
In-App PurchaseYes
LaunchedApr 14, 2010
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Ideament lets you easily draw a diagram - mind map, concept map, or flow chart - and convert it to a text outline, and vice versa. You can use Ideament for anything, such as brainstorming new ideas, illustrating concepts, making lists and outlines, planning presentations, creating organizational charts, and more!

Create Ideas Instantly
Copy text from another app, such as an email, document, or web page, and import it into Ideament to automatically create an idea.

Share Your Ideas
Diagrams and outlines can be easily shared via email or the cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box) and copied directly into other apps. Diagrams can also be saved to the Photos app (to sync to your desktop) or uploaded to Facebook.

Try It Out!
Download for free, create an idea, and check out everything it has to offer. The in-app upgrade allows you to create an unlimited number of ideas.

There is also a paid version available in the App Store that includes the Plus upgrade, just look for Ideament+

Looking for Idea Sketch? You've found it! Idea Sketch became Ideament in 2015.


Ideament screenshot 1
Ideament screenshot 2

Version History

Last version released 2578 days ago.

11.6Mar 06, 2018

Just a quick update here to fix a possible problem opening documents

11.5Mar 01, 2018

In our March update we've added support for iCloud Drive, so you can now manage your Ideament documents from the iCloud Drive app for iOS.

11.4Feb 07, 2018

We've fixed a few bugs in this update, including the one where the connector lines would sometimes appear differently when you share a diagram.

11.3Jan 09, 2018

Our first update of the new year brings some new features and bug fixes. We've added support for importing docx files, added a new star layout, and fixed a bug that sometimes caused the wrong ideas to be deleted. See the in-app Help for complete details.

11.2Dec 17, 2017

This is just a quick update to fix a problem with the app not appearing in fullscreen on the iPhone X.

11.0Dec 12, 2017

This month's update brings a little fine-tuning to the app: to help avoid accidentally deleting ideas, we've updated the app to allow deleting at most one idea at a time, and typing text into shapes is now easier on iPads due to a bigger popup box.

9.9Oct 20, 2017

We've fixed up a problem opening ideas from OneDrive and made a few internal improvements.

9.8Jul 03, 2017

Our July update is all about fixes and internal improvements. Basically, it looks the same but runs better.

9.7Feb 06, 2017

We've fixed up a problem with the Delete key on hardware keyboards

9.6Feb 02, 2017

We've added support for keyboard shortcuts and made a few minor fixes. Enjoy!

9.3Jun 01, 2016

Better Copy-and-Paste
• Select a few shapes in a diagram and copy-and-paste them as an image into another app such as Pages or Word, or select a few lines in an outline and copy-and-paste them as text
• Copy text from another app and Paste it right into a diagram or outline (no more Import button)

Smarter Lines
• Lines in diagrams will now avoid running into shapes when possible

Faster Sharing
• Now you can share an idea while you have it open, just look for the Share option

9.2May 05, 2016

Fixes a possible crash when closing an idea and going back to the home screen

9.1Apr 27, 2016

Fixing a few glitches

9.0Apr 23, 2016

This update features a revamped home screen, split-view multitasking on the iPad, and allows you to create bigger ideas!

8.9Dec 02, 2015

Minor fixes and improvements

8.8Oct 23, 2015

Minor bug fixes

8.7Aug 15, 2015

This month's app update is a big one! We've unified the experience across the iPad and iPhone. This not only adds a few more features to the iPhone, but makes the app run beautifully on the iPhone 6 Plus.

8.5Jun 16, 2015

Minor fixes and improvements

8.4May 13, 2015

You can now tap the arrow icon in the outline to quickly expand or collapse a row (and we fixed a few minor bugs)

8.3Apr 15, 2015

Minor fixes and improvements

8.2Apr 02, 2015

• Welcome to Idea Flip! (formerly Idea Sketch)
• Rename ideas right after creating or opening them on the iPad
• Huge improvements to copy-and-paste and importing text and Word documents
• Improved outlines for faster and easier creation

Check out the Help section of the app for details!

8.1Jan 15, 2015

You can now tap web links in diagrams and outlines to open them in a web browser. We also improved the outline to always show all the text for each row. Check out Help > What's New for details!

8.0Dec 18, 2014

• Now works great with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
• Better and easier sharing with apps and the cloud
• Wider Underline shape for mind mapping

Check out Help > What's New for details!

7.9.0Dec 04, 2014

Improved iCloud support and some minor fixes

7.8.2Nov 22, 2014

New! You can now open text files and Word documents with Idea Sketch and it will automatically create the diagram and outline

Several fixes:
• Fixed an occasional crash when changing color themes or fonts
• Fixed an occasional crash when purchasing the upgrade
• Fixed an issue where the idea list may not appear on startup
• Minor visual improvements
• Other minor fixes

7.7.3Nov 04, 2014

• Fixed a crash when sharing with OneDrive
• Other minor fixes

7.6Oct 31, 2014

Added support for iOS 8

7.4Sep 11, 2014

New Features!
• Share your outlines in the OPML file format
• Upload your work to Google Drive

Also fixed a few bugs

7.3Aug 30, 2014

• Shapes are no longer automatically deselected after making a change (and this is now an option in the settings)
• You can slide the title out of the way in diagrams on the iPad
• There is a new option in the settings that allows you to hide the status bar on the iPad
• Improved gesture support for diagrams, including 2-finger scrolling to avoid accidentally moving shapes
• Changed the auto-layout feature to be activated by a 3-finger slide
• Improved speed overall and greater reliability (especially when using the Undo feature)
• Several visual improvements throughout the app

7.2.1May 25, 2014

Minor fixes and improvements

7.2Apr 27, 2014

• New start screen on iPad that highlights the most recently changed ideas.
• Improved design to make editing ideas easier.
• Visual improvements throughout the app.

7.1Dec 19, 2013

• Improved home screen on the iPad
• Shapes are automatically deselected after editing
• Fixed a possible crash when copy-and-pasting shapes
• New Add button on the iPhone to quickly create a new idea
• Other minor fixes and improvements

7.0.2Nov 21, 2013

Fixed a bug that was preventing line breaks inside shapes.

7.0.1Oct 25, 2013

Just a few minor fixes

LaunchedApr 14, 2010

Other Information

In-App Products

1. Plus Upgrade$3.99