Funny Fireworks

Really funny fireworks. This game is incredible. Fun and explode the fireworks.

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsYes
LaunchedJul 07, 2014
Store Categories

Total Ratings

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You will love this fireworks game.
When first played, you may not be able to correctly touch the fireworks with your hands. Play the Funny Fireworks game continuously for a few hours or days, and you will be surprised at the mobile development of your hands.
Playing the application too much amount of time or leaving the children alone with the mobile phone or tablet pc is not encouraged.


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Version History

Last version released 416 days ago.

2.0Jan 25, 2024

Some minor changes.

1.1.8Jun 07, 2016

v 1.1.8
Some minor changes.
v 1.1.7
Remove ads button added
v 1.1.6
Minor changes
v 1.1.5
Minor changes
v 1.1.3
Some bugs are fixed
v 1.1.0
Mute button is added.
Some bugs are fixed.
Some optimization settings are made.
v 1.0.1
Some bugs are fixed

1.1.7Jun 06, 2016

1.1.6Aug 16, 2015

Your toddlers and babies will love this fireworks game.
When first played, your todddlers and babies may not be able to correctly touch the fireworks with his/her little hands. Play the Funny Fireworks game with your baby continuously for a few hours or days, and you will be surprised at the mobile development of your baby's hand coordination.
Fireworks Baby game must be played in the presence of a mother or father, and you are strongly encouraged to guide your baby through the game for a few days at first.
When to play!
When your baby is hungry or will not stop crying, playing this game can get your baby's attention (Various sounds and animated shapes will stimulate your baby's curiosity).
This game is exceptionally handy for parrents who spend time with their babies but cannot figure out how to spend that time usefully.
This game may be too advanced for infants under 6 months old.
Playing the application too much amount of time or leaving the children alone with the mobile phone or tablet pc is not encouraged.

1.1.5Aug 13, 2015

Your toddlers and babies will love this fireworks game.
When first played, your todddlers and babies may not be able to correctly touch the fireworks with his/her little hands. Play the Funny Fireworks game with your baby continuously for a few hours or days, and you will be surprised at the mobile development of your baby's hand coordination.
Fireworks Baby game must be played in the presence of a mother or father, and you are strongly encouraged to guide your baby through the game for a few days at first.
When to play!
When your baby is hungry or will not stop crying, playing this game can get your baby's attention (Various sounds and animated shapes will stimulate your baby's curiosity).
This game is exceptionally handy for parrents who spend time with their babies but cannot figure out how to spend that time usefully.
This game may be too advanced for infants under 6 months old.
Playing the application too much amount of time or leaving the children alone with the mobile phone or tablet pc is not encouraged.

1.1.4Apr 02, 2015

Your toddlers and babies will love this fireworks game.
When first played, your todddlers and babies may not be able to correctly touch the fireworks with his/her little hands. Play the Funny Fireworks game with your baby continuously for a few hours or days, and you will be surprised at the mobile development of your baby's hand coordination.
Fireworks Baby game must be played in the presence of a mother or father, and you are strongly encouraged to guide your baby through the game for a few days at first.
When to play!
When your baby is hungry or will not stop crying, playing this game can get your baby's attention (Various sounds and animated shapes will stimulate your baby's curiosity).
This game is exceptionally handy for parrents who spend time with their babies but cannot figure out how to spend that time usefully.
This game may be too advanced for infants under 6 months old.
Playing the application too much amount of time or leaving the children alone with the mobile phone or tablet pc is not encouraged.

1.1.3Dec 14, 2014

Your toddlers and babies will love this fireworks game.
When first played, your todddlers and babies may not be able to correctly touch the fireworks with his/her little hands. Play the Funny Fireworks game with your baby continuously for a few hours or days, and you will be surprised at the mobile development of your baby's hand coordination.
Fireworks Baby game must be played in the presence of a mother or father, and you are strongly encouraged to guide your baby through the game for a few days at first.
When to play!
When your baby is hungry or will not stop crying, playing this game can get your baby's attention (Various sounds and animated shapes will stimulate your baby's curiosity).
This game is exceptionally handy for parrents who spend time with their babies but cannot figure out how to spend that time usefully.
This game may be too advanced for infants under 6 months old.
Playing the application too much amount of time or leaving the children alone with the mobile phone or tablet pc is not encouraged.

LaunchedJul 07, 2014

Other Information