Ukrainian Railways

Find trains quickly. Reserve seats easily. Buy tickets for Ukrainian Railways.

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsNo
LaunchedAug 04, 2022
Store Categories
Applications|Travel & Local

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Tickets for all railway routes in a one-stop app

Pack your suitcase, and the app will take care of the rest. As fast as a high-speed train. As welcome as a hot cup of tea in the morning. As caring as the best conductors.

Available seats at your fingertips, and reservations in your pocket
— Search for tickets on trains and reserve seats in a flash
— Save passengers' info for ticket purchases
— Add your ticket to Wallet or share it

Timely reminders and useful news
— Get trip reminders and track numbers
— Stay up to date on train delays
— Keep up with Ukrainian Railways news

Have tickets at hand and return them as easily as ABC
— Show the ticket on your screen to a conductor
— View your train route
— Return tickets in a few seconds if your plans change

Don't hesitate to talk about your experience during the trip. Leave us feedback at any time.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at


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Version History

Releasing updates every 17 days on average. Last update 10 days ago.

2.2.5Mar 03, 2025

Get a greeting from Boris Johnson in the Iron Friends program!

1. Use the Ukrainian Railways app or website to buy a ticket for Johnson's seat. That's Seat 16 in Car 8 on Train 743 Kyiv — Lviv.
2. Follow Johnson's route and enjoy the trip.
3. Get the achievement, hugs, and a greeting from Johnson himself after the trip.

Claim the Johnsonuk achievement and share it with friends.

2.2.3Mar 03, 2025

Share tickets with your family and friends in a wink:
— Add close ones to the passengers in your profile.
— Toggle "Share tickets" on.
— Add the passenger's phone number.

Tickets purchased for passengers will automatically appear in their accounts. After the trip, they'll receive hugs.

The Iron Friends program now offers even more chances to earn hugs. Complete tasks, get rewards, and enjoy your travel!

2.2.0Jan 27, 2025

Share tickets with your family and friends in a wink:
— Add close ones to the passengers in your profile.
— Toggle "Share tickets" on.
— Add the passenger's phone number.

Tickets purchased for passengers will automatically appear in their accounts. After the trip, they'll receive hugs.

The Iron Friends program now offers even more chances to earn hugs. Complete tasks, get rewards, and enjoy your travel!

2.1.9Dec 25, 2024

We've added info about flagship trains.

Select a train and check out the info to learn about its history and available amenities. Explore Ukraine and visit picturesque spots on the Skovodorda, Chornomorets, Les Kubas, Leopolis, and Sicheslav trains.

We've also improved alerts about available seats. Find train tickets easily and travel with joy!

2.1.8Dec 25, 2024

We've added info about flagship trains.

Select a train and check out the info to learn about its history and available amenities. Explore Ukraine and visit picturesque spots on the Skovodorda, Chornomorets, Les Kubas, Leopolis, and Sicheslav trains.

We've also improved alerts about available seats. Find train tickets easily and travel with joy!

2.1.7Dec 12, 2024

We've added info about flagship trains.

Select a train and check out the info to learn about its history and available amenities. Explore Ukraine and visit picturesque spots on the Skovodorda, Chornomorets, Les Kubas, Leopolis, and Sicheslav trains.

We've also improved alerts about available seats. Find train tickets easily and travel with joy!

2.1.5Nov 23, 2024

We've added Interactive Notifications to the app. Now you can check your track number even when your screen's locked.

Just allow access to Interactive Notifications in your phone settings and be in the know. You'll have your train time and number, plus delay alerts on the go. Stay locked in!

2.1.4Nov 23, 2024

The app is more accessible to everyone

You can buy tickets in a breeze using the VoiceOver screen. Plus, we've spruced up the background and the font.

We've also added dark mode to improve your app experience. Select the display mode in your profile and enjoy every step of the way with Ukrainian Railways!

2.1.3Nov 04, 2024

The app is more accessible to everyone

You can buy tickets in a breeze using the VoiceOver screen. Plus, we've spruced up the background and the font.

We've also added dark mode to improve your app experience. Select the display mode in your profile and enjoy every step of the way with Ukrainian Railways!

2.1.1Sep 16, 2024

The app is more accessible to everyone

You can buy tickets in a breeze using the VoiceOver screen. Plus, we've spruced up the background and the font.

