Clínic Barcelona
Brings you the digital features of the hospital into your cellphone
Brings you the digital features of the hospital into your cellphone
Total Ratings
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Accompany a patient into the ER remotely, or through the motions of the operation room.
Find the way in the hospital hallways or browse veracious information at PortalCLÍNIC.
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona’s App brings you, in a single application, all the digital features currently underway at the hospital.
Version History
Releasing updates every 3 months on average. Last update 94 days ago.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
At Hospital Clínic we are committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our app. For this reason, when we detect an aspect to improve or some bug, we publish new versions.
- New access to My Clinic within the application.
- Improvement of the registration process.
- New video-visit tool.
Navigation improvements.
Information texts for the emergency waiting room.
Performance and functionality improvements
Other Information
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