R6 - Stat for Rainbow Six
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Rainbow Six Stat, is the application that allows you to view your statistics on Rainbow Six Siège.
-OPERATORS : find all the Operators and their technical sheet.
-MAPS : find all maps of the game, with the plans of each rooms.
Visualization of the locations of the bombs, the hostages and the securing for all the maps of the game.
-RANKING : vote for your favorite operator and your favorite map and then find the favorite general ranking of Rainbow Six players.
-STATS : find all your statistics, number of kills, number of games won or lost, hours of play, your level of play etc ...
Also find your statistics by operator.
- Also find your rank and stats by operation (Chimera, White Noise ...).
-SOCIAL: Search your friends in the app and add them to your friends list.
GO PLAY function allows you to send a game notification to your friends so they can join you and play a game.
The SOCIAL section allows you to compare your statistics with those of your friends to see your strengths and weaknesses.
Add an Avatar to your user account.
-LEADERBOARD: Official ranking of Rainbow Six players.
-NEWS: Find all the news of the game and the application in live.
-TUBE: You can now watch a lot of game videos from the app.
The application is available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, German, Portuguese, Italian.
Version History
Last version released 1797 days ago.
- New Void Edge season added.
- New agents Iana and Oryx available.
- New Oregon map added
We need the help of the Rainbow Six Siege community, indeed this application update will probably be the last one, we offer this application totally for free, but that does not mean that the application does not cost money to people working on it. We would like to offer many other features and offer you more regular updates but despite its success the application needs a boost. That is why we have set up a Patreon so that you can help the project and especially so that it continues to live again and again.
Patreon Link : https://www.patreon.com/r6stat
The R6 Team Team thanks you in advance for your support
IMPORTANT : All versions of the R6 Stat application lower than version 1.18 of the application will no longer work.
If you want to continue using the R6 Stat application you must at least have version 1.18 installed.
We need the help of the Rainbow Six Siege community, indeed this application update will probably be the last one, we offer this application totally for free, but that does not mean that the application does not cost money to people working on it. We would like to offer many other features and offer you more regular updates but despite its success the application needs a boost. That is why we have set up a Patreon so that you can help the project and especially so that it continues to live again and again.
Patreon Link : https://www.patreon.com/r6stat
The R6 Team Team thanks you in advance for your support
Some Bugs Fixed
We need the help of the Rainbow Six Siege community, indeed this application update will probably be the last one, we offer this application totally for free, but that does not mean that the application does not cost money to people working on it. We would like to offer many other features and offer you more regular updates but despite its success the application needs a boost. That is why we have set up a Patreon so that you can help the project and especially so that it continues to live again and again.
Patreon Link : https://www.patreon.com/r6stat
The R6 Team Team thanks you in advance for your support
- New Season Shifting Tides added.
- New Wamai and Kali agents available.
- New Map added
Some Bugs Fixed
We need the help of the Rainbow Six Siege community, indeed this application update will probably be the last one, we offer this application totally for free, but that does not mean that the application does not cost money to people working on it. We would like to offer many other features and offer you more regular updates but despite its success the application needs a boost. That is why we have set up a Patreon so that you can help the project and especially so that it continues to live again and again.
Patreon Link : https://www.patreon.com/r6stat
The R6 Team Team thanks you in advance for your support
- New Season Ember Rise added.
- New Goyo and Amaru agents available.
Bug Fixed :
Fixed bug on reworked maps.
Less intrusive ads
We need the help of the Rainbow Six Siege community, indeed this application update will probably be the last one, we offer this application totally for free, but that does not mean that the application does not cost money to people working on it. We would like to offer many other features and offer you more regular updates but despite its success the application needs a boost. That is why we have set up a Patreon so that you can help the project and especially so that it continues to live again and again.
Patreon Link : https://www.patreon.com/r6stat
The R6 Team Team thanks you in advance for your support
- New Season Phantom Sight added.
- New Warden and Nøkk agents available.
- New Map Kafe dostoyevsky Reworked.
Bug Fixed :
Fixed bug on reworked maps.
-New season Burnt Horizon added.
-New Gridlock and Mozzie agents available.
-New Map Outback added.
-New Season Wind Bastion added.
-New Nomad and Kaid agents available.
-New Map Fortress added.
-Map Hereford added.
-Minor bug fixes
Adding several small features
- Added new Maverick and Clash agents and GRIM SKY season
- Updated Club House map
- You can now delete the ads
- Search your friends in the app and add them to your friends list.
- GO PLAY function allows you to send a game notification to your friends so they can join you and play a game.
- The SOCIAL section allows you to compare your statistics with those of your friends to see your strengths and weaknesses.
- Add an Avatar to your user account.
-Refer the stats for Alibi and Maestro and Para Bellum Rank season.
-Secure your account with a protection code
-Won many gifts with the contest
-3 news Maps added (Favelas, Border and Club House)
-You can now have the map in full screen mod
-Correction of V2 statistics problems.
This new version of the application will be required to continue viewing statistics.
-STATS: Added statistics Terrorist Hunt
-MAPS: You can now see camera locations on game maps.
The new DokkaeSecure has been added.
Application of the new personal data protection policy (RGPD)
- Fixed stat bugs
-MAPS: Visualization of the locations of the bombs, the hostages and the securing for all the maps of the game.
-TUBE: You can now watch a lot of game videos from the app.
If you like the application and to support our project, you can put a comment on the AppStore: D
-You can now create your account faster thanks to Facebook or Google.
-Correction minor bug on the display of stats.
If you like the application and to support our project, you can put a comment on the AppStore: D
-STATS: More user statistics.
- Also find your rank and stats by operation (Chimera, White Noise ...).
-LEADERBOARD: Official ranking of Rainbow Six players.
- NEWS: Find all the news of the game and the application in live.
-Improved performance of the application.
If you like the application and to support our project, you can put a comment on the AppStore: D
-Optimized for IPHONE X
-Account activation problem resolved
Please check your mail and SPAM, when you created your account an automatic email is sent, if your email address is not valid the account can not be activated.
If your account has not been validated a reminder email is sent every day.
-Size assets App Reduce by 2
-Contact form in the application. If you meet a problem with the use of the application you can contact us.
-Improve performance of user statistics.
-Ability to refresh your stats at any time
If you like the application and to support our project, you can put a comment and a note to the application on the AppStore: D
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