Journal Club: Medicine
Internal medicine literature at your fingertips.
Internal medicine literature at your fingertips.
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We added the word 'Medicine' to our app's name but kept its heart and soul (and content) the same. We still put internal medicine literature at your fingertips and are still continuing to deliver 3+ new reviews of classic and contemporary landmark publications every month.
Powered by Wiki Journal Club, Journal Club for Android focuses on the top articles in internal medicine and puts landmark trials at your fingertips. Written by physicians, these article summaries are distilled into bite-size morsels that clinicians can digest quickly. Think of it as CliffsNotes for medical research.
Journal Club includes many landmark clinical trials published in the past century, focusing on the practice-changing studies that internists and medical subspecialists ought to know handily. That means we're more likely to cover the 1981 NCDS study of dialysis in ESRD, and less likely to cover your favorite study of lixisenatide in patients with diabetes that's hot off the press.
-Simple, intuitive interface
-Concise bottom lines
-Relevant major points
-Links to PubMed and primary literature
-Sort trials by name, date, specialty, and disease
-Share summaries with colleagues
-Integrated search
Version History
Last version released 305 days ago.
Fixed some minor bugs. As always, Journal Club: Medicine's content automatically updates in between app versions.
Squashed bugs and other minor updates so we can continue delivering high-quality Internal Medicine literature to your fingertips! In 10/2019, we passed our 400th review. More reviews will keep coming monthly in between app updates.
Squashed bugs and other minor updates so we can continue delivering high-quality Internal Medicine literature to your fingertips! In 10/2019, we passed our 400th review. More reviews will keep coming monthly in between app updates.
v1.4.2 - 2016-06-10: Update bug fix.
v1.4.1 - 2015-11-11: Small bug squashed.
v1.4.0 - 2015-10-17: Favorites, material design, & reference pop-ups.
v1.1 - 2013-05-24: Search for your favorite articles! Toast notifications let you know what updates and new summaries are added. Dotted underlines for articles not yet usable.