Meme Deep Fryer - Meme Maker
Meme templates stickers & more
Meme templates stickers & more
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Take the work out of deep frying and warping memes. No need to go to your computer or laptop; use the original and best, feature-packed, Meme Deep Fryer. The all-purpose meme maker and creator.
Deep fry the last frame of your video to upload to TikTok!
Open your created memes in TikTok and Snapchat!
Deep fry any meme, image, or animated GIF from your photo library or Gfycat and share the finished meme to camera roll. Share your memes via iMessage using the iMessage sticker export tool.
Create your own meme templates using the template designer and share them with friends. Make your own memes and share with others.
Use a variety of meme generators including Breaking News, Fake Message and more! Be creative!
Download GIFs from gyfcat and deep fry or warp. Export the finished result to GIF or mp4. Quick fry videos and turn up the volume! Share on tiktok, YouTube and more.
Full list of meme filters and deep fried meme effects:
- bulge
- pinch
- twirl
- lens flare
- sun flare
- tint
- posterize
- blur
- circle
- brightness
- sharpness
- saturation
- contrast
- nuke / nuke 2.0
- hue cycle
- more JPEG
- sepia
- deep freeze
- crystallise
- auto flare
Templates / generators:
- top text
- four panel
- two text / two image
- fake texts / messages
- Breaking News
- Zalgo Text
Make and share your own templates with the template designer and eight template blocks. Use the built-in expanding brain template to get started. Create memes and share on Reddit!
Use multiple touch to resize and rotate effects on your deep fried memes.
Use popular memes, images, and lens flares in iMessage with free stickers. Send your own meme sticker designs to iMessage.
Save to camera roll to share, or save your meme project to work on later, or adapt and change as meme trends move on.
Got a feature request? Get in touch. Enjoying the app? Leave a review or share the app with your friends.
Version History
Last version released 863 days ago.
Fixed Video Quick Fry sound.
Updated for iOS 16.
Fixed issues with hidden share buttons.
Addressed crashes.
Fixed gif search.
Fixed and restored the lasso style sticker creator.
For those of you having trouble with transparency on pngs, don't select the whole image using either of the tools. Use the brush style sticker tool and select only the area you want in the sticker, or use the lasso style.
Removed redundant sticker creation methods.
Reduced the default brush size for sticker creation to speed up the process.
One of our most requested features is back: the classic highlighting sticker creation method returns. Enjoy!
- sticker auto-creation
- open in Snapchat and TikTok from the share menu; you can use the iOS share sheet to open in those apps now
- redundant loading of adverts to prevent data usage
Restored the Transfer to iMessage option in the main menu.
- App tracking opt-out dialog
- highlight style sticker creation
- standard camera option
- redundant code to reduce file size
- prompts to share to TikTok and Snapchat in some screens; you can use the share sheet instead
- banner ad on main menu
- advertising: ads will now only play in the transition from the main menu to some of the editing screens, but no longer at the point of sharing
- various crashes
This update improves the Video - quick fry audio settings so you can keep a better track of the effects you have applied.
It also updates the TikTok SDK to re-enable the Open in TikTok option.
10.6 brought you:
This slightly smaller update brings you these great new features and improvements:
- Bass Boost is now available in the Video - quick fryer and Video Soundtrack Fryer
- you can now record video in the Laser Eyes Camera (requires an iPhone from the X, XR, XS, or 11 series)
- you can now record video in the Deep Fried Camera
10.5 brought you this:
- five new Face FX filters in the Camera section
- additional effects to the Video - quick fryer including some of your favorites from other parts of the app; mix them up and see what you can create!
- fixed a crash that occurred when using the Video Soundtrack Fryer after having used the Video - quick fryer
- fixed a crash that occurred when going back to the Video - quick fryer having not previewed or exported the video the first time around
- added a warning message if there is an error with audio
- other audio-related crashes
- fine tuned the tint effect in the Video - quick fryer
- rearranged the Video - quick fryer controls, you can now access the various audio effects from the corner menu and they are controlled by the same style wheel as the frying effects
11.1: a few small tweaks:
- fine tuned the volume levels
- fine tuned the quick fry filter
- added a warning if no audio is available on a video file; for this you should use the GIF - camera roll screen
- changed the layout of the video quick fryer to prevent the color slider and other controls from occupying the same space on some devices
11.0 brought you these great improvements:
Welcome to V11, on what is more or less the two year anniversary of the first release of Meme Deep Fryer. Were you there at the beginning?
We're adding some fun features in this update, and some fixes for common problems too. Let's get started.
- label of animated top text template now reads Gfycat rather than Giphy
- bug where Open in TikTok would sometimes share the un-fried version of a video
- bug where Open in TikTok would hang and not complete
- restored the loading indicator that shows when stickers are being transferred to iMessage
- background of frame boxes on GIF editor are now black
- increased size of border on the frame boxes in the GIF editor
- increased the range of the fry control on the video and image quick fryers so you can push things a little further
- the name of 'Selfie' to 'Laser Eye Selfie' to better describe what it does
- more sections to the main menu, the functions are now divided into more clear categories
- more sound controls to the Video Quick Fryer, you can now adjust reverb and echo along with volume
- color tint option to the Video Quick Fryer; we figured you might be getting tired of seeing videos that all look the same, so this will help you stand out
- you can change the size of auto eye flares on the Image Quick Fryer
- a whole new fryer - this one lets you edit the soundtrack of a video only, you can then export the video and run it through the video quick fryer to adjust the visuals; let us know what you think!
- the requirement to watch a rewarded video to unlock the Generators section
This slightly smaller update brings you these great new features and improvements:
- Bass Boost is now available in the Video - quick fryer and Video Soundtrack Fryer
- you can now record video in the Laser Eyes Camera (requires an iPhone from the X, XR, XS, or 11 series)
- you can now record video in the Deep Fried Camera
10.5 brought you this:
- five new Face FX filters in the Camera section
- additional effects to the Video - quick fryer including some of your favorites from other parts of the app; mix them up and see what you can create!
