Search, filter and check the current ERP charges.
Search, filter and check the current ERP charges.
Total Ratings
GP ratings are temporarily unavailable
Search, filter and check the current ERP charges.
Plot and check your ERP charges to your destination.
Display all ERP gantries and cost.
Show live traffic condition, duration and distance.
Save your favourite address - Home or Work.
Display the number of active and upcoming ERP gantries.
Set your departure time and check the traffic situation and ERP active at that time.
Select your mode of transport.
Display all ERP gantries and respective charges at different timings.
Source of information: ERP Rates provided by LTA DataMall (, sourced from the ERP Rates dataset which is made available under the terms of the Singapore Open Data Licence version 1.0
Disclaimer: We do not represent the government entity.
Version History
Releasing updates every about 2 months on average. Last update 120 days ago.
- Improve performance
- Improve performance
- Improve performance
- Additional location address
Fixed Minor Issues
- Update ERP gantries info
- Display all the speed cameras along the journey
- Fixed minor issues
- Fixed minor issues
- Fixed minor issues
- Display additional timings for ERP when passing through
- Fixed minor issues
- Fixed darkmode issues
- Minor Fixes
- Minor Fixes
- Traffic condition to reflect to actual departure time
- New feature to save location address
- Minor fixes
- Settings to set current day to (weekdays or saturday)
- Darkmode for Map
- Display ERP gantries within 30 mins before active
- Update travel duration for motorbike
- Fixed map boundary issues
- Update traffic status color code
- Avoid ERP and Expressways feature
- Display distance and duration
- Display steps to get to the destination
- Minor fixes
- Fixed Map issues
- Minor fixes
- Fixed ERP coordinates
- Minor fixes
- Fixed map issues
- Fixed setting issues
- Fixed ERP rates issues
- Fixed ERP rates on Weekend
- Fixed Settings issues
- Fixed Reset issue in Direction
- Update ERP info
- New routes feature to calculate ERP cost
- Update ERP info
Other Information
Show Details