
Tend to your banking business any time and anywhere.

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Shows AdsNo
LaunchedFeb 12, 2018
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Immediately upon logging on, customers are presented with a clear and concise overview of their finances. Moving on, it is easy to access more details about each item. 

The log-on process is simple, relying on either finger scans, electronic ID or a user name and password.

The app allows you to:

- Apply for access to Landsbankinn banking.
- Achieve a comprehensive overview of your finances
- Check the balance of bank accounts
- Check the balance and transactions on credit cards 
- Change credit card limit
- Pay bills
- Transfer funds
- Make pre-payments to credit cards
- Retrieve PINs for debit and credit cards
- Establish and alter overdraft authorisations
- View loan summaries
- View information on loan limits
- View pension summaries
- View the balance of Aukakrónur and look for partners of the programme
- View electronic documents
- Check the balance and transactions on gift cards
- Find service points and ATMs
- Calculate prices between currencies
- View securities portfolio
- Stock market information
- GSM refills

The Landsbankinn app is created and developed by Landsbankinn.


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Landsbankinn screenshot 4
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Landsbankinn screenshot 6

Version History

Releasing updates every 8 days on average. Last update 7 days ago.

28.5.1Feb 11, 2025

Yfirdráttur: Styðja við handvirkt ferli við ákveðnar aðstæður.
Kort: Ekki birta öryggisstillingar á korti sem notandi hefur ekki heimild til að breyta.
Netspjall: Leyfa 500 stafi í spjalli við þjónustufulltrúa.

28.4.0Feb 03, 2025

- Yfirdráttur: Styðja við handvirkt ferli við ákveðnar aðstæður.
- Kort: Ekki birta öryggisstillingar á korti sem notandi hefur ekki heimild til að breyta.
- Netspjall: Leyfa 500 stafi í spjalli við þjónustufulltrúa.

28.3.1Jan 24, 2025

Úttekt af Landsbók: Lagfæring á villu við pöntun
Erlend millifærsla: Birta skilaboð ef heimilsfang greiðanda er ófullnægjandi skráð.
Lagfæring á undirritun með Auðkennisappi.

28.2.2Jan 13, 2025

Ítarupplýsingar fyrir færslu á bankareikning.
Innheimta: Birta heildarupphæð útistandandi krafna.

28.0.2Dec 16, 2024

Viðmót í dökkum ham

28.0.0Dec 12, 2024

Viðmót í dökkum ham

27.3.1Dec 03, 2024

Kreditkort: Ítarupplýsingar.

27.1.3Nov 21, 2024

Stofna debetkort.

27.1.1Nov 20, 2024

Stofna debetkort.

27.1.0Nov 15, 2024

Stofna debetkort.

27.0.1Nov 12, 2024

Viðhengi við kreditkortafærslur.
Yfirdráttur fyrirtækja í sjálfsafgreiðslu.

27.0.0Nov 08, 2024

Viðhengi við kreditkortafærslur.
Yfirdráttur fyrirtækja í sjálfsafgreiðslu.

26.0.4Oct 24, 2024

Verðtryggð lán: Birta verðbætur á höfuðstól og vexti í ítarupplýsingum.

26.0.3Oct 22, 2024

Verðtryggð lán: Birta verðbætur á höfuðstól og vexti í ítarupplýsingum.

26.0.0Oct 18, 2024

Verðtryggð lán: Birta verðbætur á höfuðstól og vexti í ítarupplýsingum.

25.7.1Oct 16, 2024

Vöktun bankareikninga: Stilla ráðstöfun.
Kreditkort: Loka fyrir innborgun á kreditkort með innslætti á kortanúmeri.
Innskráning: Laga að takkar hverfi eftir sjáfvirka útskráningu.

25.7.0Oct 11, 2024

Vöktun bankareikninga: Stilla ráðstöfun.
Kreditkort: Loka fyrir innborgun á kreditkort með innslætti á kortanúmeri.
Innskráning: Laga að takkar hverfi eftir sjáfvirka útskráningu.

25.6.0Sep 25, 2024

Stofna sparnað í ferlinu Stofna bankareikning.
Stuðningur við nýja iPhone síma.
Nýtt útlit á síðum sem birtast við rekstrartruflanir.
Kort: Grafík fyrir I2 kort.

25.5.19Sep 12, 2024

Samskipti og sala: Innhólf.

25.5.12Sep 04, 2024

Samskipti og sala: Innhólf.

25.5.7Aug 16, 2024

Samskipti og sala: Innhólf.

