
Cuter Than Dogs And Cats

In-App PurchaseYes
LaunchedNov 06, 2017

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"AR Pet Hamster" is your new 3D augment pet developed with the latest apple ARKit SDK. Customize your own cute hamster and make him a unique and charming one!

Game features
- customize your pet and summon your favorite one
- In augment reality, play games with it and culmulate your favorability.
- Share its snapshots and videos with your family and friends


AR宠物-萌宠养成游戏 screenshot 1
AR宠物-萌宠养成游戏 screenshot 2
AR宠物-萌宠养成游戏 screenshot 3

Version History

Last version released 2629 days ago.

1.2Nov 14, 2017


1.1Nov 10, 2017


LaunchedNov 06, 2017

Other Information

In-App Products

1. 一大堆2400水晶$19.99
2. 一大袋550水晶$4.99
3. 一小堆1200水晶$9.99
4. 一小袋100水晶$0.99