- fixed a crash that occurred when using the Video Soundtrack Fryer after having used the Video - quick fryer
- fixed a crash that occurred when going back to the Video - quick fryer having not previewed or exported the video the first time around
- added a warning message if there is an error with audio
- other audio-related crashes
- fine tuned the tint effect in the Video - quick fryer
- rearranged the Video - quick fryer controls, you can now access the various audio effects from the corner menu and they are controlled by the same style wheel as the frying effects
11.1: a few small tweaks:
- fine tuned the volume levels
- fine tuned the quick fry filter
- added a warning if no audio is available on a video file; for this you should use the GIF - camera roll screen
- changed the layout of the video quick fryer to prevent the color slider and other controls from occupying the same space on some devices
11.0 brought you these great improvements:
Welcome to V11, on what is more or less the two year anniversary of the first release of Meme Deep Fryer. Were you there at the beginning?
We're adding some fun features in this update, and some fixes for common problems too. Let's get started.
- label of animated top text template now reads Gfycat rather than Giphy
- bug where Open in TikTok would sometimes share the un-fried version of a video
- bug where Open in TikTok would hang and not complete
- restored the loading indicator that shows when stickers are being transferred to iMessage
- background of frame boxes on GIF editor are now black
- increased size of border on the frame boxes in the GIF editor
- increased the range of the fry control on the video and image quick fryers so you can push things a little further
- the name of 'Selfie' to 'Laser Eye Selfie' to better describe what it does
- more sections to the main menu, the functions are now divided into more clear categories
- more sound controls to the Video Quick Fryer, you can now adjust reverb and echo along with volume
- color tint option to the Video Quick Fryer; we figured you might be getting tired of seeing videos that all look the same, so this will help you stand out
- you can change the size of auto eye flares on the Image Quick Fryer
- a whole new fryer - this one lets you edit the soundtrack of a video only, you can then export the video and run it through the video quick fryer to adjust the visuals; let us know what you think!
- the requirement to watch a rewarded video to unlock the Generators section
We're really excited to introduce Face FX to Meme Deep Fryer. Use the front camera with a selection of four weird face filters to help spice up your videos. We don't think you'll see filters like this anywhere else!
- five new Face FX filters in the Camera section
- additional effects to the Video - quick fryer including some of your favorites from other parts of the app; mix them up and see what you can create!
- fixed a crash that occurred when using the Video Soundtrack Fryer after having used the Video - quick fryer
- fixed a crash that occurred when going back to the Video - quick fryer having not previewed or exported the video the first time around
- added a warning message if there is an error with audio
- other audio-related crashes
- fine tuned the tint effect in the Video - quick fryer
- rearranged the Video - quick fryer controls, you can now access the various audio effects from the corner menu and they are controlled by the same style wheel as the frying effects
11.1: a few small tweaks:
- fine tuned the volume levels
- fine tuned the quick fry filter
- added a warning if no audio is available on a video file; for this you should use the GIF - camera roll screen
- changed the layout of the video quick fryer to prevent the color slider and other controls from occupying the same space on some devices
11.0 brought you these great improvements:
Welcome to V11, on what is more or less the two year anniversary of the first release of Meme Deep Fryer. Were you there at the beginning?
We're adding some fun features in this update, and some fixes for common problems too. Let's get started.
- label of animated top text template now reads Gfycat rather than Giphy
- bug where Open in TikTok would sometimes share the un-fried version of a video
- bug where Open in TikTok would hang and not complete
- restored the loading indicator that shows when stickers are being transferred to iMessage
- background of frame boxes on GIF editor are now black
- increased size of border on the frame boxes in the GIF editor
- increased the range of the fry control on the video and image quick fryers so you can push things a little further
- the name of 'Selfie' to 'Laser Eye Selfie' to better describe what it does
- more sections to the main menu, the functions are now divided into more clear categories
- more sound controls to the Video Quick Fryer, you can now adjust reverb and echo along with volume
- color tint option to the Video Quick Fryer; we figured you might be getting tired of seeing videos that all look the same, so this will help you stand out
- you can change the size of auto eye flares on the Image Quick Fryer
- a whole new fryer - this one lets you edit the soundtrack of a video only, you can then export the video and run it through the video quick fryer to adjust the visuals; let us know what you think!
- the requirement to watch a rewarded video to unlock the Generators section
11.1: a few small tweaks:
- fine tuned the volume levels
- fine tuned the quick fry filter
- added a warning if no audio is available on a video file; for this you should use the GIF - camera roll screen
- changed the layout of the video quick fryer to prevent the color slider and other controls from occupying the same space on some devices
11.0 brought you these great improvements:
Welcome to V11, on what is more or less the two year anniversary of the first release of Meme Deep Fryer. Were you there at the beginning?
We're adding some fun features in this update, and some fixes for common problems too. Let's get started.
- label of animated top text template now reads Gfycat rather than Giphy
- bug where Open in TikTok would sometimes share the un-fried version of a video
- bug where Open in TikTok would hang and not complete
- restored the loading indicator that shows when stickers are being transferred to iMessage
- background of frame boxes on GIF editor are now black
- increased size of border on the frame boxes in the GIF editor
- increased the range of the fry control on the video and image quick fryers so you can push things a little further
- the name of 'Selfie' to 'Laser Eye Selfie' to better describe what it does
- more sections to the main menu, the functions are now divided into more clear categories
- more sound controls to the Video Quick Fryer, you can now adjust reverb and echo along with volume
- color tint option to the Video Quick Fryer; we figured you might be getting tired of seeing videos that all look the same, so this will help you stand out
- you can change the size of auto eye flares on the Image Quick Fryer
- a whole new fryer - this one lets you edit the soundtrack of a video only, you can then export the video and run it through the video quick fryer to adjust the visuals; let us know what you think!
