Spider Solitaire is the most addictive and challenging classic card game.
Spider Solitaire is the most addictive and challenging classic card game.
Total Ratings
Spider Solitaire is the most popular free classic solitaire game!
If you are a big fan of classic Solitaire, Spiderette, classic Klondike solitaire, FreeCell Solitaire games, Pyramid Solitaire, Tripeaks Casino card games or any other casual card games, you will love this card game!
How to Play
To win a game of spider solitaire, all cards must be removed from the table, assembling them in the tableau before removing them. Initially, 54 cards are dealt to the tableau in ten piles, face down except for the top cards. The tableau piles build down by rank, and in-suit sequences can be moved together. The 50 remaining cards can be dealt to the tableau ten at a time when none of the piles are empty.
* Features *
- Background styles
- Card styles
- Leaderboard
- Difficulty of Easy, Hard, and Expert
- Beautiful HD graphics
- Hints for free when you get stuck
- Undo for free when you want to backup
Version History
Last version released 220 days ago.
Fix bugs
Fix bugs
Fix bugs
Fix bugs
Optimized design.
New leaderboards and achievements.
Fix bugs
Fix Bug.
Performance optimization
Performance optimization
Let's play Spider Solitaire!