Simple messaging tool designed for people from medical specialized occupations.
Simple messaging tool designed for people from medical specialized occupations.
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Has been developed with an emphasis on three of the "Medical", "Simple", "Security". Chat tool for medical personnel. Even if you're not good at it is apps and IT tools, you can start easy-to-use so simple.
"MediLine" can be used in a variety of scenarios:
- As a communication network for your hospital staff
- As a cooperative network for visiting medical staff, nursing staff, and carers
- For communicating and sending documents among members of medical associations, pharmaceutical associations, academic societies, seminars, study groups, etc.
- As a dedicated hotline between patients and their family doctors or pharmacists.
Flow of available start:
- The start of use is required in advance account of the establishment. Please contact than support URL.
Version History
Last version released 2099 days ago.
fix 2-factor.
We fully responded to two-factor authentication required by medical guidelines set by each ministry and agency. Using a terminal that supports fingerprint authentication makes it more secure by combining biometric authentication (SYA) in addition to conventional user ID / password (SYK). Of course, we are sharing the terminal, etc. Considering actual operation situation, use is selective system so we can use it according to the compliance of each organization.
This update added "Handover" to the template. From day shift to night shift When you take over to another department etc, you can indicate various transition matters necessary for the patient. It was realized with the idea of an active doctor!
In addition, we have strictly controlled the batch display that has already been read. This prevents you from browsing and going into an unread state.
- add template message
- After the "Room owner" leaves, management becomes possible with the remaining members.
· Eliminate problems that profile can not be updated
· Implemented external linkage function using WebHook.
· Native support for Andordi 8.x or later.
· Improved stability.
fix push notification
Add Room Tab
Add Note Mode
Minor bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
Built-in camera function. Pictures taken from the application will be more secure since they will not remain on the terminal after sending.
Built-in camera function. Pictures taken from the application will be more secure since they will not remain on the terminal after sending.
When using a terminal with multiple people Fixed a problem that notice will be delivered even if the application is dropped
Improved to stop notifying when logout
no space in login
Corresponding problems that do not receive notification in some device
Minor bug fixes.
We reviewed the internal code to improve the stability.
Since the server side has also been greatly updated, please update all users.
· Added silent mode function to turn all notification sounds all at once in the setting screen.
· When the message was a telephone number, the phone can be applied as it is.
Fixed the problem that notification did not come
Fixed the problem that notification did not come
· Improved stability
· Minor bug fixes