- the requirement to watch a rewarded video to unlock the Generators section
Welcome to V11, on what is more or less the two year anniversary of the first release of Meme Deep Fryer. Were you there at the beginning?
We're adding some fun features in this update, and some fixes for common problems too. Let's get started.
- label of animated top text template now reads Gfycat rather than Giphy
- bug where Open in TikTok would sometimes share the un-fried version of a video
- bug where Open in TikTok would hang and not complete
- restored the loading indicator that shows when stickers are being transferred to iMessage
- background of frame boxes on GIF editor are now black
- increased size of border on the frame boxes in the GIF editor
- increased the range of the fry control on the video and image quick fryers so you can push things a little further
- the name of 'Selfie' to 'Laser Eye Selfie' to better describe what it does
- more sections to the main menu, the functions are now divided into more clear categories
- more sound controls to the Video Quick Fryer, you can now adjust reverb and echo along with volume
- color tint option to the Video Quick Fryer; we figured you might be getting tired of seeing videos that all look the same, so this will help you stand out
- you can change the size of auto eye flares on the Image Quick Fryer
- a whole new fryer - this one lets you edit the soundtrack of a video only, you can then export the video and run it through the video quick fryer to adjust the visuals; let us know what you think!
- the requirement to watch a rewarded video to unlock the Generators section
This small update brings some improvements to the 'Draw line' method of creating stickers. You can now edit the points you have drawn once you have finished the dotted line for greater accuracy.
- line style sticker creation now allows you to move points on the line
- magnifier added when moving points on the line
- line style sticker creation tutorial updated to include this new feature
Just one fix in this version:
- fixed a crash on some iPads when attempting to Save & Share
10.1 brought you these improvements:
A few tweaks. We're still working on improving sticker creation, but we think you'll like these improvements too. We've added a new option in the fry last frame of video for TikTok to help users who want to freeze frame the end of their video but didn't know how / want to use Green Screen on TikTok. Give it a go!
- fry last frame of video now captures the last frame of videos more accurately in all cases
- highlight sticker activity indicator covers screen when updating
- fine tuned quick frying filter to avoid blank screens / images
- notifications to update you on new templates, features
- progressive switch for quick video fryer; this lets the effect fade in over time rather than be applied to the whole video immediately
- attach to end of video option added for fry last frame of video for TikTok, choose from 1 to 10 seconds to create a ready made video with the freeze frame in the right place, no need to use Green Screen!
A few tweaks. We're still working on improving sticker creation, but we think you'll like these improvements too. We've added a new option in the fry last frame of video for TikTok to help users who want to freeze frame the end of their video but didn't know how / want to use Green Screen on TikTok. Give it a go!
- fry last frame of video now captures the last frame of videos more accurately in all cases
- highlight sticker activity indicator covers screen when updating
- fine tuned quick frying filter to avoid blank screens / images
- notifications to update you on new templates, features
- progressive switch for quick video fryer; this lets the effect fade in over time rather than be applied to the whole video immediately
- attach to end of video option added for fry last frame of video for TikTok, choose from 1 to 10 seconds to create a ready made video with the freeze frame in the right place, no need to use Green Screen!
Loads of new things in this update. We're excited to be able to bring Snapchat and TikTok integration to the app.
We know some of you still aren't fans of the new sticker creation methods, and we're working on that; it is a big challenge though so stick with us and we'll get it where you want it to be eventually. In the meantime though we've got some exciting stuff for you in this big leap to version 10.
- more export options including post to apps, AirDrop and more
- open image or video in Snapchat or TikTok from the edit, GIF, template, and quick fryers
- send stickers to Snapchat to use in your own snaps
- animated top text format! Yes, not only is the old-style top text template back, it has been turbo-charged with the ability to use animated gifs! Plus, the share to TikTok and Snapchat is available in this format too!
- import video into the GIF editor
- performance of the GIF editor
- a crash when frying a video without an audio track
We'd like to introduce a new feature for our users who like to use the app to freeze frame the end of their TikToks.
Now you can quick fry the last frame of any video. It works the same way as image quick fry, but it will automatically select the end of the video for you. This will save you a lot of screenshotting in the TikTok app. Let us know how you like it!
Full change list:
- quick fry last frame of video for TikTok
- behind the scenes code
We have another new feature for you in this update, and we also continue to work to improve the sticker generation. We're currently working through a long list of feature requests, so if you see something added that you asked for, then why not revisit your review and let us know how you like what we've done?
The new feature this time is the much-requested quick fry for images. We introduced video quick frying a couple of updates ago, and we're excited to bring this to you for images. This is slightly different as it includes an on/off toggle for automatic eye flare placement along with color selection. Give it a go and see how you like it.
Full details for this update:
- quick fry for images including auto flare eye detection
- inability to continue using the app if you exit from Save to File on the frying screen
- a rare situation where no stickers will appear in the iMessage extension
We've been reading your reviews, and while it's clear that a lot of new users are very happy with the app, some of our long-time users have expressed how unhappy they are with the new sticker creation method.
Sadly we were forced to make the change because the sticker creation relied on a third-party library (check the acknowledgements for a full list), and that library isn't compatible with the latest toolset, which means we need to leave it out if we want to keep updating the app with new features like the video quick fry. So we had a tough decision to make.
After reading your reviews one of our developers thought he had a solution which might work, which means in this update we're bringing out our replacement for the original sticker creation method a bit earlier than we had planned. It is a little slower than the old method for now, but we hope it helps those of you who have been missing the original method. If it does, you might want to revisit your review and let us know, or get in touch at - and if you have ideas for new features then let us know.
