Lilo - Search with substance
Your internet searches fund for free social and environmental projects
Your internet searches fund for free social and environmental projects
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Say Hello to Lilo, the search engine which funds life changing projects of your choice; for free.
We all know what a search engine is. And we're pretty sure you use one most days. What you might not know is that your searches on the internet generate money through advertising.
Now, imagine a search engine that uses this money to fund social and environmental projects. Imagine that you're the one who decides where the money you generate with advertising goes. Imagine supporting projects you care about simply through your searches. Wouldn't that be amazing?
Well, say hello to Lilo. Lilo is the search engine designed to provide great search results and do some good along the way.
One last thing (which means a lot to us) : we promise your searches will never be spied on or sold.
Version History
Last version released 345 days ago.
Bug fixing following up on the target SDK update
Better tracking of user behaviour on SERP
Fixing various bugs
This update contains several fixes and new features to make your first use more comfortable.
Patching some crashes on old devices.
Security updates
Fixing crashes
We fixed some crash issues and added a feature you've been asking us for a while: The History !
Patch of stability issues.
This new version comes with fixes around old versions of Android.
Resolving file download issues.
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