SBI Life Smart Advisor
SBI Life Smart Advisor is a Mobile Application for SBI Life Insurance Advisors.
SBI Life Smart Advisor is a Mobile Application for SBI Life Insurance Advisors.
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SBI Life Smart Advisor is a Mobile Application specifically developed to provide SBI Life Insurance Advisors access to their key business data like Policy & Customer details, Product & Premium details, News & Updates on SBI Life etc.
To register please use your Agency online id (example IA99999999) & agency online password.
The application have many useful features for you, like :
- Dashboard containing summary of your MTD & YTD business
- Planner to manage your meetings
- Reports to check Policy List, Policy Details, Customer Details, Renewal Due List ,Maturity List etc.
- Commission details
- Premium Calculator & Product Details
- Links to our website to check NAV, Download Forms etc.
- News & Updates from SBI Life.
We have integrated the payment acknowledgement module in this release of Smart advisor . Advisor has to select Renewal premium option from the menu they have simply key the policy number and dob of the customer on click button policy details will populate . Once data would populate they have to key cheque or draft details and finally click on submit button. In case of new business they have simply key the proposal number and cheque details and finally click on synch button.
Version History
Releasing updates every 7 days on average. Last update 4 days ago.
Incorporated Retire Smart Plus
Incorporated Smart Annuity Plus
New Product Incorporated
-Smart Platina Plus
Incorporated eShield Next.
We have introduced new Saral Pension and Saral Retirement Saver products
Added NRI Payment Link under New Business.
1. Introduces new Product Saral Jeevan Bima (2Q)
2. Updated NPS report
3. Implemented CAPTCHA in login and registration page
Incorporated Product
- Smart Future Choices
Monthly Graduation Allowance report added in LM Corner.
Covid Self Declaration enabled to UM,BSM,DSM.
Incorporated following
- Covid & DOGH Questionnaire for group members.
Incorporated DGH in this build.
- Annuity Plus Version 9 added.
Reports Incorporated
- Unclaimed Data
- Unrealised Data
integrated PAN and ID Card document upload in to Document Re-Upload menu
Incorporated View Medical TeleMER Status in Underwriting.
COVID Questionnaire option added in Send Link (Underwriting).
Added NPS Score Comparison with Last FY.
Incorporated following
- Send Link in Underwriting
- Send MHR Link (Agent Own Life) in New Business
- Smart Platina Assure Version 3
Incorporated Short MHR
incorporated following
- Branchwise Persistency(Applicable to Bancasurrance channel)
- Send eMandate Link
Incorporated new feature
- Covid-19 Questionnaire
incorporated e mhr format, PIWC send link
New Payment gateway Paytm integrated into Renewal Due List
Following Products Updated
- Saral Shield
- Saral Pension
- Shubh Nivesh
Following Products Updated
- Smart Champ Insurance
- Smart Scholar
- Smart Swadhan Plus
- Smart Shield
- Updated 3 products
- Smart Money Back Gold
- Sampoorn Cancer Suraksha
- Poorna Suraksha
- Added NPS & MHR
Digital MHR Notification added.
LM Survey is removed.
Incorporated Branchwise SP List and LM COT - TOT report
Incorporated Annuity Plus for Insta PIVC
Integrated 61,37 Months Persistency.
Integrated offline kyc
- Incorporated KFC
- Updated Smart Platina Assure
Incorporated LM Club Membership
We have incorporated new features
- Policy Dispatch Tracker
- Branchwise Renewal List
- Claim Notification
- New Product Smart Platina Assure Incorporated.
- Smart Bachat Version 2 Added
- Aadhar QR Scan Added
Operations Quality Score Card can be seen in hierarchy by top level User.
Annuity UIN number changed.
Toll free number updated
-Introduced Operations Quality Score Card for Sales Hierarchy
-Updated Insta PIWC
Incorporated Insta PIWC in Smart Bachat, Smart Elite, Smart Wealth Builder, Smart Money Back Gold, Smart Swadhan Plus and Smart Privilege products
Incorporated new products Smart Samriddhi, Saral InsureWealth Plus, Smart InsureWealth Plus.
Incorporated Surakshit Aadhar.
Incorporated View medical status, Alternate mode Collection Status reports
Incorporated Rinn Raksha Propposal Tracker, Auto Mandate Status List, Upgraded Download/Share PPC etc.
Incorporated PPC download in Servicing along with send email option & Premium Acknowledgement Receipt in New Business of Servicing.
Revival Campaign & Revival Quotation introduced.
New version of Smart Shield is integrated.