Here's the full list of what's included in this update:
- our version of the original sticker creation method; this is called 'Highlight' in the menus
- a tutorial video for this method
- a common crash when the level button is tapped on the text tool
- a crash if you don't want to crop out anything in the line style sticker creator
- being unable to see the zalgo text in dark mode
- the replacement sticker creation method is now referred to as 'Draw line'
- shadow removed from text
- text stroke is either black or white only, depending on the text color chosen
- fine tuned the frying and volume level on the video fryer
- you will now get an opportunity to crop and zoom before drawing the line on the line-style sticker creation in image and GIF modes
It has been a while since our last update. We have been working hard on some of the features you have been asking for. We hope you enjoy this update and are staying safe at this time.
- video quick fry including sound! This is one of your most requested features and we're excited to bring it to you. Control the frying level and sound level using two simple controls and export the video back to Camera Roll.
- tutorial for the new sticker creation method
- a new built in sticker, we are no longer asking
- effects still applying when moving stickers
- improved speed of template list download
- supports dark mode in iOS 13
- new, simpler sticker creation; we're going to refine this even further over time
- filter gesture icons now glow white when active
- Fx and Tt buttons are now yellow
- old style top text template
- old style sticker creation tool
Some updates after reading your reviews:
- back by popular demand is the old style top text template - this one doesn't have the new template designer features but a lot of you were asking for it back so here it is!
- transparency slider on stickers when using either the main deep fryer or gif editor - by using this you'll be able to create 'nam flashbacks like never before!
Happy Spooktober!
Here's a suitably spooky update.
- the level text button now toggles between 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees of snapped rotation (thanks to our reviewers for this suggestion)
- a theme and app icon toggle option (app icon for iPhone only) on the main menu - for now we've included a dark spooky theme and skeletal icon for Halloween, we'll be adding more options as time goes on
- several spooky skeleton stickers
A couple of additions based on recent reviews.
- an outline button to the text tool - this lets you select various widths of outline to the text - outline colors are automatically selected based on the text color
- a level button to the text tool - this will straighten the text horizontally
- a certain runner to the stickers
- a message on the iMessage app screen asking you to open the main app if no stickers have been transferred
- some redundant advertising code
Three things:
- templates now default to scale to fill for images which means you're less likely to see a cut-off image; if you're more precise you can tap the picture button to change back to aspect fit
- removed banner at the bottom of the main menu
- improved the appearance and fit of the banner at the top of the main menu
- support and website URL on the store page
A few fixes and improvements based on your reviews.
- a rare instance where going to Fry straight from a template would cut the image in half
- the list of templates available to download should appear faster and not keep you waiting with an empty list as long
- an activity indicator while the stickers transfer to iMessage to let you know when they're done
- a spooky skeleton (a bit early we know)
- the need to watch a reward video to unlock Sticker Tools - the only section that needs a reward video (or remove ads purchase) is the Generators section now
- View Stickers to View User Stickers
A few improvements based on reading your reviews.
- a toggle button on the template designer that toggles between aspect fill and resize to fill modes for the image blocks - if you've been struggling to get the right crop level then this button will ensure that all of the image you've selected will show with no cutoff, although the image *might* look squashed or stretched slightly
- a button on the Fake Text generator to edit the "Delivered" message under the 'sent' messages - you can change this message to whatever you like, including emoji (note that the message will not change previously entered texts, so you can vary it across the duration of the fake text conversation)
- the left / right message selector on the Fake Text generator is now a single button that changes to show which side the current message will go
- the "Delivered" or custom message under each fake text has been repositioned and is now a light gray color
New! Deep Fried Camera! You can now use the front or back camera and choose two deep frying effects complete with their own slider to create unique deep fried photographs. You could also screen record this for video, built-in video recording is on the way, as are touch effects like bump, blur and so on.
- text alignment toggle for template designer
Thank you for your reviews, keep them coming. Don't forget to check into Download Templates to see what new templates have been added!
So, this summer we have delivered the most requested features from our reviews as well as a few extras. You can now: create your own iMessage stickers, create, download & share meme templates, and take deep fried photographs. We're currently working on Content Aware Scale and the ability to scale stickers while ignoring proportions. What other features would you like to see? Let us know.
A few more refinements to the template engine, thanks for your feedback so far.
- the name of some of the template blocks to reflect their size
- the description of some of the cropping options when selecting an image for a template - these now match the name of the block to make it easier to get your images to fit (we tried enabling pinch to resize once the image is in place but this was very untidy seeing as larger templates also need to scroll up and down, plus the font slider is there too - we'll keep an eye on this one but we think this is the best solution at the moment)
- the color of the search bar background in the Download Template screen
- the search bar on the Download Template screen, which simply wasn't working properly in 7.1
Some developments and improvements to the template engine.
- template dark mode - toggle between black text / white background and white text / black background
- two new image row sizes to accommodate various image sizes
- template download! - browse a range of ready-made templates; this is how we'll keep the templates up to date without the need for an app update each time - remember that you can share the templates you create via email, AirDrop and more
- the option to head straight to the frying screen from the template designer
- the template section is unlocked from the start without having to watch the rewarded video
- the text on the sharing action sheet on the template designer
Our users often request certain templates in their very helpful and supportive reviews. Now, we could manually add new templates as they come along; but that means you would have to wait until we've set up the template, uploaded the update and then had it approved, by which time the template might already be dead.
So...instead we're giving you the ability to build your own templates right in the app and save them for re-use. How about that?
You have eight different building blocks to choose from and the templates can be as big or small as you like. You can export to camera roll as usual or save the template to a file and return to it later just like you can from the frying screen.
But there's more...
