Unlimited TV Shows/Music App
A must-have TV app! Watch 300+ channels, 2000+ TV shows, movies & news
A must-have TV app! Watch 300+ channels, 2000+ TV shows, movies & news
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DISCLAIMER: TV App is a third-party API player compliant with YouTube’s terms of service. All YouTube videos, episodes, music and tv shows including CNN, ESPN, NFL, NBC, Fox and ABC are played via the official YouTube embedded player through the YouTube API. Some television programs (e.g. FTV) are hosted on our own streaming platform (non-YouTube platform) under permission from the respective publishers.
Free TV App gives you the latest news, music, world news, episodes, movies, sports, entertainments, cartoon, travel, learn English, radio, all in one App! Download Now.
*News: news app for free, including world news, live news, radio
*Rich content: world news, radio, music, news line, sports, cartoon, talk shows and many others.
*Free: you can use it as a news app, music app, radio or tv app, and it’s free to use!
This is NOT an official app from the various online media services. This is only an unofficial 3rd-party client that complies with their 3rd party API terms of service, and is NOT an affiliated nor related product of those services.Per their API developer terms:
* https://developers.google.com/youtube/branding_guidelines - "You do not need special approval to use YouTube APIs or to promote API functionality in your application" provided that the guidelines are followed.
All YouTube videos are provided by the public third-party media service YouTube, and all trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at:
All pictures used in screenshots are used with authorization from: 1. Original TV stations, and 2. Pixabay: "All images and videos on Pixabay are released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications."
Version History
Last version released 1575 days ago.
This Update
- More channels added!
- Minor bugs fixed
- App performance optimization
This Update
- More channels added!
- Minor bugs fixed
- App performance optimization
This Update
- More channels added!
- Minor bugs fixed
- App performance optimization
This Update
- More channels added!
- Minor bugs fixed
- App performance optimization
This Update
- More channels added!
- Minor bugs fixed
- App performance optimization
This Update
- More channels added!
- Minor bugs fixed
- App performance optimization
This Update
- More channels added!
- Minor bugs fixed
- App performance optimization
Last Update
- Player Update: Fixed the episode order issue
- Add China channels (Tap “More” > “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels)
- Minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- minor user interface modification
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- support Chromecast
- minor user interface modification
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- support Chromecast
- minor user interface modification
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- support Chromecast
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- support Chromecast
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- support Chromecast
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- support Chromecast
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- support Chromecast
- fix crashes for some devices in v1.50
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- support Chromecast
- fix crashes for some devices in v1.50
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- crashes in previous version fixed
- add fast foward function
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- add fast foward function
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- add fast foward function
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- minor bugs fixed
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- minor bugs fixed
- app performance optimization
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- Minor bug fix
- Channel classification, and you can find your favourite channels more easily
- App performance optimization
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
***** Tap “More” >>> “Select Country” to change to different country’s channels (Taiwan, Japan, Korea, UK) *****
- New Episodes Selection function! Tap “More” in the channel to select episodes.
- New user interface gives you a whole new experience!
- adding UK channels
(Click More > Select Country > United Kingdom)
- fix unexpectedly quit situations when users click notifications
- solve minor problems about displaying notifications
- adding UK channels
(Click More > Select Country > United Kingdom)
- fix unexpectedly quit situations when users click notifications
- solve minor problems about displaying notifications
- optimise user interface
- bug fix
- optimise user interface
- bug fix
- 修復先前版本閃退問題
- 提升程式穩定性及性能優化
- 修復v1.25版本閃退問題
- 提升程式穩定性及性能優化
- UI介面微調
- 提升程式穩定性及性能優化
- UI介面微調
- 提升程式穩定性及性能優化
1. UI介面微調
2. 提升程式穩定性及性能優化
1. 新增韓國頻道(更多->選擇國家->韓國)
2. 支援全螢幕模式下自動旋轉功能
3. 提升程式穩定性及性能優化
1. 增加更多節目!
2. 提升程式穩定性及性能優化
1. 修正1.17錯誤
2. 修正平板電腦全螢幕顯示問題
3. 程式性能優化
1. v1.14版本錯誤修正
2. 新增搜尋功能
3. 新增頻道收藏功能(點選影片左上角的「☆」,即可將頻道加入收藏)
4. 介面微調
1. 新增搜尋功能
2. 新增頻道收藏功能(點選影片左上角的「☆」,即可將頻道加入收藏)
3. 介面微調
4. 修正錯誤及產品優化
1. 新增英文頻道
2. 支援各語言的問卷、常見問題等
Other Information
Show Details