25.2.4Jul 11, 2024

25.2.3Jul 10, 2024

- Nýskráning í viðskipti, ný útgáfa
- Millifæra Aukakrónur
- Yfirdráttur fyrirtækja
- Undirritun með Auðkennisappi

25.2.1Jul 05, 2024

- Nýskráning í viðskipti, ný útgáfa
- Millifæra Aukakrónur
- Yfirdráttur fyrirtækja
- Undirritun með Auðkennisappi

25.1.0Jun 21, 2024

Ný innskráning.
Nýtt ferli fyrir áreiðanleikakönnun.
Ítarupplýsingar fyrir kortafærslur.

25.0.2Jun 11, 2024

Kærar þakkir fyrir að nota Landsbankaappið. Til að appið virki sem best uppfærum við það reglulega.
Allar uppfærslur eru gerðar með það fyrir augum að bæta virkni og auka gæði appsins fyrir viðskiptavini okkar.

25.0.1May 31, 2024

Lífeyrissparnaður: Umsókn og breyting á virkum samningum.
Kröfur og innheimta í nýju útliti.
Öryggi korta: Loka fyrir ákveðna notkun

24.4.1May 23, 2024

Kærar þakkir fyrir að nota Landsbankaappið. Til að appið virki sem best uppfærum við það reglulega.
Allar uppfærslur eru gerðar með það fyrir augum að bæta virkni og auka gæði appsins fyrir viðskiptavini okkar.

24.4.0May 17, 2024

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

24.2.0Apr 24, 2024

Aukalán og endurfjármögnun í nýju útliti.
Yfirdráttur í nýju útliti.
Meðmælaborðar fyrir fleiri vörur.

24.1.0Apr 17, 2024

Innborgun á lán í nýju útliti.
Laga val á korti í kortasýn.

24.0.0Apr 05, 2024

Ný forsíða.
Vöruspjöld og meðmælaborðar.

23.4.0Mar 20, 2024

Bankareikningar: Laga birtingu á færsluviðmóti.
Stofnun bankareiknings: Lagfæring á ferli.
Markaðir: Laga texta um gengi hlutabréfa.

23.3.3Mar 01, 2024

Umsókn um íbúðarlán og endurfjármögnun.
Vöktun korta, nýtt útlit.
Ógreiddir reikningar: setja upp beingreiðslusamning frá ýtarupplýsingum.

23.3.0Feb 23, 2024

Vöktun korta, nýtt útlit
Ógreiddir reikningar: setja upp beingreiðslusamningi frá ýtarupplýsingum

23.2.0Feb 16, 2024

Taka við push skilaboðum fyrir fyrirtækjanotanda
Bankareikingar: ný útgáfa af ýtarupplýsingum

23.1.3Jan 24, 2024

Stofnun bankareikninga í nýju viðmóti
Greiðsludreifing í nýju viðmóti
Lagfæring á villu sem kom stundum upp við skiptingu á notanda

23.1.2Jan 23, 2024

Stofnun bankareikninga í nýju viðmóti
Greiðsludreifing í nýju viðmóti
Laga userswitch vesen þegar RSA stepup fer í gang
Bottom navigation lagfært í gjaldmiðlum, afgreiðslustöðum, bankareikningum, kort og rafrænum skjölum.
Bankayfirlit: viðmót ef vv á ekki bankareinking
Bankareikningur: íkon fyrir breyta heiti
Sparnaður: plús tölur í færslu lista eiga að vera grænar

23.1.1Jan 19, 2024

Stofnun bankareikninga í nýju viðmóti
Greiðsludreifing í nýju viðmóti
Laga userswitch vesen þegar RSA stepup fer í gang
Bottom navigation lagfært í gjaldmiðlum, afgreiðslustöðum, bankareikningum, kort og rafrænum skjölum.
Bankayfirlit: viðmót ef vv á ekki bankareinking
Bankareikningur: íkon fyrir breyta heiti
Sparnaður: plús tölur í færslu lista eiga að vera grænar

23.0.0Dec 15, 2023

Lífeyrissparnaður - nýtt útlit og virkni
Breyta kortaheimild - nýtt útlit
Lagfæring á vandamálum tengd því að skipta um notanda
Ógreiddir reikningar - hópa beingreiðslusamninga eftir eiganda

22.2.3Dec 06, 2023

Færsluhirðing, tölfræði.
Bankareikningar: vöktun með push skilaboðum.
Ógreiddir reikningar: hætta við framvirka greiðslu.
Kort: erlend fjárhæð + Aukakrónur í færslulista.

22.2.1Nov 28, 2023

Færsluhirðing, tölfræði.
Bankareikningar: vöktun með push skilaboðum.
Ógreiddir reikningar: hætta við framvirka greiðslu.
Kort: erlend fjárhæð + Aukakrónur í færslulista.

