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LaunchedDec 20, 2012
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iMAL is a companion app for It lets you easily update your anime and manga lists directly from your iPhone/iPod/iPad.
It is available on all devices with iOS 8.0 or higher.

> Features

‣ Browse your anime and manga lists
‣ Track airing anime you're watching and see when the next episode is aired (and get notifications too if you want)
‣ Sort your lists by status, score, tags and more
‣ Update your lists as you watch anime/read manga with a single press
‣ Search and add new anime and manga with advanced filters
‣ Browse the top, popular and airing anime and manga
‣ Find anime and manga details, synopsis, reviews, recommendations and cast
‣ Compare your lists with your friends'

You can use the contact section of the application if you have any questions or suggestions.


iMAL screenshot 1
iMAL screenshot 2
iMAL screenshot 3
iMAL screenshot 4
iMAL screenshot 5

Version History

Last version released 2448 days ago.

3.11.1Jul 13, 2018

Added a workaround to be able to add anime and manga to your lists!

3.11Jun 24, 2018

Added some workarounds to let you retrieve and update your lists while MAL is fixing their service.
- You can now pull down on your list to sync it with MAL's servers
- You can update episodes (or volumes/chapters), score and status

3.10Apr 23, 2018

- Added list cache: Your lists now load instantly, even if you have no internet connection!
- The quick edit popup has been added everywhere, and for anime/manga not on your list as well. Just press and hold on any anime/manga.
- You can now open the character page when pressing on the left side of the character/voice actor entries.
- Improvements to the Settings tab, with links to a new Trello board (to see what's planned for the future) and Discord server (to chat about the app).
- Some smaller improvements to the UI and bug fixes.

3.9.3Jan 25, 2018

- Improved search result sorting (results that match no visible part of the name are now in their own section)
- Now properly supports Smart Invert Colors
- Fixed searchbar being inaccessible when all sections were collapsed
- Fixed issues when manually editing episodes/volumes/chapters
- Fixed pinch gesture on list
- Improved error handling

3.9.2Dec 11, 2017

- Improved error handling in prevision of MAL's new changes
- Fixed a bug where collapsing a lot of sections at once would lag

3.9.1Nov 02, 2017

Added support for the iPhone X.
Small fixes and layout improvements.

3.9Sep 29, 2017

- Added new card styles for your anime/manga lists
- Added search by name in browse
- Updated app for iOS 11 (including new Twitter integration)
- Fixed search when list isn't loaded yet

3.8.1Aug 01, 2017

- Fixed search sections
- Added long-press to copy opening/ending themes

3.8Jul 27, 2017

New feature:
- Get notifications for airing anime in your list! (iOS 10+)
-> Go to Settings to enable them

- Added "In my list" filter to Browse/Schedule
- Added new info to anime detail pages (source, opening and ending themes)
- When completing an anime from the [+EP] button on your list, iMAL will now ask you to rate it
- You can now copy an anime/manga name by pressing and holding on it (in the details page)
- Some other quality of life tweaks to make the app better!

3.7.2Jul 10, 2017

Improved error handling. The app should now tell you precisely what's wrong and what to do if an error occurs.

3.7.1Jul 02, 2017

Fixed list updates not going through. Everything should be back to normal.
Sorry everyone!

3.7Jun 19, 2017

New features:
- View all images for an anime/manga by pressing its image on its details page
- New Voice Actor details page

- Improved security when connecting with MAL to update your lists
- Small fixes and QOL improvements

3.6May 04, 2017

- A new browse section to help you find new anime and manga!
- Tons of small improvements and bug fixes.
Special thanks to all the beta testers!

3.5.1Mar 10, 2017

- Fixed a bug when the device uses non-standard date formats
- Improved error detection/reporting

3.5Mar 06, 2017

New feature:
- Added airing info on your anime list

- Friends are now sorted alphabetically
- Added number of days watched on friends lists
- Improved search
- Tags are now edited in a full screen text field
- Small UI improvements

- Fixed a bug preventing the app from opening details screens on your friends lists
- Improved error messages and bug reporting

3.4.1Feb 12, 2017

Fixed a crash when starting the app after updating.

I'm deeply sorry about this!

3.4Feb 10, 2017

New info available in details view:
- Reviews
- Recommendations
- Characters (+ Voice actors and Staff for anime)
- Episodes (anime only)
- Preview video
- More general infos (background, licensors, studios, published date, authors, etc.)

Improved loading time on anime/manga details view (loading your personal info is now done when tapping the "More..." button, so everything else loads faster)

3.3.1Jan 07, 2017

Fixed a crash when adding an anime/manga to your list with Twitter integration enabled.

