EVC Manager - For Hormuud and Golis
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EVC Manager is very-easy-to-use productivity app that helps you manage your EVC Plus and SAHAL transactions for Hormuud and Golis. Note: EVC Manager does not have access to your EVC/Sahal accounts. It just reads SMS messages that come to your phone after you make EVC transaction.
Some of the features included in EVC Manager are:
- EVC Manager gives summary and detailed reports of EVC/Sahal transactions: one-by-one, daily, monthly and by number.
- Filter Transactions by type (receive, send, airtime, etc.)
- Search EVC/Sahal transactions by number.
- Language setting to either English or Somali.
- Autocomplete feature: you don't have to type all digits when sending EVC. EVC Manager will show the list of numbers that you sent EVC/Sahal previously.
- Sending EVC/Sahal in group. This feature is good for people who send money to multiple people such as when paying salary.
- EVC/Sahal Manager uses very small storage as it does not store EVC data. it generates dynamically when you start the app based on EVC SMS records already present on your device.
- EVC Manager is very safe app, it DOES NOT store personal data like other apps and it DOES NOT have the power to access your EVC account.
You will find many more good features in EVC Manager when you start using it.
We welcome your feedback. Please give us 5-star if you like the app.
EVC Manager waa barnaamij sahlan oo kaa caawinaya sidii aad u maamula laheyd dhaqdhaqaaqa EVC ama Sahal ee Hormuud iyo Golis
Waxyaabaha ugu waaweyn ood ka helayso barnaamijkaan waxaa ka mid ah:
- Wuxuu ku tusayaa dhaq-dhaqaaqa EVC/Sahal oo faahfaahsan iyo asagoo kooban: halhal, maalinle, bib-bil, iyo nabar ahaan.
- kala sooc dhaqdhaaqa EVC/Sahal ( filtering)
- Raadi dhaqdhaqaag gooni ah adoo isticmaalaya nambar ama magac
- Luqadda aad rabto ka dhigo, Somaali ama Ingriis.
- EVC Koox hal mar u dir. Arrintaan waxay caawineysa dadka u baahan inay hal mar dhowr qof lacag u diraan sida dadka mushaarka bixiya
- EVC Manager meemori badan kaama isticmaalayo. Daatada wuxuu diyaaninayaa markaad soo kiciso.
-EVC Manager wuxuu leeyahay dhamaystire. Markii aad EVC dirayso, wuxuu ku tusayaa nambaradii hore oo wax u dirtay si aad mid oga doorato.
- EVC Manager waa sugan yahay dhinaca nabad galyada. OGOW: barnaamijkaan awood uma laha inuu wax ka ogaado, akonkaaga EVCga. Wuxuu kaliya oo aqri kara farriimaha EVCga.
Waxyaabo badan oo kale ayaad ka heli doontaa barnaamijkaan.
Waxaan rajeynayaa inaad jeclaa doonto. Haddii aad jecleysato 5-xidig ku dhufo.
Waa soo dhaweyneynaa ra'yigaaga qaaliga ah.
Version History
Last version released 2261 days ago.
disable firebase analytics so that advertising ID is not used.
-- fixed few bugs
- fixed a bug that was causing a crash in few situations
- improved User Interface and fonts
- fixed language change issue
-- fixed security exception
- fixed bugs
- improved performance and stability
version 1.4
- added Golis - Sahal Manager
- improved Transaction filtering.
- a lot of minor improvement
fixed couple of bugs
updated layout for tablet screens
fixed bug in formatting money when sending.
version 1.3.5
-bug fixes and some improvements