PSU Student
This app can access to your information at any time.
This app can access to your information at any time.
Total Ratings
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Prince of Songkla University wants everyone to be connected all the time. This app can access to your information at any time.
Provides the following service:
You can access your student information
- view registration result
- view grade result
- view class schedule
- view exam schedule
- view thesis
- view payment info / payment transaction
- view advisory note
- view your profile
Version History
Last version released 1712 days ago.
Bug fixes and improve performance.
New Release
PSU Student is an application, suitable for student or alumni who want to know a student information. You can access anywhere, anytime.
- Virtual Student Card
- Notification
- Announcement
- Thesis/Minor
- Registration Result
- Grade Result
- Advisory
- Finance
- Exam Schedule
- Class Schedule
- Profile
Other Information
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