We've also added dark mode to improve your app experience. Select the display mode in your profile and enjoy every step of the way with Ukrainian Railways!

2.1.0Sep 16, 2024

The app is more accessible to everyone

You can buy tickets in a breeze using the VoiceOver screen. Plus, we've spruced up the background and the font.

We've also added dark mode to improve your app experience. Select the display mode in your profile and enjoy every step of the way with Ukrainian Railways!

2.0.5Aug 08, 2024

Monitor available seats on trains with ease. If you can't find tickets, we'll look for you.
As we prepare for the official release, we encourage you to test the service and help improve it.

— Configure monitoring to keep an eye on the seats you're looking for
— Be the first to know about tickets
— Set up auto-purchase

2.0.4Aug 08, 2024

Monitor available seats on trains with ease. If you can't find tickets, we'll look for you.
As we prepare for the official release, we encourage you to test the service and help improve it.

— Configure monitoring to keep an eye on the seats you're looking for
— Be the first to know about tickets
— Set up auto-purchase

2.0.3Jul 17, 2024

Monitor available seats on trains with ease. If you can't find tickets, we'll look for you.
As we prepare for the official release, we encourage you to test the service and help improve it.

— Configure monitoring to keep an eye on the seats you're looking for
— Be the first to know about tickets
— Set up auto-purchase

2.0.2Jun 10, 2024

Monitor available seats on trains with ease. If you can't find tickets, we'll look for you.
As we prepare for the official release, we encourage you to test the service and help improve it.

— Configure monitoring to keep an eye on the seats you're looking for
— Be the first to know about tickets
— Set up auto-purchase

1.11.7Mar 01, 2024

Find tickets in the blink of an eye
All trains are at your fingertips: direct, with transfers, and without available seats. View current routes and choose the one you need.

Get useful info along the way
After you buy the ticket, get it by email and add the trip to your calendar. We'll also show how many hugs you'll receive.

Monitor your refund status easily
If you return your ticket, go to the archive and track your refund's progress. If there's an issue, feel free to send us feedback.

1.11.6Feb 01, 2024

Find tickets in the blink of an eye
All trains are at your fingertips: direct, with transfers, and without available seats. View current routes and choose the one you need.

Get useful info along the way
After you buy the ticket, get it by email and add the trip to your calendar. We'll also show how many hugs you'll receive.

Monitor your refund status easily
If you return your ticket, go to the archive and track your refund's progress. If there's an issue, feel free to send us feedback.

1.11.1Jan 31, 2024

Find tickets in the blink of an eye
All trains are at your fingertips: direct, with transfers, and without available seats. View current routes and choose the one you need.

Get useful info along the way
After you buy the ticket, get it by email and add the trip to your calendar. We'll also show how many hugs you'll receive.

Monitor your refund status easily
If you return your ticket, go to the archive and track your refund's progress. If there's an issue, feel free to send us feedback.

1.10.1Dec 23, 2023

Verification via Diia

We've added the ability to verify your account via Diia.Signature in your profile. And you can rest assured that your info will be safely encrypted and secured.

Once you verify your account, your info will auto-fill in your profile so you can easily buy tickets in any direction in a flash.

1.10.0Nov 06, 2023

Verification via Diia

We've added the ability to verify your account via Diia.Signature in your profile. And you can rest assured that your info will be safely encrypted and secured.

Once you verify your account, your info will auto-fill in your profile so you can easily buy tickets in any direction in a flash.

1.9.6Oct 30, 2023

Trips bring you gifts

Every kilometer you travel turns into hugs. Exchange them for promo codes and get gifts!

1.9.4Oct 04, 2023

Trips bring you gifts

Every kilometer you travel turns into hugs. Exchange them for promo codes and get gifts!

1.9.3Sep 12, 2023

Trips bring you gifts

Every kilometer you travel turns into hugs. Exchange them for promo codes and get gifts!

1.9.2Sep 12, 2023

Trips bring you gifts

Every kilometer you travel turns into hugs. Exchange them for promo codes and get gifts!

1.9.1Aug 22, 2023

Trips bring you gifts

Every kilometer you travel turns into hugs. Exchange them for promo codes and get gifts!

1.9.0Aug 08, 2023

Trips bring you gifts

Every kilometer you travel turns into hugs. Exchange them for promo codes and get gifts!

1.8.0Jul 18, 2023

Finding transfer trips is easy as pie

If there are no direct trains, you can now search for tickets with a transfer. No need to delay, just look for other ways!