22.2.0Nov 27, 2023

Færsluhirðing, tölfræði.
Bankareikningar: vöktun með push skilaboðum.
Ógreiddir reikningar: hætta við framvirka greiðslu.
Kort: erlend fjárhæð + Aukakrónur í færslulista.

22.1.2Nov 16, 2023

- Verðbréf: ný eignasíða
- Innskráning: taka á villum sem geta komið upp við innskráningu.
- Bankareikningar í öðrum bönkum: millifæra út af í flýtileið
- Fylla á frelsi: birta tilkynningum um tilvonandi fjarlægingu á þessari virkni í appinu.

22.0.0Oct 19, 2023

Ógreiddir reikningar í nýju útliti og með sterkri sannvottun við greiðslu í stað PIN númers.

21.0.0Oct 13, 2023

Millifæra úr öðrum banka
Bankareikningar: breyta heiti
Stillingar, samskipti: nýtt útlit

20.7.1Sep 26, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

20.6.1Sep 15, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

20.5.0Aug 16, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

20.2.3Jul 13, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

20.2.0Jul 07, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

20.1.0Jun 30, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

19.2.4Jun 16, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

19.1.3May 25, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

19.0.0Apr 17, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

18.1.2Mar 28, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

18.1.1Mar 13, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

18.0.0Jan 26, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.8.7Jan 12, 2023

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.8.6Dec 28, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.8.5Dec 27, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.8.4Dec 22, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.8.2Dec 21, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.8.1Dec 20, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.6.7Nov 11, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.5.0Nov 09, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.4.4Oct 13, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.4.0Oct 07, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.3.1Oct 04, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.2.17Sep 28, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.2.0Sep 17, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

17.1.1Jul 07, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

16.1.4May 30, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

16.1.3May 25, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

16.1.1May 17, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

16.1.0May 05, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

16.0.5Apr 25, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

16.0.2Apr 08, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

15.2.1Mar 28, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

15.2.0Mar 16, 2022

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

15.1.1Dec 10, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

15.0.31Dec 03, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

15.0.10Nov 04, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

15.0.3Oct 12, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

15.0.1Oct 07, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.5.4Sep 22, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.5.3Sep 10, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.5.2Aug 26, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.5.1Aug 19, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.5.0Jul 09, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.4.0Jun 18, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.3.2Jun 07, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.2.2May 06, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.1.3Apr 08, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.1.1Mar 26, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

14.0.1Mar 15, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

13.6.1Mar 03, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

13.3.1Jan 19, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

13.2.0Jan 11, 2021

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

13.0.2Nov 27, 2020

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

13.0.1Nov 25, 2020

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

13.0.0Nov 20, 2020

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

12.4.58Oct 28, 2020

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

12.4.53Sep 11, 2020

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

12.2.1Jul 10, 2020

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

12.2.0Jun 18, 2020

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

12.0.22Jun 03, 2020

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

12.0.8May 25, 2020

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

12.0.5May 22, 2020

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

12.0.0May 14, 2020

Market information for funds
Various fixes and improvements

9.4.14Oct 07, 2019

Cards: copy card number to clipboard
Giftcards: order records by date
Fixes for VX-30 transferes

9.4.13Oct 03, 2019

Cards: copy card number to clipboard
Giftcards: order records by date
Fixes for VX-30 transferes

9.3.0Aug 13, 2019

Order transfer from account of type Vaxtareikningur 30
Various fixes

9.2.3Jul 30, 2019

Hotfix for foreign transfer amount step

9.2.1Jul 15, 2019

Hotfix for card notification settings

9.2.0Jul 12, 2019

Loan deposit
Currency crosses
Notification settings for cards

9.1.1May 29, 2019

Currency: show rate in main view
Debit card: show underlying bank account
Prepaid card: show authorised payments
Cards: view card numbers

9.0.42May 08, 2019

New card overview that combines credit and debit cards.
New flow for sending notifications for transactions.

8.1.0Mar 25, 2019

Apply for a new credit card
Retrieve card number and CVV number
Fixes for foreign transactions
Indexing information for loans

8.0.0Mar 15, 2019

New: securities portfolio
New: overview of loan limits

7.3.0Feb 26, 2019

Make app more resilient with respect to backend services disruptions.

7.2.0Feb 21, 2019

New design for the main menu

7.1.11Feb 18, 2019

Fixes for security questions

7.1.10Feb 11, 2019

Bugfix for transfer

7.1.9Feb 08, 2019

Bug fixes for credit cards

7.1.8Feb 07, 2019

Bug fixes for credit cards

7.1.2Feb 05, 2019

Foreign transfer

6.3.1Jan 25, 2019

New UI for account overdraft.
Fixes for transferes, settings, and giftcards.

