Golf booking, rewards and discounts all around the world
Golf booking, rewards and discounts all around the world
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SpikesOn.com is a mobile and web application designed for ‘nomadic golfers’ looking to book golf at Clubs around the world. When discounts are available to a user, these are applied to the pricing. Find Golf Club's near to you and enjoy discounts with your e Spikes On Member.
- Discover Golf Clubs around you
- Redeem discounts when booking golf rounds
- Gain App Credit when booking
Version History
Releasing updates every about 2 months on average. Last update 33 days ago.
- Leisure Facilities
- Points converted to app credit
- Bug fixes
- Updated Authentication
- Bug Fixes
- Updates to Golf Programs
- Bug Fixes
- User activation codes
- New UI
- Enhanced booking capabilities
- New UI
- Enhanced booking capabilities
Release of the Standard Chartered Golf Program
Release of the Standard Chartered Golf Program
Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Updates to OTP Authentication
- HSBC program updates
- Air Miles ME code redemption
- Bug fixes
- New help section
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience!
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience!
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience!
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience!
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience!
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience!
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience!
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience!
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience!
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience. We have fixed a few bugs as well as add a promo code feature... So keep an eye out for these to add more value when booking your golf.
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience. We have fixed a few bugs as well as add a promo code feature... So keep an eye out for these to add more value when booking your golf.
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience. We have fixed a few bugs as well as add a promo code feature... So keep an eye out for these to add more value when booking your golf.
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience. We have fixed a few bugs as well as add a promo code feature... So keep an eye out for these to add more value when booking your golf.
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience. We have fixed a few bugs as well as add a promo code feature... So keep an eye out for these to add more value when booking your golf.
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience. We have fixed a few bugs as well as add a promo code feature... So keep an eye out for these to add more value when booking your golf.
We are always working to upgrade and improve the app user experience. We have fixed a few bugs as well as add a promo code feature... So keep an eye out for these to add more value when booking your golf.
Along with bug fixes we have significantly updated the UI and UX for everyone! With the addition of golf instruction and golf packages SpikesOn.com is rapidly becoming your one stop shop for all your golfing needs!
Along with bug fixes we have significantly updated the UI and UX for everyone! With the addition of golf instruction and golf packages SpikesOn.com is rapidly becoming your one stop shop for all your golfing needs!
We have added a country filter to make finding golf courses much easier! We also fixed bugs to improve the user experience.
We have added a country filter to make finding golf courses much easier! We also fixed bugs to improve the user experience.
- Added cash back specials
- Altered sorting order of golf clubs for club members
- Updated UI
- New aggregated booking experience
- Inclusion of smart discounts
- Package rounds together
- Book golf lessons
- Updated Privacy Policy
- Updated UI
- Smarter booking experience
- More sharing capabilities
- Bug fixes
Other Information
Show Details