Wireless U.
Wireless U. is a balanced program in covering a broad range of issues.
Wireless U. is a balanced program in covering a broad range of issues.
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Welcome to the 15th annual Wireless U. communications policy seminar! Wireless U. will provide a balanced program in covering a broad range of issues by bringing in some of the most important voices in the wireless and broadband industries of today.
Version History
Last version released 544 days ago.
Bug fixes and enhancements to improve the attendee experience.
Bug fixes and enhancements to improve the overall attendee app experience.
-Increased privacy by limiting ability to take screenshots
-You can delete your own posts on the activity feed!
-We added a countdown to your event on the Dynamic Event Guide.
-Bug fixes and enhancements to improve the overall attendee app experience.
-You can delete your own posts on the activity feed!
-We added a countdown to your event on the Dynamic Event Guide.
-We're now localized for Dutch, Italian, and Swedish.
-Bug fixes and enhancements to improve the overall attendee app experience.
Other Information
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