PSM100 Nagar

Maximise the experience of the remarkable ‘Nagar’

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Shows AdsNo
LaunchedNov 25, 2022
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His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj was a spiritual luminary loved and venerated by millions. He visited tens of thousands of villages, sanctified hundreds of thousands of homes, and personally counselled innumerable others. His humility, faith in Bhagavān Swaminarayan, and universal compassion inspired millions to live responsible, moral, and spiritual lives. He inspired a cultural, moral, and spiritual renaissance by constructing over 1,000 mandirs throughout the world and grand masterpieces such as the Swaminarayan Akshardham in New Delhi and Gandhinagar.

On the auspicious occasion of the Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centenary Celebrations a month-long international festival will take place on a gigantic 600-acre site called ‘Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar’ in western Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The site will be a cultural wonderland, with something for people of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy and learn.

To maximise the experience of this remarkable ‘Nagar’ in a convenient and personalised manner, the PSM100 Nagar Application is being launched by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha for eager seekers worldwide. With the inspiration and guidance of Brahmaswarup Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Pragat Brahmswarup Mahant Swami Maharaj as well as the tireless efforts of the learned sadhus and experienced volunteers of BAPS, this ‘app’ will provide multiple features to assist the visitors, including a countdown until the opening of the Nagar.

Upcoming features of this app include:
• Timings and details of important events and places of attraction in the Nagar.
• Interactive navigation to provide an individualised exploration of the Nagar and ease access to its facilities.
• Trip planner to make your journey to, from and within the Nagar timely, convenient and comfortable.
• Remember your parking location for fast tracking of your car on departure.


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Version History

Last version released 817 days ago.

1.3.4Dec 29, 2022

Navigation improvements

1.3.2Dec 29, 2022

- Nagar map with Navigation
- Save parking enhancements

1.2.1Dec 16, 2022

Some bug fixes

1.1.1Dec 12, 2022

Minor Bug fixes.

1.1.0Dec 09, 2022

- View timings and detailed information on all the activities and events within the nagar.
- Use the travel guide to help you reach the nagar and nearby mandirs.

LaunchedNov 25, 2022

Other Information