Unofficial vMix Remote Control
Control your vMix video switcher from your phone
Control your vMix video switcher from your phone
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vMix is an exceptional software video switcher for live production and other video production uses.
This attractive app allows you to use your tablet or phone as a remote control surface for vMix.
Currently, we support every single vMix command although the screen is not cluttered with them. On the main remote screen, you have quick access to selecting inputs for preview or program, selecting inputs for overlays, and triggering fade and cut transitions.
Additionally, each input has a menu item allowing you access to every vMix command available for that input and you can create your own custom menu of your favorite vMix commands!
Plus, this app includes all the functions of my Unofficial vMix Tally app.
vMix does not provide an API for getting images from the various inputs, but I have created a workaround. If you run my vMix Snapshot Proxy (available at github here: ), this app will use it to grab preview images from vMix and display them in the app.
Version History
Last version released 369 days ago.
Performance improvements for newer devices. Now supports all features for vMix 27+
This version now allows auto-launching directly to a pre-configured Tally display.
Minor edits to the help page.
Added an internal timer to automatically reconnect to vMix after the app has been idle for a time.
You can now play, pause, and restart audio files and video files directly from the app!
This is a major bugfix... previously, the app would crash whenever UTF-8 characters were used in the name of an input. It took me forever to figure out where the problem was, but we are all good now. The app should work reliably now regardless of your vMix input names!
This release includes a number of major improvements. Input snapshots can now be viewed by setting up a small nodejs server (see on the vMix computer, and every single function exposed by the vMix API can now be called directly from the app. Plus, API functions can be stored as "favorites" or quick shortcuts.
Bug fixes