R6 stats, history, leaderboard
R6 stats, history, leaderboard
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Rainbow Six Siege stats, histories and analytics of your and your enemies behaviour.
R6DB is a service that enables you as a player to keep track of your and your enemies in-game behaviour and statistics. Through analysing your data over a longer period we can provide detailed histories of your progress and can help you to improve your weaknesses and strengthen your strengths.
We offer:
• Detailed general, seasonal, casual and game mode specific stats
• Historial graphs
• Detailed match history including MMR change on a per match base
• Detailed operator stats
• Detailed weapon stats
• Global statistics
• A global leaderboard to compare yourself to millions of others from our database
Additionally, we also offer some quality of life features like:
• Mouse-sensitivity converter
• Uplay name availability checker
• And many more!
We are not affiliated with Ubisoft.
Version History
Last version released 1369 days ago.
- Fixed a bug that caused to app not to load
- Updated to newest live (website) version
- Fixed API access
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