3.3Jan 05, 2017

New Features:
- Twitter Integration
- Refresh your lists with the pull-to-refresh gesture

- Fixed start date not being set automatically when starting to watch a plan to watch anime
- Search results from your list are now properly sorted by status

3.2Nov 30, 2016

New Features:
- Friends! See your friends and their lists and compare them with yours
- Added an option to go straight to the anime/manga details page
- Improved editing, especially for dates
Minor bug fixes.

3.1Nov 07, 2016

New features:
- Sort your lists by status, score, tags and last updated
- View MAL's anime/manga page without exiting the app
- View your personal tags with a single press on an anime/manga

- Fixed anime/manga being incorrectly treated as rewatching/re-reading
- Fixed a crash when entering a long password
- Fixed anime not being automatically marked as completed when reaching the maximum watched episodes
- Minor text fixes

3.0Nov 01, 2016

Complete overhaul of the app for iOS 8.0+
Submit your feedback and suggestions through the 'Feedback' section of the app, under the 'Settings' tab

2.2.3Oct 16, 2014

Minor changes:
* Now correctly handles rewatching and re-reading statuses when posting on Twitter.
* Added a setting to remove the white borders on images.

* Fixed a bug preventing the related section to show on iOS < 8

2.2.2Oct 07, 2014

Bug fixes for iOS 8.

2.2.1Feb 13, 2014

Minor changes:
* Detailed anime/manga pages are back!
* You can now use larger sections titles (Watching, Completed etc.) which are easier to hit.

* Fixed lists comparison with your friends not working with manga lists.

2.2Jan 03, 2014

New features:
* Read Only Cache
- Your lists are now saved on your device.
- If you can't access the server, iMAL will use the cached list.
- You cannot edit a local list (hence the name Read Only).
- Anime/Manga basic informations are saved as well if you have loaded them at least once.
- iMAL will -always- try to get up-to-date data from the server.
* Search by Tags
- You can now search through your anime/manga tags.
- To search by tags, reveal the left panel (QuickSearch) and tap the "Tags" section.
- While "Tags" is selected, your search will match tags instead of anime/manga names.
* Twitter integration

Minor changes:
* Added some QuickActions to set anime/manga to dropped and on-hold.
* Changed the Settings view style on iOS 7.
* Added a button to copy URLs to your clipboard.
* The pickers should now react to tap on iOS 7.
* The app will now ask you for synonyms if it can't find an anime/manga based on its name (anime like "K" or "C")
* Changed "Air Date" to "Published" for manga.
* Added a Changelog page in the app.

* Fixed a bug with the list's animations that caused the app to crash.
* Fixed the synopsis sometimes scrolling in a wrong way.
* Fixed status bar not showing correctly on iOS 7 when viewing an image fullscreen.
* On fullscreen mode, the image is now centered properly when zooming out.
* Fixed section titles buttons not resizing properly on landscape mode.
* Fixed landscape mode inconsistencies

2.1.5Nov 07, 2013

* Themes and Skins have been permanently removed.
* The unofficial API is now disabled by default (they haven't made the API changes yet)

* Calls to the API are now working again!

2.1.4Oct 10, 2013

Minor changes:
* Reaching the maximum volume or chapter on a manga will now set it as Completed.
* Anime/Manga are now properly marked as rewatching/re-reading on your list.

* Fixed iOS 7 bugs.

2.1.3Sep 10, 2013

Minor changes:
* Changed the network error message to include more informations.
* Changed the "Bug report" and "Suggestions" popups to include more informations.
* Added a setting to turn gray text into white text.
* Changed "finished" to "finished publishing" for manga that are done publishing.
* Added pinching gesture to collapse your list.

* Fixed a visual bug causing the wrong tabbar item to be selected.
* Fixed the "List to show first" setting being ignored.

2.1.2Jul 31, 2013

* Fixed links

2.1.1Jul 25, 2013

Minor changes:
* Changed the "back" button in the tags view to "Save changes".

* The unofficial API is now correctly enabled by default.
* Fixed a bug with tags.

2.1Jul 19, 2013

New Features:
* More infos on the anime/manga page.
- Alternative titles.
- Genres, popular tags.
- Popularity rankings.
- Related anime/manga (prequels, sequels, adaptations etc.)
* Friendlist (local)
- You can now add friends (only locally, the friend list is not synchronized with
- You can see your friends' lists (QuickSearch and QuickActions are still available on other people's lists)
- You can also compare your lists with your friends' lists
* Tags
- You can now edit your tags.

