cVIGIL allows anyone to report Model Code of Conduct or Expenditure Violation
cVIGIL allows anyone to report Model Code of Conduct or Expenditure Violation
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cVIGIL provide time stamped evidentiary proof of model code of conduct / Expenditure Violation, having live photo/video with auto location data. This unique combination of timestamping, live photo with auto location can be fairly relied upon by election machinery to navigate to the right spot and take prompt action. The GIS-based dashboard provides strong decision tool to drop and dispose of frivolous and unrelated cases even before they are acted upon, thereby reducing the workload of election machinery on ghost complaints.
Presently there is a lack of fast information channel to transmit and track complaints on MCC violations. Delay in reporting of Model Code of Conduct (MCC) violations has often resulted in the culprits escaping detection from the flying squads of election commission entrusted to ensure enforcement of Model Code of Conduct. Further, lack of any documented, untampered, evidence in the form of pictures or videos was a major hurdle in establishing the veracity of a complaint ex-post facto. The Commission’s experience has also shown a significant percentage of reporting was false or inaccurate, which led to wastage of precious time of Field Units.
The new cVIGIL app launched by Election Commission of India is expected to fill in all these gaps and create a fast-track complaint reception and redressal system. ‘cVIGIL’ stands for Vigilant Citizen and emphasizes the proactive and responsible role citizens can play in the conduct of free and fair elections.
Citizens are, encouraged to use the ECI main website for lodging the other type of complaints or call the National Contact Centre at 1800111950 or State Contact Centre at 1950 for other complaints.
Version History
Releasing updates every 18 days on average. Last update 105 days ago.
1) Added Marathi language.
Updated for upcoming election
1) Updated for Android 13
1) Added Kannada Language.
Added Near By Stats option showing the stats of the District and State.
Change Logs:
1. Added Option for uploading the AUDIO.
2. Added option for checking the validating the permission given during the election period.
Change Logs:
1. Added Option for uploading the AUDIO.
2. Added option for checking the validating the permission given during the election period.
Presently there is a lack of fast information channel to transmit and track complaints on MCC violations. Delay in reporting of Model Code of Conduct (MCC) violations has often resulted in the culprits escaping detection from the flying squads of election commission entrusted to ensure enforcement of Model Code of Conduct.
Presently there is a lack of fast information channel to transmit and track complaints on MCC violations. Delay in reporting of Model Code of Conduct (MCC) violations has often resulted in the culprits escaping detection from the flying squads of election commission entrusted to ensure enforcement of Model Code of Conduct.
Added the cornerstone option in the app.
Added the district and state name of the Star Performer.
Added the Star Performers list on daily, weekly and monthly basis.
Added the feature of sharing the app link with the contacts list.
Added like and dislike count on the main screen.
Added like-dislike feature in the status list of the complaints.
Improved performance of the app.
1. Improved performance of the app.
2. Updated Terms and Conditions of the app.
Updated Terms and Conditions of the app.
Presently there is a lack of fast information channel to transmit and track complaints on MCC violations. Delay in reporting of Model Code of Conduct (MCC) violations has often resulted in the culprits escaping detection from the flying squads of election commission entrusted to ensure enforcement of Model Code of Conduct.
Presently there is a lack of fast information channel to transmit and track complaints on MCC violations. Delay in reporting of Model Code of Conduct (MCC) violations has often resulted in the culprits escaping detection from the flying squads of election commission entrusted to ensure enforcement of Model Code of Conduct.
This app will work from the date of notification of election.
This app will work from the date of notification of election.
This app will work from the date of notification of election.
Added link for Observer, Investigator and Monitor app.
Added screen showing your achievements.
Changed the design of Status List.
Optimize code.
Bug Fixing
The cVIGIL Application is now available for 5 States. You can start using the application for lodging model code of conduct/expenditure violation by using this application.
Added share app feature.
Added contact details of ECI.
Changed message when elections are not scheduled in the state.
The app will be live from the date of notification of election.
Added Logout API.
Other Information
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