World Financial Group
WFG Events
WFG Events
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The official app for all of World Financial Group's events from our annual convention in Las Vegas to our world-class incentive trips like Hawaii. View event details, agendas, venue maps, network with other attendees, and much more. Download this free app today to make the most of your experience!
Version History
Last version released 204 days ago.
To make our app better for you, we bring regular updates to the store.
Every update of our app includes bug fixes and improvements to increase speed and reliability. Below an overview of our major updates:
- Crash fixes
- Sorting improvements
- Bug fix on receiving notifications
To make our app better for you, we bring regular updates to the store.
Every update of our app includes bug fixes and improvements to increase speed and reliability. Below an overview of our major updates:
- Crash fixes
- Sorting improvements
- Bug fix on receiving notifications
To make our app better for you, we bring regular updates to the store.
Every update of our app includes bug fixes and improvements to increase speed and reliability. Below an overview of our major updates:
- iPhone X visual improvements
- Crash fixes
- Sorting improvements
- Bug fix on receiving notifications
To make our app better for you, we bring regular updates to the store.
Every update of our app includes bug fixes and improvements to increase speed and reliability. Below an overview of our major updates:
- iPhone X visual improvements
- Crash fixes
- Sorting improvements
- Bug fix on receiving notifications
-You can delete your own posts on the activity feed!
-We added a countdown to your event on the Dynamic Event Guide.
-We're now localised for Dutch, Italian, and Swedish.
-Event planners can now include their own terms of use.
-Bug fixes and enhancements to improve the overall attendee app experience.
Information related to the latest WFG event
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