Bosch Smart Inspection
Smart asset inspections anywhere on any device
Smart asset inspections anywhere on any device
Total Ratings
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Bosch Smart Inspection: Manage your field service, measure team efficiency and schedule inspection and maintenance activities.
Safety First: Based on asset classification, you can manage the risk of your assets and field zones.
QR Code: Using individual codes, you can track all of your assets and keep the traceability of inspections performed.
An on-line/off-line responsive system – great for remote and underground areas with a geo-location and time related information, helping your team to keep track of assessments.
Dedicated Cloud Hosting: Secure 256-bit AES-TLS encryption, and lightning-fast infrastructure.
Version History
Last version released 822 days ago.
Bug Fixes.
Bug Fixes.
Bug Fixes.
Bug Fixes.
Bug Fixes.
Asset Transfers, Component Assets and various bug fixes.
Asset Transfers, Component Assets and various bug fixes.
Asset Transfers, Component Assets and various bug fixes.
Asset Transfers, Component Assets and various bug fixes.
Various bug fixes.
Various bug fixes.
Various bug fixes.
Various bug fixes.
Various bug fixes.
Various bug fixes.
Various bug fixes.
Allowed required signatures on inspections, custom field placeholders, and various bug fixes.
Allowed required signatures on inspections, custom field placeholders, and various bug fixes.
Fixed bug related to location permissions.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Adds support for android 12
Bug fixes
Fixes a bug where empty job statuses would stop data from coming down to the device.
Improves data sync around push notifications
Performance improvements
Performance improvements
Fixes a bug related to push notifications
Fixes a bug related to push notifications
Fixes a bug with newly onboards assets.
Fixes a bug with newly onboards assets.
- Fixes a bug with newly onboards assets.
Fixes a zone syncing issue, brings in an improved camera module.
Fixes bug related to syncing site assets
Fixes a push notification bug
- Fixes a location bug which caused a grey screen whilst completing an inspection.
- Sync process improvements.
- Introduces a new feature that allows technicians to capture their signature on inspections.
Improves down sync when switching devices
- Bug fixes.
- NFC scan capability.
- Improved Sync process.
Other Information
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