile by clicking their profile picture from the messaging/notifications screens
- Duby is now faster! We also killed a lot of bugs ;)
- Improved Messaging Screen
- Rapid Follow ;)
- Continual Improvements powered by #dubyfam
- New "Passers" Screen
- New Rapid User Following
- Improved Private Duby Messaging
- Updated Activity and Landing Screens
- Improved notifications
- Bug fixes
Introducing PRIVATE DUBYS!
*You can now have a private conversation with users who follow you back. Take a pic, add text, and set the timer.
*Private dubys expire after they are read.
*Improved security to keep the #dubyfam safe.
- Critical bug fixes.
You asked for it and we made it happen. External Sharing is finally here!
* Share your favorite Dubys with friends on other social networks, text, and email!
* New Landing Page with bigger pictures and more details!
* External link support in comments and descriptions
* Faster load times
* Influence improvements
Hello! We added a bunch of stuff the dubyfam has been asking for.
*See followers and following!
*Link outside of duby in people's profiles!
*Show all videos when searching for #vid
*Maps now default to a local view!
*Influence and Notification Improvements!