NB-ekyc and Linked Aadhar remove.
Integrated one pager in CIF enrollment module
Incorporated Mandate Status.
updated ekyc 2.5
We have incorporated pending requirement notification and proposal logged notification to UM’s and BDM’s and when you click on notification it will redirect in detail. 13 month rolling persistency report availability to all sales hierarchy.
We have incorporated pending requirement notification and proposal logged notification to UM’s and BDM’s and when you click on notification it will redirect in detail. 13 month rolling persistency report availability to all sales hierarchy.
- Integrated CRM Next
- Incorporated 13 M Rolling Persistency
Introduced eKYC module for New Business source.
User can upload pdf documents also through Upload All Documents in Requirement Upload menu.
Added an additional new feature in Smart Advisor plus to upload all requirement documents for Individual and Rinn Raksha.
Incorporated linking policy through AADHAAR
Poorna Suraksha calculator and CBI incorporated in this build.
In Banca hierarchy apart from CIF and BDM now AM, SAM and ZAM can check the logged proposal, policies and their various report of respective advisor account.
In Retail hierarchy apart from Agent and UM now BSM and DSM can check the logged proposal, policies and their various report of respective advisor account.
UM can use the Smart Advisor Application
UM can use the Smart Advisor Application
Notification for EFT Payment cases where proposal form is yet to receive.
Launching new GO APP menu for the groups operation department.
Smart Advisor module would enable the interested SBI bank employee to place the request for CIF enrollment at real time through this application. Complete communication would be paper less.
Bugs fixed
Additional new product Sampoorn Cancer Suraksha incorporated in this build.
HLV Planner incorporated in this build.This Planner takes basic parameter of customer and give insite to their investment.
We have removed J & K discount from business illustration.
Smart Advisor Plus is now available for Sales force . This app having enhanced UI with PIN/OTP/Email based authentication . Apart from that enhanced dashboard and much more additional features are available.
-Added Revised Version of Rinn Raksha
-Introduced SB Due List
-Updated Maturity List
-Introduced SB Due List
-Updated Maturity List
-Introduced SB Due List
-Updated Maturity List
-Added Need Analysis Video
-Added Complaint Tracker for Agents
Additional feature includes tab of "Advisor Proposals Status" through which list of proposal numbers for specific duration and specific status will get reflected for logged in advisor.
- New Annuity rate updated
We have incorporated new Smart Bachat Product in Products and Premium Calculator Section.
We have incorporated the additional feature in this release to check the auto-mandate status of the keyed policy number at real-time.
We have incorporated the additional feature in this release to check the auto-mandate status of the keyed policy number at real-time.
We have incorporated Retirement Planner and a new version of Need Analysis.
We have incorporated Sales Kit.
We have incorporated Saral Swadhan+ product in Premium Calculator and Product Section.
We have incorporated PIWC in Reports Section.
We have updated Links section by adding Abridged financial UW guidelines link.
We have incorporated KYC document upload module for uploading the requirement documents for specific proposals. Apart from that we have incorporated new feature “Track your Proposal “. Through this feature advisor would track the status of the proposal with reason. Reason will appear in case cancelled proposal cases.
We have incorporated KYC document upload module for uploading the requirement documents for specific proposals. Apart from that we have incorporated new feature “Track your Proposal “. Through this feature advisor would track the status of the proposal with reason. Reason will appear in case cancelled proposal cases.
We have incorporated KYC document upload module for uploading the requirement documents for specific proposals. Apart from that we have incorporated new feature “Track your Proposal “. Through this feature advisor would track the status of the proposal with reason. Reason will appear in case cancelled proposal cases.
We have incorporated KYC document upload module for uploading the requirement documents for specific proposals. Apart from that we have incorporated new feature “Track your Proposal “. Through this feature advisor would track the status of the proposal with reason. Reason will appear in case cancelled proposal cases.
We have incorporated KYC document upload module for uploading the requirement documents for specific proposals. Apart from that we have incorporated new feature “Track your Proposal “. Through this feature advisor would track the status of the proposal with reason. Reason will appear in case cancelled proposal cases.
Smart advisor updated version having new version of Smart Shield and other 6 products.
Smart advisor updated version having new version of Smart Shield and other 6 products.
Smart advisor updated version having new version of Smart Shield and other 6 products.
Smart advisor updated version having additional module to generate NA+ CBI through application by sales advisor.
SBI Life Smart Advisor is a Mobile Application specifically developed to provide SBI Life Insurance Advisors access to their key business data like Policy & Customer details, Product & Premium details, News & Updates on SBI Life etc.