You can also share the templates with your friends either through email, iMessage, in fact pretty much any communication medium you can think of! Once you receive a template file from someone the app will open and you'll be taken to the template Save/Load screen.
We're really excited about this new feature and we didn't want to lock it away behind an in-app purchase so we're making it available to everyone whether you've paid to remove ads or not! Have fun with it, and let us know what you think in a review, or get in touch via Twitter @memedeepfryera1 or via Instagram @memedeepfryerapp
Oh, and a few other things:
- a tutorial video for the template screen
- we've reduced the number of times you need to watch the rewarded ad on the main menu to just one to unlock all three sections; this will make us less money but we found having to watch the video three times was annoying in testing so it's gone!
- the banner ads are removed from the top text and four panel templates as those screens now run on the new template engine; again, this makes us less money but improves the overall look and feel of the app
- we moved Breaking News and Fake Text out of the template section and into the Generators section of the main menu; these two screens don't run on the new template engine and therefore you can't edit them so it made more sense to have them there
A bunch of new things and some improvements / tweaks. We're currently working on the much requested template designer and content aware scale (content aware scale is working but not yet integrated into the app - we're thinking about how best to do that), but in the meantime here are some things that we think you'll like.
- autoflare effect to the image editing (this was previously only available in the GIF section) - to use this select a color then hit the apply button and the filter should detect all human (and sometimes animal / cartoon) eyes in the image and apply the flare filter to them without you having to line it up (60% of the time, it works all the time)
- the option to take photos from the main menu and then go straight to the frying screen
- new icons next to the name of the currently active filter to tell you which gestures will work
- two new tutorial videos, with more to come soon
- the old tutorial video
- advertising when transferring stickers to iMessage - we didn't want this to get in the way of you enjoying using the stickers so we took it out
Nothing major this time. Some behind the scenes updates, added a link to review the app to the Additional menu.
Improvement based on a reviewer's idea.
You can now choose between all, built in, and user stickers to transfer to iMessage.
Big update!
One of the most commonly mentioned things in reviews is that our stickers aren't up to date as the memes are dead. Now, memes are a very fast moving thing, and although we could do an update every time a new meme comes along we think we've come up with a better solution. The first part of that solution came to you a couple of updates ago with the user sticker library - so now you can keep the stickers you use for your memes more up to date yourself.
The second part? You can now transfer the same stickers you use in your memes to iMessage.
That's right! You unlock this new Sticker Tools section the same way you do Templates and Generators - with a rewarded video or by paying to remove ads. You can then create new stickers to use in the image and GIF editing modes right from the main menu, and also choose to transfer all of the stickers in the app over to iMessage for use in your conversations.
Even better, because all of the stickers are now in one place we've managed to reduce the size of the app even further. Now, we've tested a wide variety of images as stickers and everything we've thrown at the app has worked; if you find one that won't work then it's probably too big as there is a size limit.
One thing to note though, only stickers you've created in this version of the app and going forward will appear in iMessage, so if you have a favourite in your user library you'll need to recreate it one time to use it in messages.
We're really excited to bring you this new feature! Keep sending in your comments and reviews and tell your friends about the app!
(Oh, and there are a couple of other fixes. We've stopped the Breaking News template from missing out some zeroes in the time box, and some instances where choosing an undo image doesn't stick in the editing views.)
New icon V2!
Improvements thanks to your reviews:
- memory usage should be decreased across the app, making it behave better on older devices
- browsing GIFs on Gfycat crashes reduced due to improved memory management
- you will be warned if a GIF from your camera roll is in iCloud or incompatible rather than the app crashing
- save / load screen memory management improved
- size of GIF previews and look of Gfycat preview screen
- option to cancel when on Gfycat screen
Also we tidied up the sticker selection in both iMessage and the editing modes. This will reduce the size of the app and also save you time scrolling through stickers you don't use. Remember that you now have user stickers in the editing modes too!
User sticker library!
We're often reading reviews that ask us to keep the sticker library for editing* more up-to-date, well now you can take care of that too!
When you select stickers you can add from your camera roll as before, but now the sticker you create will be saved in a user library which you can access from the same button.
You can delete them too just in case you're running short on storage space! Enjoy!
*stickers will not be available in iMessage...for now
New icon, plus a few tweaks based on your feedback.
- the Helvetica Neue font family is back after reading a recent review
- another new fancy font
- a 'delivered' note on the fake text template
- the option to have rounded corners on the top text template, or a blurred background on images that don't quite fill the space under the text box
We've focused on the text tool for this update.
A few users have commented that there are just too many fonts so we've slimmed the selection down and also added an old favourite: Impact.
We've also toned the color picker down a little and added a bit of drop shadow to the text to make it stand off from the images a little better.
We hope you like it! If you have a favourite font you like to use then let us know and we'll see about adding it!
- crash when leaving the text tool active from one frame to another in the GIF editor
- the cropping not taking effect when exporting from the top text template
- stickers: you can now more freely resize stickers and they don't get stuck on the edges of the screen
- imported stickers now have better fitting frames so you can resize and move more easily
- there is now only one sticker button in the image editing screen, the action sheet lets you choose between built-in stickers and importing your own from camera roll
- a bug where repeated use of the same tool would prevent the apply button from working
- save and load - you can now save a meme in progress and return to it later, including the undo history
- a sticker
A fresh look!
- the look of the main menu - this will enable us to add more features more easily, as well as looking more in line with other apps on your phone
- the way the top text template saves - you're now able to crop before you save
- a bug in the GIF editor where the slider would sometimes lead to frames being replicated from other places in the GIF
Fixed a crash when selecting More JPEG.
Thank you to everyone who has reported bugs this past week! You help to improve the app every time you let us know of a problem!
