ePTW is a mobile apps to ensure that the job/task can be carried out safely.
ePTW is a mobile apps to ensure that the job/task can be carried out safely.
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ePTW is a mobile application to ensure that the job/task can be carried out safely.
Having the permit alone does not eliminate all the hazards, safety can be achieved only by preparing for the work and those who carrying it out.
ePTW help transparency, speed and efficiency in authorizing permit to work where connectivity is constraint at work site.
Version History
Last version released 1344 days ago.
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Thank you for downloading PCSB ePTW mobile application. We update the app as and when required in order to give you the best experience possible.
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Thank you for downloading PCSB ePTW mobile application. We update the app as and when required in order to give you the best experience possible.
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Thank you for downloading PCSB ePTW mobile application. We update the app as and when required in order to give you the best experience possible.
-Offline for Suspend, Revalidate & Handback
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Thank you for downloading PCSB ePTW mobile application. We update the app as and when required in order to give you the best experience possible.
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Thank you for downloading PCSB ePTW mobile application. We update the app as and when required in order to give you the best experience possible.
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Thank you for downloading PCSB ePTW mobile application. We update the app as and when required in order to give you the best experience possible.
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