Minor changes:
* The reload button no longer exists. You can still reload your list with the pull-to-refresh gesture.

* Fixed landscape mode behaving incorrectly.
* Fixed loading screen.
* The app will now show an error message if the data received from MAL is invalid.

2.0Jun 12, 2013

New Features:
* Whole new design! (by Metricx)
- You can revert to the old design by going to Options>Skins.
* QuickSearch
- Swipe your finger to the right from the list view to open a Facebook-like panel.
- Search and find an anime/manga on your list easily.
- Currently unsupported on iOS < 5.0
* Tags
- Swipe your finger to the left on an anime/manga to see its tags.
- Swipe again or tap the anime/manga to hide tags.
* Reworked details view
- Tapping on an anime/manga on your list or an anime/manga on the search screen now shows the same view.
- Swipe your finger to switch between the anime/manga infos and the update/add view

Minor changes:
* Chapter count has been added to the Synopsis page.
* Synopsis is now displayed as HTML rather than plain text.

* Fixed logs not working correctly.

1.3.1Mar 13, 2013

New Features:
* iPhone 5 screen support!

Minor changes:
* You can now update an anime from the search details page

iMAL is no longer compatible with iOS < 4.3

1.3Mar 06, 2013

New Features:
* Rewatching/Re-reading
- Rewatching anime are now displayed correctly under the "Watching" section.
- You can set an anime to Rewatching by changing its status to "Rewatching".
* Images caching
- Your lists' images are now saved on your device.
* Anime/Manga infos and synopsis
- You can now easily see your lists' anime/manga synopsis.
- A quick action has been added for "Plan to Watch/Read" anime/manga.

Minor changes:
* Changed "none" to "None" in the score picker.
* Changed the picker animation when long-pressing a cell.
* After long-pressing a cell, the cell remains selected and is scrolled to the top of the screen.
* A cancel button has been added to the "Color picker" screen.
* You can now invert the hold and single tap behaviors (tapping on an anime/manga will show the quick-actions)

* Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when scrolling extremely fast in a large list.

1.2Jan 31, 2013

Note: This update is mainly intended to fix a bug causing the app to crash.

New Features:
* Theme
- Some personalization options are now available to change the look of the app.
- New options may be be added upon request.

Minor changes:
* Changed the manga background tint (it is now configurable anyway)
* Tapping on an anime/manga's image now show the image in real size.
* The delete button has been replaced by an action button.
* You can now see an anime's MyAnimeList page within the app.
* An easy access to an anime/manga's recommendations and reviews has been added.
* Removed the logs lifetime setting.
* Added a new setting: "open URLs in browser"
* The 'Bug report' and 'Suggestions' buttons now link to a list of known issues and already suggested features.

* Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash after updating an anime with the 'plus' button.
* Corrected some errors in settings' descriptions.

1.1Jan 08, 2013

New Features:
* Manga list!
- You can now browse your list and search/add/update/delete manga.
- The background is slightly different when dealing with manga.
* Support for partial dates.
- You can now set partial started/finished dates.
- The date format have been changed and now supports specific formatting for partial dates.
* Quick actions!
- Long press an anime/manga in your list to perform quick changes to it.
- Actions are different depending on the anime/manga's current category. Here is a list of available actions:
- Watching/Reading:
> "Completed": Set the anime/manga to Completed and set the finish date to the current date.
> "Completed...": Same as "Completed" but let you choose the score first.
> "Set watched episodes..."/"Set read volumes/chapters...": Let you set the watched episodes/read volumes and chapters count.
- Completed:
> "Set score...": Let you set the anime/manga score.
- On-Hold, Dropped and Plan to watch/read:
> "Watching/Reading": Move the anime/manga to the watching/reading section. If the anime was in the "Plan to watch/read" section, it also sets the started date to the current date.
> "Watching/Reading...": Same as "Watching" but let you choose the number of episodes watched/volumes and chapters read first.

Minor changes:
* The background may be different if you are running iOS 6.
* Pickers now highlight the selected item.
* Added MAL score on search screen.
* Changed the logs file format to support manga. Previous logs will be broken.
* Changed the description of some existing settings.
* Removed logs date format setting.
* Added several new settings.
* Settings are now saved automatically (you no longer need to press the 'Save changes' button to apply changes).
* An anime/manga is now automatically set to completed when you set its number of episodes/volumes and chapters to the total number.

* Fixed incorrect spelling of 'Anime' and 'Manga'.
* Fixed a bug where the loading screen could get displayed in the wrong orientation.
* Fixed a bug where expanding huge categories (1000+ items) could crash the app on iOS < 6.

LaunchedDec 20, 2012

Other Information