WAPS Promotion Calculator

In-App PurchaseNo
LaunchedDec 15, 2013
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WAPS promotion calculator! Provide the year you're testing, select the dates you entered the AF sewed on your current stripe, provide your total medal points, enter your EPR promotion rating (E5/E6), select your cutoff score based on your AFSC, and provide an estimated board score if you're testing for a SNCO stripe. This app will do all the calculations and tell you the score, to a hundredth of a point, you need from your test(s). This app is independently developed and is not endorsed by the Air Force.

Note: if you're testing for MSgt - CMSgt, you won't be able to enter EPR scores. EPR scores are not used during promotion boards.

Note: if you get to the end and get your score, and then use the "Back" button to go back and change something, you must re-enter all the data on the subsequent screens to calculate your new score correctly.


WAPS Promotion Calculator screenshot 1
WAPS Promotion Calculator screenshot 2
WAPS Promotion Calculator screenshot 3
WAPS Promotion Calculator screenshot 4
WAPS Promotion Calculator screenshot 5

Version History

Last version released 2241 days ago.

2.9.9Feb 04, 2019

- Updated with 18E9 cutoffs

2.9.8Sep 17, 2018

- Updated with 18E5 cutoffs
- Fixed an issue causing the app to crash

2.9.7Aug 01, 2018

- Updated with 18E6 cutoff information

2.9.6Jun 20, 2018

- updated with 18E7 cutoffs

2.9.5Apr 10, 2018

- updated SMSgt cutoffs based on 18E8 information

2.9.4Jan 02, 2018

- updated app for iOS 11
- updated with 17E9 cutoffs

2.9.2Sep 10, 2017

- Updated with new 17E5 cutoff scores
- Removed the TIS and TIG points notification on the Medals Points screen since no points are given for TIS/TIG and it was causing some confusion

2.9.1Jul 26, 2017

- Updated with new 17E6 cutoff scores

2.9.0May 31, 2017

- Updated with 17E7 Cutoffs

2.8.9Mar 13, 2017

- Updated SMSgt cutoffs based on 17E8 cutoffs
- Removed all TIS/TIG points

2.8.8Dec 20, 2016

- Updated CMSgt cutoffs based on 16E9 cutoffs.
- Removed Time-in-Service and Time-in-Grade points for all but SMSgt. SMSgt TIS/TIG points will be removed after SMSgt promotion release.

2.8.7Sep 16, 2016

- Updated SSgt promotion cutoffs and removed the reduction in points for TIG/TIS from the previous cycle.
- Fixed issues with AFSCs.

2.8.6Aug 02, 2016

Updated TSgt cutoff scores based on 16E6 cutoffs. Removed the 33 and 28 point cutoff deficit from the last TIS/TIG point reduction.

2.8.5Jun 01, 2016

Updated cutoff scores for MSgt based on the 16E7 cutoffs.

2.8.4Mar 14, 2016

- Changed the TIS/TIG point factors that will affect 17E8.
- Reduced cutoffs for SMSgt by 28 points to coincide with the drop in points for TIS/TIG.

2.8.3Feb 16, 2016

- Changed the TIS/TIG point factors that will affect 16E5, 16E6, 16E7, and 16E9.
- Reduced cutoffs for SSgt, TSgt, and MSgt by 33 points and SMSgt and CMSgt by 28 points to coincide with the drop in points for TIS/TIG.
- Will reduce TIS/TIG point factors for SMSgt after the SMSgt promotion release

Note: if you get to the end then use the "Back" button to go back and change something, you must re-enter all the data on the subsequent screens to calculate your new score correctly.

2.8.2Feb 03, 2016

- Added checks to ensure required data is input
- Bypassed EPR input for individuals testing for MSgt - CMSgt since board scores replace EPR scores for final score calculations.
Note: if you're testing for MSgt - CMSgt, you won't be able to enter EPR scores. EPR scores are not used during promotion boards. I'll add the cutoff for the MSgt board in the next version of the app.

2.8Jan 11, 2016

- Changed input for textfields to value pickers for all textfields except board score. Board score still uses standard keyboard input.
- Changed EPR Promotion Ratings values to: "Promote Now", "Must Promote", "Promote", "Not Ready Now", "Do Not Promote".
- Added 15E9 promotion cutoff scores.
Note: if you get to the end and get your score then use the "Back" button to go back and change something, you must re-enter all the data on the subsequent screens to calculate your new score correctly.

2.7.3Sep 22, 2015

Updated for iOS 9.

2.7.2Sep 09, 2015

Updated SSgt cutoffs based on the 15E5 results.

2.7.1Aug 12, 2015

Added 15E7 cutoffs.

2.7Jul 30, 2015

Added 15E6 TSgt Cutoffs. Fixed minor issues.

2.6Apr 23, 2015

- Fixed an issue with dates

2.5Apr 10, 2015

- Added the TIS and TIG points displays to the medal points page
- Re-added the ability to look up cutoff scores from last WAPS cycle
- Added checks and warnings to ensure proper info is input

2.4Feb 03, 2015

Significant changes due to WAPS changes! The time-in-service (TIS) and time-in-grade (TIG) score calculation changed. The max points you can receive for TIS if you're testing for SSgt - MSgt is 26, down from 40. The max point you can receive for TIS if you're testing for SMSgt or CMSgt is 16, down from 25. Max points for TIG is 40, down from 60. EPR points have changed from 135 to 250 only the top three EPRs since becoming promotion eligible will count for points. If this is the first time you're eligible for promotion, only one, the top, EPR will be used; the second time eligible, two EPRs; the third time eligible, three EPRs. If you're testing for MSgt - CMSgt, the EPR score will be replaced with the board score. The cutoff lookup feature is removed until we have historical data on future cutoffs (added back next year after the first cycle). Assume 140 - 150 point drop from last year's cutoffs (purely speculative).

2.3Aug 13, 2014

Updated cutoff scores from promotion year 14 for all ranks except SMSgt. New calculator coming soon based on the updated WAPS promotion factors!

2.2Apr 01, 2014

Added the ability to look up a cutoff score based on the rank the user selected and an AFSC the user enters. The user enters the AFSC for the rank they're testing for, selects "Get Cutoff", and the score is put into the "Last Year's Cutoff" text field. The user can still enter the cutoff score manually as well.

2.1Mar 14, 2014

Fixed issues cause by update of IOS 7.1.

2.0Jan 31, 2014

Made changes to the way Time-In-Grade eligibility and Time-In-Service eligibility and score is calculated. Added better user input validation.

LaunchedDec 15, 2013

Other Information