FlashGreek: Mounce edition

NT Greek Multimedia Flashcards

In-App PurchaseYes
LaunchedAug 08, 2012
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The Evolution of the Flashcard — FlashGreek: Mounce Edition!

From the makers of PαrsεGrεεk & FlαshGrεεk Pro — Multimedia Flashcards for learning New Testament Greek, designed to be compatible with William Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek (2010).

The flashcards are keyed to the chapters of the textbook and include the following:
- image/mnemonics
- audio for both sides of the card (Erasmian pronunciation)
- a contextual example for all forms

Tailor quizzes to your needs, including as much or as little of the extra content as you want. Or sit back and study in slideshow mode ! Either way, you'll be acing those vocab tests in no time.

BEFORE YOU BUY - consider whether you need flashcards beyond your first year of Greek. If so, then we recommend purchasing FlashGreek Pro, as it it contains ALL words in the Greek New Testament AND is keyed to Mounce's intro grammar. FlashGreek Pro allows you also to study by frequency or root, and to drill yourself on Principal Parts too.

*Disclaimer 1* I am in no way associated with the publisher nor the author of the grammar. This is not an official companion app - it is simply compatible with the text.
**Disclaimer 2** I have tried my darndest to be entirely accurate with the vocabulary lists according to chapters in the textbook. But mistakes do happen— my apologies if there are any. Please be responsible and check these flashcards against your textbook to ensure accuracy. If there are errors, please let us know and they will be fixed.
***Disclaimer 3*** The meanings in these flashcards derive from the awesome ©Accordance Bible Software, and sometimes particular authors view some words slightly differently. In most cases the differences are minor and inconsequential - but again, be responsible and check them against your textbook.


FlashGreek: Mounce edition screenshot 1
FlashGreek: Mounce edition screenshot 2
FlashGreek: Mounce edition screenshot 3
FlashGreek: Mounce edition screenshot 4
FlashGreek: Mounce edition screenshot 5
FlashGreek: Mounce edition screenshot 6
FlashGreek: Mounce edition screenshot 7

Version History

Last version released 1294 days ago.

3.1Jul 08, 2021

Version 3 of FlashGreek: Mounce edition is Here!
The latest version of FlashGreek Mounce edition features a major update to the User Interface and User Experience. For an overview of the new interface, please see this video: https://youtu.be/KwCYHjBPvuc
- landscape mode for iPad is now available
- Compatibility with Dana Harris's "An Introduction to Biblical Greek Grammar"

2.6.1Aug 04, 2020

- fixed a bug affecting "study by NT chapter" mode

2.6Jul 29, 2020

- For the in-app upgrade, compatibility with Merkle & Plummer's "Beginning with New Testament Greek" (B&H, 2020)
- minor improvements

2.5.1May 12, 2020

- bugs affecting some users have been fixed
- minor database fixing
- fixed issue with slideshow loop so that device stays awake

2.05Aug 11, 2019

- bug fixes
- updated for Mounce 2019 (4th edition). This changes the placement of only a single word from the previous versions.

2.04Apr 17, 2019

- more bugs squashed!
- minor UI enhancement

2.03Apr 10, 2019

- bugs identified and squashed!
- minor UI enhancements

2.02Mar 12, 2019

- fixed issue causing crashes for some users
- PLEASE consider updating your rating and review for those who rated the crash

2.01Mar 08, 2019

-Crashlytics have been added to the app to help identify crashes happening to a limited number of users

2.0Dec 17, 2018

- Version 2.0 is here, and it's a free upgrade!
- Refreshed user interface
- In-app purchase to upgrade to FlashGreek PRO
- New features to further tailor your quiz, including the exclusion of words that have been answered correctly a set number of times
- slideshow mode can now be turned on loop, enabling you to study while on commute
- save your default chapter(s) choice for the next time

1.1.4Dec 03, 2015

* iOS 9 compatibility
* Miscellaneous improvements
* Facebook posting disabled until next release

1.0.4Sep 26, 2012

- iOS 6 support
- Minor optimizations

1.0.3Sep 07, 2012

- FIXED splash page freeze affecting users. DELETE previous version and redownload
- UI improvements
- any “1 star” reviewers due to the freeze, please consider rating/reviewing the app now

1.0.2Aug 31, 2012

*****DO NOT UPDATE*****
An oversight on our part is causing FlashGreek to freeze on the splash page for users. A corrected update is due to arrive later this week.

- Minor visual improvements
- Minor database improvements

LaunchedAug 08, 2012

Other Information

In-App Products

1. FlashGreek PRO - HD Flashcards$3.99