- crash on using the text tool
- the editing handles
- the editing handles don't all appear for text boxes, as flip and move to front only work for image based stickers
- text color can be changed after deselecting and reselecting text boxes (remember to apply before adding effects though)
- the auto flare filter no longer crashes the app
- flip and move to front buttons on stickers
Mostly behind the scenes stuff:
- edited various bits of code in an attempt to reduce crashes
- removed autocorrect from templates to prevent getting stuck with red lines on your memes
- removed cursor from templates at the point of saving to avoid cursors on memes
- changed background pattern on main menu
- added one sticker
- removed torus lens filter for now (we're working on radial blur)
- reduced memory and CPU usage to improve performance and reduce impact on battery life
Nothing major this time, we're working on some new filters though, watch out for those soon.
Stickers added:
- wave check hair
- generic wireless earphones
Two fixes:
- fixed a bug that crashed the app when saving a four panel meme on some devices
- finally (!) fixed the four panel overlapping / initial image remaining bug on all devices
Nothing major.
- a problem with the four panel template where the dabbing emoji would remain and get in the way of the chosen image
- you now only need to unlock the GIF feature once rather than once per day, it's also unlocked if you've paid to remove ads; we want to see more GIFs so we made it easier to get in and use the feature
- a certain echidna due to popular demand
A few tweaks!
- the "Keep Draggable Copies" prompt only appears if you have draggable stickers or text on the screen when you tap the apply arrow
- tapping the share button will remove any resizing windows on text or stickers
- tapping the Apply arrow will now not reset the filter to No Fx
- a sprinkling of new stickers, let us know which others you would like!
Some fine-tuning after reading your reviews.
- new filter in the Image function: Torus Lens. This is our first filter with slider and pinch functions. Try it out!
- text tool - this now has greater freedom of movement and resizing, plus multiple line support
- sticker tool - as above
- Apply button - this will now ask you whether you want to retain the editable stickers or text boxes; you're more likely to want to retain them when editing a GIF
- we added a gap between the image and GIF buttons
- font size from the picker, font size is now changed using pinch gestures on the text box
This is a huge update and we're so excited to get it out to you!
- GIF import / export and editing! That's right! One of your most requested features is here! Import from Camera Roll or Gfycat and use our built in editor with the filters and stickers you love from the image editing function. Plus, it's free! You can unlock it each day you use the app by watching a rewarded video, or unlock it permanently with the remove ads in-app purchase and help support the team!
- the OK emoji to stickers (after many requests!)
- new filter for gif editing only: Auto Flare; this beta version of our new filter tries to find eyes automatically in the frame and apply the flare filter to them - results will vary at first but we wanted to give you the chance to try it out
- the sticker interface - you now no longer need to use the bin, when you apply a sticker just tap and tap the X to remove the placeholder; rotating and resizing the stickers is easier, and you can now flip horizontally too
- when you import a sticker from your camera roll it is instantly dropped into the image / gif frame rather than having to open the sticker list and find it
- the text tool, it's now easier to move and resize
- some memes not saving to camera roll in V4.0
This is a huge update and we're so excited to get it out to you!
- GIF import / export and editing! That's right! One of your most requested features is here! Import from Camera Roll or Gfycat and use our built in editor with the filters and stickers you love from the image editing function. Plus, it's free! You can unlock it each day you use the app by watching a rewarded video, or unlock it permanently with the remove ads in-app purchase and help support the team!
- the OK emoji to stickers (after many requests!)
- new filter for gif editing only: Auto Flare; this beta version of our new filter tries to find eyes automatically in the frame and apply the flare filter to them - results will vary at first but we wanted to give you the chance to try it out
- the sticker interface - you now no longer need to use the bin, when you apply a sticker just tap and tap the X to remove the placeholder; rotating and resizing the stickers is easier, and you can now flip horizontally too
- when you import a sticker from your camera roll it is instantly dropped into the image / gif frame rather than having to open the sticker list and find it
- the text tool, it's now easier to move and resize
Continuing to iron out bugs and crashes, this small update focuses on the ability to import your own images and remove their backgrounds. You should find this works every time now, and your imported images appear at the end of the list of stickers. Get in touch if you have any further problems with this.
Just one quick change:
- fixed a bug that turned the sub-headline background the same color as the text on the Breaking News template
It's the crash prevention update! Aside from all of your great feature requests one thing that has been mentioned numerous times in recent reviews is the tendency for the app to crash when complicated edits are being made. This update is mostly focused on fixing and preventing that, and we're expecting to see those crash reports coming down once this update is out there.
In addition to that we've made a couple of cosmetic changes:
- changed the background video on the main menu
- changed the tint color of the tool bar to black and the buttons to white
One more bug fix:
- fixed a bug that hid the color picker for iOS 11 users
Just bug fixes for now:
- fixed a bug for SE users that meant they couldn't see the color picker - let us know if you see this again on Twitter with a screenshot
- fixed a bug where if you used a deep freeze filter then backed out the navigation bar icons would be the wrong color next time
- fixed a bug in the image import function that meant users weren't seeing their imported images in the list of stickers - to be clear you will see your imported images at the bottom of the sticker list at first; let us know if you see this again
Thank you for your reviews and for letting us know about bugs that need fixing; you keep the app improving every time!
Did it suddenly get cold in here?
- two new filters for our friends over at r/deepfreezedmemes - Deep freeze and crystallize!
- a frozen overlay sticker, or you can add your own!
- the color picker! We had made our own and it was OK, but we think that ColorSlider from @gizmosachin is better - and you asked for improvements, so here it is, the new color picker!
- the text on the deep fry button no longer bounces and now reads "Fry Image"
- some layout issues on iPad devices on the first screen
Keep those reviews and feature requests coming! You make the app better with your feedback every time!
Just a small update this time. We're working on GIFs and video but that will take a while. In the meantime enjoy a new template!
