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The My Home Credit App lets you manage your account, including making payments and see your account balance.
With the My Home Credit app, you'll have 24/7 access to your finances.
Version History
Last version released 1551 days ago.
“My Home Credit” App has been updated to align with functionality currently available on accounts.
“My Home Credit” App has been updated to align with functionality currently available on accounts.
This release includes updates for a smooth user experience.
Your security is always our highest priority, so this release is making sure the My Home Credit App is secure as possible.
•You’ll be able to view your Annual Summary Statements within the mobile app! Just navigate to the settings screen and tap “View Documents” in the “Statements & Documents” tile. They’ll be viewable in January 2020!
•We’ve added plus and minus buttons to the rewards slider so you can more precisely choose your rewards redemption amount.
Now when you log into your account on a new device, you can verify it by text message or email.
•You can now view your monthly statement in the app by navigating to the Settings screen
•Use your card, even if you don’t have your wallet – just connect your credit card to your Apple or Google Pay account and start purchasing with your phone
•Recently make a payment? Check-in on your payment status in Payment History
•You talked – we listened. Now when you register your account in the mobile app you can verify your device by text message.
•Enjoying the My Home Credit app? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Now you can leave a review directly in the app, just look for the pop up.
Need more spending power? Now you can request to have your credit limit increased. Just go to Settings, scroll down, then tap to Request Increase.
For more information, visit
• Checking your credit score just got way easier! Now you can check it right on the My Home Credit app. Plus – find out how small changes can affect your credit score with our Credit Simulator.
• Now you can update your address, phone number and email address directly on the app, under Settings / My Profile.
• Stay up-to-date with the latest on your account by turning on Text Messages. Just flip the switch in the Manage Account pane.
For more information, visit
You asked for it, so we gave it to you! In this latest update you can…
• Say “nah” to late fees. Enroll in AutoPay so you never miss a payment.
• Easily see your payment due date and minimum payment due right on the home screen.
• Manage any authorized user’s cards on your account by activating or freezing and unfreezing their cards. Think of it as a grown-up version of Red Light, Green Light. ;)
This My Home Credit App update includes payment activity tracking! You’ll now be able to view previous and upcoming payments right from the app.
This My Home Credit App update includes fixes and features for even easier use.
This update includes push notifications! You’ll now have the ability to opt in and out of alerts with a simple swipe. You can also choose if you’d like these alerts delivered to your email. One more thing— we resolved a minor bug when redeeming points.
This My Home Credit App update includes #basic bug fixes, and then some. This refresh:
•Does away with username case sensitivity, so you don’t have to remember if that one letter was capitalized.
•Says goodbye to general payment probs, so you can effortlessly manage your monthly dues right from the app, as intended.
For more information on the My Home Credit app, visit
Fix for crash caused by filtering transactions on the Activity screen.
iOS 11 and iPhone X improvements.
Minor bug fixes
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