6.2.1Jan 11, 2019

Bugfix for login

6.2.0Dec 21, 2018

Fixes for account overdraft application

6.1.0Dec 13, 2018

More information on stocks

6.0.0Dec 04, 2018

Change credit card limit.

5.3.0Nov 08, 2018

Suspend and resume debit cards.
Fixes for transactions, language settings, and more

5.2.0Oct 30, 2018

Better keyboard integration in the currency calculator.
Improved selection of withdrawal account in transfer.

5.1.1Oct 12, 2018

Bug fixes and better accessibility support.

5.0.2Sep 25, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

New: Stock market prices.
New: GSM refills.

4.0.0Aug 07, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

3.2.0Jul 17, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

3.1.0Jul 13, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

3.0.0Jun 26, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

2.2.1Jun 15, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

2.1.0May 28, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

2.0.1May 07, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

2.0.0May 04, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

1.6.3Apr 10, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

1.6.2Apr 06, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

1.5.1Mar 27, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

1.5.0Mar 23, 2018

Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.

1.4.0Mar 21, 2018

Eftirfarandi aðgerðir og möguleikar eru í boði í appinu:
- Heildarsýn á fjármálin
- Yfirlit og staða bankareikninga
- Staða og færslur kreditkorta
- Greiða reikninga
- Millifæra
- Sækja PIN fyrir debet- og kreditkort
- Stofna og breyta yfirdráttarheimild
- Skoða yfirlit lána
- Skoða inneign og samstarfsaðila Aukakróna
- Rafræn skjöl
- Staða og færslur gjafakorta
- Staðsetning afgreiðslustaða og hraðbanka

1.3.0Mar 16, 2018

Eftirfarandi aðgerðir og möguleikar eru í boði í appinu:

- Heildarsýn á fjármálin
- Yfirlit og staða bankareikninga
- Staða og færslur kreditkorta
- Greiða reikninga
- Millifæra
- Sækja PIN fyrir debet- og kreditkort
- Stofna og breyta yfirdráttarheimild
- Skoða yfirlit lána
- Skoða inneign og samstarfsaðila Aukakróna
- Rafræn skjöl
- Staða og færslur gjafakorta
- Staðsetning afgreiðslustaða og hraðbanka

1.1.0Mar 07, 2018

Eftirfarandi aðgerðir og möguleikar eru í boði í appinu:
- Heildarsýn á fjármálin
- Yfirlit og staða bankareikninga
- Staða og færslur kreditkorta
- Greiða reikninga
- Millifæra
- Sækja PIN fyrir debet- og kreditkort
- Stofna og breyta yfirdráttarheimild
- Skoða yfirlit lána
- Skoða inneign og samstarfsaðila Aukakróna
- Rafræn skjöl
- Staða og færslur gjafakorta
- Staðsetning afgreiðslustaða og hraðbanka

1.0.4Feb 23, 2018

Eftirfarandi aðgerðir og möguleikar eru í boði í appinu:
- Heildarsýn á fjármálin
- Yfirlit og staða bankareikninga
- Staða og færslur kreditkorta
- Greiða reikninga
- Millifæra
- Sækja PIN fyrir debet- og kreditkort
- Stofna og breyta yfirdráttarheimild
- Skoða yfirlit lána
- Skoða inneign og samstarfsaðila Aukakróna
- Rafræn skjöl
- Staða og færslur gjafakorta
- Staðsetning afgreiðslustaða og hraðbanka

1.0.2Feb 21, 2018

Eftirfarandi aðgerðir og möguleikar eru í boði í appinu:
- Heildarsýn á fjármálin
- Yfirlit og staða bankareikninga
- Staða og færslur kreditkorta
- Greiða reikninga
- Millifæra
- Sækja PIN fyrir debet- og kreditkort
- Stofna og breyta yfirdráttarheimild
- Skoða yfirlit lána
- Skoða inneign og samstarfsaðila Aukakróna
- Rafræn skjöl
- Staða og færslur gjafakorta
- Staðsetning afgreiðslustaða og hraðbanka

1.0.1Feb 16, 2018

Eftirfarandi aðgerðir og möguleikar eru í boði í appinu:
- Heildarsýn á fjármálin
- Yfirlit og staða bankareikninga
- Staða og færslur kreditkorta
- Greiða reikninga
- Millifæra
- Sækja PIN fyrir debet- og kreditkort
- Stofna og breyta yfirdráttarheimild
- Skoða yfirlit lána
- Skoða inneign og samstarfsaðila Aukakróna
- Rafræn skjöl
- Staða og færslur gjafakorta
- Staðsetning afgreiðslustaða og hraðbanka

LaunchedFeb 12, 2018

Other Information