1.7.3Jun 28, 2023

Get back home without a snag:
— Buy round-trip tickets at the touch of a button
— Get a 10% discount if you travel to a place and back on InterCity+ trains

You can always bring your cat or dog on a train and add a pet travel document even after you've bought your ticket.

1.7.2May 23, 2023

Get back home without a snag:
— Buy round-trip tickets at the touch of a button
— Get a 10% discount if you travel to a place and back on InterCity+ trains

You can always bring your cat or dog on a train and add a pet travel document even after you've bought your ticket.

1.7.1May 08, 2023

Get back home without a snag:
— Buy round-trip tickets at the touch of a button
— Get a 10% discount if you travel to a place and back on InterCity+ trains

You can always bring your cat or dog on a train and add a pet travel document even after you've bought your ticket.

1.7.0Apr 20, 2023

Get back home without a snag:
— Buy round-trip tickets at the touch of a button
— Get a 10% discount if you travel to a place and back on InterCity+ trains

You can always bring your cat or dog on a train and add a pet travel document even after you've bought your ticket.

1.6.0Mar 16, 2023

Ukrainian Railways now speaks English:

— Find train routes and reserve seats in a flash
— Buy discounted tickets
— Get trip reminders before your departure

Switch to English in your profile and enjoy new features. Rumor has it Boris Johnson already knows how to buy tickets in the app with ease!

1.5.2Jan 29, 2023

#залізнізміни знаходять шлях до Варшави. Дбаємо, щоб вам вдалося спіймати невловимі місця до столиці Польщі. Купуйте в застосунку квитки на рейс Київ — Хелм та дізнавайтеся, як зручно пересісти на потяг до Варшави.

1.5.1Jan 14, 2023

#залізнізміни для подорожей з усім своїм. Придбайте перевізні квитки та подорожуйте з домашнім улюбленцем і сорокакілограмовою валізою подарунків для всієї родини.

А ще — переглядайте у вашому профілі статистику подорожей і накопичуйте бонуси за кожні 100 кілометрів.

1.5.0Dec 27, 2022

#залізнізміни для подорожей з усім своїм. Придбайте перевізні квитки та подорожуйте з домашнім улюбленцем і сорокакілограмовою валізою подарунків для всієї родини.

А ще — переглядайте у вашому профілі статистику подорожей і накопичуйте бонуси за кожні 100 кілометрів.

1.4.0Dec 03, 2022

#залізнізміни потребують ваших відгуків. Оцінюйте подорожі та роботу провідників і діліться з нами враженнями. А ми помчимо прибирати в кожному куточку вагона, дбати про найсвіжішу постіль і співати колискові гучним сусідам, якщо заважають вам виспатися вночі.

А ще в нас приємна новина для студентів — квитки зі студентськими знижками відтепер можна придбати в застосунку!

1.3.1Nov 24, 2022

#залізнізміни рушають у Польщу. Зручно купуйте квитки на рейси до Хелма, Пшемисля чи Варшави.

А ще — переглядайте маршрути всіх потягів. Дізнавайтеся точний час зупинок і завчасно плануйте, коли вийти на станції розім’ятися та з близькими обійнятися.

1.3.1 - додали можливість ручного оновлення жестом на екрані зі списком квитків

1.3.0Oct 30, 2022

#залізнізміни рушають у Польщу. Зручно купуйте квитки на рейси до Хелма, Пшемисля чи Варшави.

А ще — переглядайте маршрути всіх потягів. Дізнавайтеся точний час зупинок і завчасно плануйте, коли вийти на станції розім’ятися та з близькими обійнятися.

1.2.0Sep 13, 2022

#залізнізміни прибувають за розкладом. Відтепер табло вокзалів України завжди буде під рукою:

1. Вибирайте станцію зі списку.
2. Дізнавайтеся про відправлення та прибуття потягів.
3. Будьте в курсі затримок й інших змін руху.

Завчасно плануйте подорожі та теплі зустрічі біля перону. Нехай вам більше не доводиться марно чекати чи задихано наздоганяти потяги.

1.1.0Aug 15, 2022

Виправили кілька помилок, зробили користування комфортнішим і попросили ніколи не продавати квитки у ваш вагон пасажирам, що беруть у дорогу варені яйця та солоні огірки.

LaunchedAug 04, 2022

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