To register please use your Agency online id (example IA99999999) & agency online password.
The application have many useful features for you, like :
- Dashboard containing summary of your MTD & YTD business
- Planner to manage your meetings
- Reports to check Policy List, Policy Details, Customer Details, Renewal Due List ,Maturity List etc.
- Commission details
- Premium Calculator & Product Details
- Links to our website to check NAV, Download Forms etc.
- News & Updates from SBI Life.
We have integrated the payment acknowledgement module in this release of Smart advisor . Advisor has to select Renewal premium option from the menu they have simply key the policy number and dob of the customer on click button policy details will populate . Once data would populate they have to key cheque or draft details and finally click on submit button. In case of new business they have simply key the proposal number and cheque details and finally click on synch button.
SBI Life Smart Advisor is a Mobile Application specifically developed to provide SBI Life Insurance Advisors access to their key business data like Policy & Customer details, Product & Premium details, News & Updates on SBI Life etc.
To register please use your Agency online id (example IA99999999) & agency online password.
The application have many useful features for you, like :
- Dashboard containing summary of your MTD & YTD business
- Planner to manage your meetings
- Reports to check Policy List, Policy Details, Customer Details, Renewal Due List ,Maturity List etc.
- Commission details
- Premium Calculator & Product Details
- Links to our website to check NAV, Download Forms etc.
- News & Updates from SBI Life.
We have integrated the payment acknowledgement module in this release of Smart advisor . Advisor has to select Renewal premium option from the menu they have simply key the policy number and dob of the customer on click button policy details will populate . Once data would populate they have to key cheque or draft details and finally click on submit button. In case of new business they have simply key the proposal number and cheque details and finally click on synch button.
SBI Life Smart Advisor is a Mobile Application specifically developed to provide SBI Life Insurance Advisors access to their key business data like Policy & Customer details, Product & Premium details, News & Updates on SBI Life etc.
To register please use your Agency online id (example IA99999999) & agency online password.
The application have many useful features for you, like :
- Dashboard containing summary of your MTD & YTD business
- Planner to manage your meetings
- Reports to check Policy List, Policy Details, Customer Details, Renewal Due List ,Maturity List etc.
- Commission details
- Premium Calculator & Product Details
- Links to our website to check NAV, Download Forms etc.
- News & Updates from SBI Life.
We have integrated the payment acknowledgement module in this release of Smart advisor . Advisor has to select Renewal premium option from the menu they have simply key the policy number and dob of the customer on click button policy details will populate . Once data would populate they have to key cheque or draft details and finally click on submit button. In case of new business they have simply key the proposal number and cheque details and finally click on synch button.
SBI Life Smart Advisor is a Mobile Application specifically developed to provide SBI Life Insurance Advisors access to their key business data like Policy & Customer details, Product & Premium details, News & Updates on SBI Life etc.
To register please use your Agency online id (example IA99999999) & agency online password.
The application have many useful features for you, like :
- Dashboard containing summary of your MTD & YTD business
- Planner to manage your meetings
- Reports to check Policy List, Policy Details, Customer Details, Renewal Due List ,Maturity List etc.
- Commission details
- Premium Calculator & Product Details
- Links to our website to check NAV, Download Forms etc.
- News & Updates from SBI Life.
SBI Life Smart Advisor is a Mobile Application specifically developed to provide SBI Life Insurance Advisors access to their key business data like Policy & Customer details, Product & Premium details, News & Updates on SBI Life etc.
To register please use your Agency online id (example IA99999999) & agency online password.
The application have many useful features for you, like :
- Dashboard containing summary of your MTD & YTD business
- Planner to manage your meetings
- Reports to check Policy List, Policy Details, Customer Details, Renewal Due List ,Maturity List etc.
- Commission details
- Premium Calculator & Product Details
- Links to our website to check NAV, Download Forms etc.
- News & Updates from SBI Life.
SBI Life Smart Advisor is a Mobile Application specifically developed to provide SBI Life Insurance Advisors access to their key business data like Policy & Customer details, Product & Premium details, News & Updates on SBI Life etc.
To register please use your Agency online id (example IA99999999) & agency online password.
The application have many useful features for you, like :
- Dashboard containing summary of your MTD & YTD business
- Planner to manage your meetings
- Reports to check Policy List, Policy Details, Customer Details, Renewal Due List ,Maturity List etc.
- Commission details
- Premium Calculator & Product Details
- Links to our website to check NAV, Download Forms etc.
- News & Updates from SBI Life.
Other Information
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