Zombie Café
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PLEASE NOTE: Zombie Cafe is free to play, but charges real money for additional in-app content. You may lock out the ability to purchase in-app content by adjusting your device’s settings.
It’s hard to find good help, which is why you’ve partnered with an evil corporation to use zombies as free labor to build your café empire. Prepare food, direct your zombies and manage supplies. If the competition gets too fierce you can always direct your zombie workers to attack a neighboring café and steal their secret recipes.
• Transform customers into zombie waiters using toxin and have them do your bidding... but be careful! If you work a zombie too hard they’ll get tired and will try and eat customers
• Raid neighboring cafes to steal recipes and toxin
• Decorate your cafe with more than 100 items from the store
• Collect and prepare disgusting zombie-inspired recipes
• Connect with your Facebook friends to form a franchise: order food, collect fees, and share recipes
• Keep playing even when you don't have an network signal, or cook while you're online every day to earn special "Frequent Fryer" bonuses
• Retina display graphics
iOS will keep you logged on for 15 minutes after an initial in-app purchase. Additional purchases won’t require a re-entry of the password during this 15 minute interval. This is a function of the iOS software and not within our control.
Players having trouble getting into their game after an update should reset their device. Hold the power button and follow the instructions on screen. If you have any further trouble, contact Beeline support.
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Version History
Last version released 3081 days ago.
This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate.
Exorcise your rights!
- Three new election-themed zombies battle for your hearts and…braiiins!!!
- Temporarily try out Tombstones mid-raid to help vanquish your enemies!
- Set the stage for this dead-heat election with new election themed items!
- We’ve voted some old game bugs out of office!
Bamboo and Braiiins!
- Party with three new Tiki themed zombies: hula girl, hula boy, and surfer
- Serve up three tacky new Tiki recipes
- Get the new Pet Tombstone to boost xp earned by pets from raids
- Cook new toxin recipes to earn FREE zombies!
- Liven’ up the zombie lounge with swingin’ new Tiki decorations
- Check out new game improvements and bid some old game bugs aloha!
New Zombie fun has Arisen!
- Meet three stinkin’ new zombie chefs with totally rotting attitudes!
- Dress up your café with dreadfully stylish new items
- Stop by to wish some old game bugs farewell and enjoy new game improvements
Cook Up Your Own Zombie Invasion!
- A total redesign gives the Zombie Cafe store new life…after death
- Send your zombie troops to infiltrate two new enemy café targets!
- New items and decorations to help you attract new victims…er…customers
Get Your Braiiins in the Game!
- Meet three athletic new Zombies with an appetite for sports…and the living!
- Put a little life back in your café with lots of gross new game-day-inspired gear
- Cook up two gut-busting, artery-clogging new treats straight from the stadium
- It’s your home court advantage with early game improvements and store tweaks
- You spoke and we listened! The customer spawning bug has been fixed.
- Visit and raid Beeline once a day and a new icon on the map screen helps you know which friends you’ve collected franchise fees from
A Brain-Eating Blast From The Past!
- Three brand new 50s themed zombies are a real scream!
- Liven up the joint with new retro decorations
- Now dead headed zombies recover faster from raids!
- Your disgustingly tasty dishes can last longer without burning
- Whoa Daddy-O! We’ve slashed the price on hoards of cool café items!
- Zombie Café has been souped up and we’ve told some old game bugs to beat it!
If Zombies ever made a music festival, would they call it Guts’n’Bury? Wallop-A-Loser? Moanterey? Would the Ungrateful Undead play, or would it only feature Death Metal? Like we know! If Zombie Café ever made a music festival, you can be sure that our selection of brand new kitchen staff would feature!
It’s time to shred your cafés to pieces and wave your pans in the air like you just don’t care, coz just like zombies, rock’n’roll will never die, it will just open up its own diner and sell you French Fries served by the living dead…
Lights, Cameras, Action…Braiiins!!!!
•Meet four new undead action stars who’ll set your heart on fire and take your breath away...literally!
•Fire up some disgusting delicacies with two new hot-off-the set utilities.
•Serve forkfuls of flick-inspired fare with six new scene stealing, stomach turning recipes!
•Dress the set for action with new decorations your zombies with drool over!
•Expand your Meat Locker to make room for even more of your favorite zombie superstars.
Dear diners, we are sorry to inform you that the last dish served has been recalled due to one of our waiters dropping his brain into the pot during preparation.
Fear not, we have another dish ready to serve right now!
(This update fixes a compatibility issue that some users experienced with the previous update.)
My lords, and ladies, Zombie Café is back with a dreadfully delectable Victorian Britain update!
- Plunge your café into the depths of historical Britain with the 18th century themed decorations.