- Zalgo text generator - you know that spooky looking text you sometimes see in captions and post titles? You can now generate it yourself with our new template!
- code acknowledgements - they went missing in the last update, but they're back now
Got a feature request? Get in touch!
Just a small update this time after the 3.0 big update. Thank you all for your reviews, they help us to make the app better each time!
- animated main screen - a few of you thought it was dull so we spiced it up
- doot
- the app icon
- the app category from entertainment to video & photo
- behind the scenes code to try to reduce crashes - if you find something that crashes the app let us know!
It's a bumper version 3 update! We love reading your reviews as they help us to make the app even better with each update. This update is almost entirely based on suggestions from your reviews!
- the ability to add your own stickers to the list of stickers in the deep frying screen, you can remove the background and use your own images as stickers!
- for devices with a True Depth camera (iPhone X, XS, XS Max) you can now take a selfie with laser eyes! No facial recognition data is stored or transferred when using this function.
- a shortcut available to Siri Shortcuts and the Shortcuts app on iOS 12 - the shortcut is called Deep Fry and will launch the app - to use it search for Deep Fry in the Shortcuts app and choose Add to Siri to use a custom phrase
- video tutorial #1 - loads of you have been asking for a video tutorial so we've added one to the main screen, let us know if you find it helpful!
- new filter: Sepia - one of our reviewers asked about how to get that 'yellow' feel to your memes, well the answer is through the use of a sepia filter, so we added one!
- three additional stickers: two moths and a certain pair of arms
- some of the emoji and stickers that people never use to avoid the sticker menu becoming too cluttered
Just a small update for iOS 12 this time:
- Everything checked and compatible with iOS 12 and the latest iPhones
- New on-boarding compatible with iOS 12
- Two new stickers added to the deep frying screen and iMessage stickers too.
- Behind the scenes improvements.
Just a quick improvement to the fake text unlock in this update. The button will show 'Loading...' until the reward video to unlock the fake text template is ready. If there is a problem loading the video the fake text template will unlock temporarily for that session. You can unlock the Fake Text template permanently by either watching the reward video when you're able to, or by removing ads.
Here are some exciting new features and improvements in response to our excellent reviewers and followers on Twitter.
- new filter: More JPEG - this reduces the JPEG quality level as you move the slider up, it isn't so good at coming back down though so use the History button for that
- new template: Fake Texts! - to unlock this you need to either remove ads or watch a short video then it's unlocked forever. You can create fake text conversations using either text or images
- name of Hue Adjust to Hue Cycle to better reflect what it does
- layout of History screen to fit more undo possibilities on the screen at once and reduce wasted space
- onboarding text updated
A couple of things..
- new filter - hue adjust; this basically cycles the colors around on the image you're frying, it can produce some interesting results
- increased the size of the color selector slightly
- refined the range of the Nuke 2.0 filter
We've been reading your comments on the UI change and we think we've found a good solution. We can't bring back the old segmented control as there are too many filters, but we think the new layout will be an improvement. Do you agree? Let us know!
- text and filters are now triggered using two buttons at the bottom of the screen, the font, color, and filter sliders have been moved down there too
- onboarding has been updated to reflect these changes
- more stickers to use in the main screen
- more iMessage stickers (see above)
- Nuke is back! Plus we've announced Nuke 2.0! Which do you prefer? Nuke basically kills all color whereas Nuke 2.0 retains some color in the edges
- timestamp to breaking news template
- text addition which now defaults to the largest size which is more convenient if you're adding emoji
- the quality of the sticker lens flares, the rectangular shading is gone now
- breaking news layout and color
- some users being unable to get past the onboarding; you won't actually see the onboarding, and we'll work on that
- iPad users being unable to use the Breaking News template - if you see this problem again please let us know either through a review or on Twitter
Keep your reviews coming both positive and constructive!
Massive update! Loads of exciting stuff - much of it based on your feedback. Keep those reviews coming in, 5* or constructive we don't mind - and everywhere in-between.
OK, let's run down what's new.
- iMessage lens flare stickers! Guess how many? That's right: 100! Also a few other favorites too.
- new sticker button in the main editing screen, if you can't get the manual lens flare just the way you want then choose from 100+ png lens flares instead, plus some other favorite images too - you'll need to tap the apply button to place a sticker then drag the sticker to the bin at the bottom of the screen once you're done
- onboarding; we've noticed that some reviews are from folks who couldn't manage to find the main editing screen or were confused about what to do - hopefully the onboarding screens will help you understand
- new template - it's the classic four panel with either text or image in each panel and a top text area
- new filter: posterize, it gives that low-colour feel but is not as extreme as the tint filter
- changed the big image button to one with DEEP FRY written on it as some users seem to be missing it
- the option to remove ads with an in-app purchase - you don't have to, everything is still free, but the option is there if you want it
- option to change font size as well as font in applicable screens
- text field on main frying screen is now multi-line
- text field on main screen shows grey box to show area rather than yellow outline
- big UI changes - we were running out of space to add more filters to the segmented controls, so we've replaced both of them with a picker wheel at the top of the screen - the color, font and filter sliders will appear when they are needed
- the filter slider has a new handle
- the color slider now gives you better control over the brightness of the color you choose as well as the hue
- all of the navigation bars are now the same yellow color
Loads of new and improved stuff in this update, and it's all thanks to your comments and requests! Keep your reviews (5* and constructive) coming, we love to read them and implement new features / improve existing ones! For example, do you want more templates? Let us know.
- behind the scenes code; there's less of it which *should* make the app slightly smaller
- acknowledgement button font
- font and highlighting on the filter buttons on the edit screen - they should all fit onto even the 5S size screens without truncation, even with the two new filters
- the offset on the color slider to prevent you touching it accidentally
- undo is now history! Tap the history button to see a visual list of the changes you have made to the meme, tap one of those changes to go back to it!
