Super 28
Play the 28 Card Game
Play the 28 Card Game
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Twenty-Eight is a popular trick-taking card game in India, especially in the Kerala region .
Super28 app plays the six player variant of the game where you can play solo or with up to five other friends online.
This is the a popular variant Twenty-Eight, the popular card game of Malayalam speakers all around world. This game is very similar to the 29 card game the 304 card game popular in Sri Lanka.
- Only app that plays the six player variant of the card game 28.
- Online game option to play with your friends
- Realistic rendering of game table with a minimalistic visual interface.
- Controllable game delays and sound effects.
- CC Match option for a challenging game and to improve card counting skills.
Recent Enhancements:
- Tricks review is limited to last trick for multiplayer games - all tricks are visible at end of game
- Option to send an alert (popup) message from chat - start message with : ( a colon)
- Opening bidder will have at-least one value card
- Drop cards to end a game at will (no need to play a decided game to end) - tap the blinking hand area at your turn
- Host's hand is no longer visible to players on Bench - can still watch the game from Host's perspective
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Version History
Last version released 1385 days ago.
App Privacy updates
Minor UI tweaks
Fix for level adjustment issue in CC game
Stability improvements
- Layout adjustments for new iPhone12 models
- New Claim(SHOW) option and animation for Fold (Concede)
- Simplified score reset by touching score
- UI tweaks and Stability improvements
- Updated help and iInstructions
- Rule Change: Bidding 28 now earns 3 base points for winning
- Chat icon shows an indicator for new messages form other players
- UI updates: new menu layout , moved Options and Help to menu for local games
- Player moves is now in Main (MOON) menu - no longer in the Bench view
- Multiple bug fixes for animation issues
- Fix for score reset issue after app is restated by host
- Added new backend options to improve stability
- Caching of profile images to reduct network traffic
- Kunuke options in scoring to add more fun to your games.
- Stability improvements
Minor fixes for connectivity issues.
Hot-fix for player rearrangement ( drag-n-drop) issue in version 3.3.
See the new features from 3.3 release.
Minor Enhancements:
- Tricks review is limited to last trick for multiplayer games - all tricks are visible at end of game
- Option to send an alert (popup) message from chat - start message with : ( a colon)
- Opening bidder will have at-least one value card
- Drop cards to end a game at will (no need to play a decided game to end) - tap the blinking hand area at your turn
- Host's hand is no longer visible to players on Bench - can still watch the game from Host's perspective
Reset score by tapping the Score Board (Host only for online games).
New Base Exchange match. Set Match durations like number of games or target score.
Ability to drop cards - no need to play all cards to a lost game.
NB: The above features are immediately available for local games, will be gradually enabled for online games.
Multiple fixes including fixes for sync issues in online games.
Stability improvements and Bug fixes.
Biggest upgrade since the original release - now you can play with your FRIENDS online.
Integrated chat functionality for online games.
NEW Landscape mode for iPad.
Multiple user experience enhancements.
Improvements to game play.
Minor tweaks.
Version 2.0 has many exciting features including a new game mode.
New Card Count Match for advanced players.
Full support for iPad, iPhone X in addition to all current iPhones.
User interface enhancements and improved game play.
Bug fixes
Bug fixes.
UI tweaks.
- Game state and score are saved between sessions.
- Fast Forward button to auto Bid and auto Play to End.
- Change card (suit) order in hand by swiping left or right.
- Minor bug fixes and UI tweaks.
Sound Effects
UI improvements
Better game play
Stability improvements
Enhanced User Interface
Improved Game Play
New configurable table style
Additional settings for time delays
Other Information
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