- Ring in the new with 6 Victorian Britain characters: Victorian Butler, Victorian Maid, Her Royal Highness, the Sleuth, Lady of the Manor and Street Urchin.
- Cook up a delicious new collection of recipes fit for a Queen!
Zombies have never been this posh!
We Scared Up Some Fable Themed Inspiration For 1.4.5!
- Sweeten up your café with gingerbread-themed decorations.
- Five new characters – Hansel, Gretel, Huntsman, Little Red and Granny Wolf
- Bring the beat down to café raids by transforming Little Red, Granny, and the Huntsman into the Big Bad Wolf.
Zombie Café is All Shook Up in Version 1.4.4!
- Temporarily boost all of your Zombie’s stats with the new Super Server Tombstone
- Five new ‘50s inspired servers are a real blast from the Zombie past!
- Turn your café into a real crazy scene with cool new ‘50s decorations!
- Dig on six disgusting new recipes, Daddy-O!
- Cook around the clock tonight with the new Junker Grill upgradable stove!
Version 1.4.3 is So Cool You Might Short Circuit!
- Meet the fierce new Amptron mechanical pets and unleash them in your café to boost your cooking and serving stats
- Assemble all your Amptron pets to build the unbeatable Amptron Robot and knock out enemy chefs in no time!
- Get your café in gear with 6 shiny new robotic decorations!
Caped Corpses come to the Rescue in Version 1.4.2!
- Hire three new super-zombies ready to fight injustice and eat brains wherever they go!
- Crank up your cooking power with the new Turbo Booster which increases cooking XP and servings by 10%
- Add bionic beauty to your café with new mega-mutant decorations!
- Some super game bugs are sent back to their home planets
Holiday Spirits and Zombie Sorcery Wreck the Halls!
- Summon six new fantasy and holiday themed Zombies to roam your café
- Place the Yeti Tombstone to unleash a whirlwind of power and wipe out enemy cafes
- Earn FREE TOXIN by saving up Toxin Drops earned by watching fun videos
- Enchant your customers with a hellish feast from the new upgradable Devilish Pit stove
- Serve up a frightening feast with eight new fantasy and holiday themed recipes
- Get on the naughty list by slaying Zombie Clause at his new Pine Log café to unlock two tasteless new raid recipes
- Add some doom, gloom, and holly jolly spirit with new holiday and fantasy themed decorations
Set Sail with Some Viking Stiffs!
- Hire six new horn-headed brutes including your favorite legends from Norse Mythology
- New flesh-eating Zombie Pets help you win raids and defend your café as they boost your cooking stats
- Battle hordes of hunger with fire and ice on the new Viking Fire Pit upgradable stove
- Serve up megalithic munchies when you unlock six new Viking recipes and two new raid recipes!
- Send your warriors to invade “The Crypt” enemy café and conquer the new Grim Reaper boss chef!
- Give your café a manly makeover with lots of Norse and Viking themed decorations
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
Scare up Some Serious Profits in Version 1.3.9!
- Place the Grim Reaper Tombstone and get buried in rewards with double XP from all active servers
- Raid the new Rabbit Hole Café to send the Jabber Worky enemy chef off to the spirit world
- Create hellishly good dishes in three new Halloween-themed stove upgrades
- Satisfy your customers’ appe-frights with six new gory-good recipes
- Meet six deadheaded new customers you can turn into terri-frying zombie chefs
- Shroud your café in new Halloween-themed decorations that just howl ghoulish glamour
Discover New Adventures in Zombieland!
- Go down a rabbit hole of the undead to meet six new zombies
- Add the new stove universal upgrade to increase XP and extend spoilage times
- Serve some curious creations with six new recipes
- Lose your head dressing up your café with new Wonderland-themed decorations
- Wish a few old game bugs farewell
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements and cooking bug.
Zombie Café Version 1.3.7 Serves New Bites!
- Meet new vampire zombies with a taste for blood
- Sink your fangs into new zombie inspired recipes
- Add bloodsucking beauty to your café with vampy new drac-orations
- Drain the life out of the new mutant enemy chef, Crusta’Chef, and unlock new mutant dishes
- A few more nasty game bugs get cooked!
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements.
Zombie Café 1.3.6 is Freakishly Fun
- Hire six strange new mutant zombies to creep out your customers
- Cook up mutant masterpieces on the new upgradable stove
- Let your customers munch on six abnormally delicious new recipes
- An improved Zombiepedia makes it more fun ever before to grow your collection of brain-eaters
- Like to eat Greek? Take down Zeus’s new enemy café to unlock new recipes
- Take a bite out of two new player levels
- Liven up the look of your café with new decorations
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements.
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