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"A must-have platformer!" -- Games News
"Incredibly good fun! ... A superhero that looks like a mogwai and has the stealth of a ninja!" -- 148Apps
"... Each level brings new dangers and adventures!" --
#1 Free Game in Finland!
Top 10 adventure game in over 20 markets, US, Norway, Denmark, New Zealand, Mexico, Canada, Holland, Sweden and many more!
"Niko is an inspiring adventure combining incredible sling shot actions and amazing platform level designs."
A rare and courageous creature, Niko finds his friends are captured by a monstrous world beneath the forest. With only a moment to make a choice, and unable to imagine a life apart from his friends, Niko makes the inspirational choice to leap into the treacherous Otherworld to save them. Now without your help, Niko and his friends could be lost!
So you can play the first 6 levels for free before you buy and unlock the full game, which contains more than 30 challenging and fun levels!
Sometimes sliding, sometimes bouncing, and sometimes flipping, you launch Niko through the dangerous Otherworld, completing the levels that take you to the monstrous creatures who guard Niko's friends. You'll collect many achievements on your journey to help Niko rescue each friend and unlock the deep secrets of the Otherworld.
As you progress in the Niko game, you will be able to unlock rewards and redeem them in Habbo Hotel, the world's largest social game and online community for teens. There're fun virtual items you can bring to Habbo and show off to your friends, such as special Niko Badges, Niko Trophy, and even a Surprise Item if you rescue all Niko's friends!
Disclaimer: All the redeemable Habbo rewards from Niko are virtual items only available in Habbo Hotel. Rewards are based on your achievements in Niko and are not associated with Apple nor its products. Apple is not a sponsor nor is involved in any way.
Niko is brought to you by Sulake, the maker of Habbo Hotel, the world's largest social game and online community for teens.
Resumen en español:
Niko es una excitante aventura que combina un arcade muy creativo con un asombroso juego de plataformas. Tienes que ayudar a Niko a rescatar a sus amigos, que han quedado atrapados en una misteriosa dimensión paralela, y lo tendrás que hacer a toda velocidad en niveles cada vez más complicados, esquivando trampas, burlando a monstruos y consiguiendo objetivos. Y vosotros, miembros de la comunidad de Habbo, podéis conseguir algunos extras para el Hotel por llevar a Niko de vuelta a Habbo.
Breve em Português:
Niko é uma aventura emocionante que combina ações de estratégia e uma incríveil plataforma de níveis. Você precisa ajudar Niko a resgatar seus amigos que foram capturados no misterioso Otherworld, passando por por níveis desafiadores, evitando armadilhas, enfrentando monstros e colecionando conquistas. E para vocês, jogadores do Habbo Hotel, há também benefícios extras e valiosos que vocês podem obter em Niko e trazer pro Habbo!
En quelques mots:
Niko est une formidable aventure mêlant action et jeu de plateforme. Pour aider Niko à secourir ses amis - prisonniers d'un mystérieux monde parallèle - il vous faut sprinter au milieu du danger, déjouer les pièges, éviter les monstres et enchainer les succès. Et pour tout utilisateur d'Habbo Hotel, plein de bonus à débloquer et à ramener sur Habbo!
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