Fake Call Camera
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Choose a person from your contacts list pretend to call him/her. When the phone is close to your ear (and when the time you have set passes), you will automatically take a picture.
When you feel your phone vibrate, you will know that the photo has already been saved in the gallery. Then you can easily finish a false call.
Version History
Last version released 3541 days ago.
2.0Jul 01, 2015
This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate.
- iOS 8 Support (iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus)
- shutter sound
- quality improvements
- live camera preview above the end call button
1.3Nov 15, 2013
- iOS 7 support, new calling view
1.2Dec 28, 2012
- take more than one photo during fake call
- off/on vibrate
- iPhone 5 support
1.1Apr 17, 2012
-Faster loading created photo.
-Fixed display photo bug.
LaunchedApr 06, 2012
Other Information
Store ID506431394
Bundle IDPawel-Chmiel.SpyCamera
File Size3.1 MB
OS CompatibilityiOS 6.1 and up
Device Compatibility
iPad, iPhone, iPod touch
Age Rating4+