- Flare is back to its exaggerated state from before, if you want subtle or don't like the white core or lines, use Sun for glowing eyes
- we've added a slight offset when you're dragging a flare or sun effect around so it should be slightly above where your finger is, thus making it easier to place (we think) - we'll keep working on this until you're all 100% happy!
- the Apply button is now an icon, it does the same thing, but looks neater
- how the sun glowing eye effect would reset back to the default color each time, it will now match the selected color on the color slider
- two new filters: pinch (opposite of bulge) and twirl! Pinch works the same way bulge does, twirl is a little more experimental but you can get some interesting results
More glowing eye options!
A few of you didn't 100% like the style of the lens flare effect for creating glowing eyes so we added a new one! It's called Sun because it looks like the sun, it works in pretty much the same way as the original flare. Give it a go!
Nothing new this time, just improvements after reading your reviews.
It was clear that the lens flare was the main issue, so we've drastically improved its performance. We're keen to hear from you if you find it easier to use, or if you think there is room for more improvement.
If you previously left a review commenting on the lens flare and find it better, why not update your review and let other users know whether you find it better?
Thanks to all users and especially those who are leaving reviews; it really does help us to keep improving the app.
It's the 2.0 update! Version 2 confirmed! We love reading your reviews both 5 star and otherwise, especially if they contain constructive feedback that we can use to help make the app better. For instance, a recent reviewer said they didn't like the Circle effect. Do you? If you want it removed, or want something else, get in touch or leave a review. That said, we've got something in this update that we think that particular reviewer might like.
- simple top text template, add your caption at the top, save to camera roll, and then head to the main screen to deep fry
- button for this template on main screen
- big breaking news button to smaller version to accommodate the new template button
- the image picker is now a standard iOS one and will allow you to use the same crop tool as the image export, because we think it's better
- bulge filter now should not warp the overall size of your image as much, especially smaller images (for those of you interested, we changed the filter to use the extent of the original image rather than the extent of the view containing the image, which resulted in a bit of a feedback loop which made smaller images especially become very warped)
- we did the same to the blur filter as well
- both of these things mean that those two filters should be more responsive too - two improvements for the price of one
- the bounce effect from the template buttons
Left in:
- the circle filter; to be honest we didn't really know what you might use this for but thought it looked interesting; do you want it gone? Let us know!
- bump, lens flare and other filter placement - reviewers have been asking for this, things should be a bit more precise now and not jump around so much; still working on making pinch and rotate a little easier too
- new filter: circle, this creates a ring like effect, combine this with zoom or just use it on its own
- an off button for the bottom slider effects
- ad on saving a breaking news meme as it was causing some crashes - we've sacrificed ad revenue to improve the user experience
- banner ad on first screen...
It's the text tool improvements update as requested by at least one reviewer - shout out to everyone who has reviewed both positive and constructive.
- instead of a grey box which obscures what is behind, the text is now placed in a clear box with a dotted outline so you can see what you're doing - this makes placing those emoji more precise
- the textfield itself is slightly bigger so you can fit more text in
- the ability to select a font
- the navigation buttons available when editing text so you can't accidentally Apply the text which will leave the outline there
Other things:
- intensified the app icon
- added acknowledgements for third-party libraries used in the app
- motion blur effect: tap and drag this around as with the bulge effect - it isn't quite as responsive yet but it works - consider this an experimental feature for now
- renamed Edge to Nuke, because that's effectively what it does
Next priority is more text effects including a selection of fonts! If you have feature requests or feedback get in touch!
- overall performance of filters (again, possibly more slight this time but it's there - for those of you interested we disabled the color space seeing as quality isn't a huge factor when deep frying)
- responsiveness and placing of bump and lens flare
Added new filters!
- edge is the first one, use this with care as it will obliterate your image if you're not careful but you can get some very cool effects if used carefully
- tint is the second, does what it says, removes pretty much all colours apart from black and the colour you choose
Bugs fixed:
- it's now possible to go back from the photo selection window if you picked the wrong option to start with
- new splash screen to separate this from our other apps, because this one isn't really learning related
- bump and lens flare performance, particularly bump performance
- movement of lens flare and bump, you can now pan these around rather than just tap, it makes a huge difference on placement which one of our reviewers pointed out
- colour slider for certain tools
- choose text colour
- choose lens flare colour
- Apply button now resets basic filter values, not sure if this will allow for much more sharpness / saturation but you might see some results depending on the image in question
- placement of lens flare / bump / keyboard control to the top of the screen to differentiate it from the other control which uses the slider
- general performance, filters and effects are way more responsive
- new cropping / rotation options before the final save of the image
- rewind (undo) button - this will take you back to before you selected the last effect, or the last time you tapped Apply
- Meme Deep Fryer confirms Feature 2, you can now create a Breaking News image and save that to camera roll before deep frying it
- the advert (only once every 5 mins folks!) to the Save button rather than the Back button so as not to annoy if you want to change your image - no more ads from the Back button ever
- the responsiveness of the filters - we know some of you find them slow, this can depend on the size of the original image, we're working on this all of the time to get the performance improved
- the responsiveness of resizing lens flare and bump - again we know the accuracy of lens flare can be a little weird at times, we're working on that too
- orientation locking, you shouldn't see any strange layouts when rotating your device
- share to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram directly from the app - Facebook and Twitter share functions are getting removed in iOS 12 anyway from a programmer's point of view, and we figured you'd want to use your IG app directly so we've made it simple, save to camera roll only
Want more features? Have tips, suggestions? Get in touch @mylearningapps
- pinch to resize bubble effect
- pinch to resize lens flare effect
- rotate lens flare effect
- slightly bouncy image button
- yellow navigation bar
Limited ads to one per every five minutes.
Happy frying!
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