IMSS Digital app

Non -official IMSS Digital app - All medical appointment, courses, your profile.

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsYes
LaunchedJun 26, 2022
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Assignment of Social Security Number (NSS)
Do you remember that before companies asked for the "pink sheet" to register when you were hired? This procedure is the equivalent!
High in Clinic or UMF
If your company has just registered at the IMSS, or you simply have not done the process to receive attention in the corresponding family medicine unit.
Consultation of Validity of Rights
Frequently, Occmundial users ask us how they can know if their employer discharged them at the IMSS when they started working and how to know if the company already discharged them when they finished the employment relationship.
Inability consultation
As his name says, in this section you can consult all the information regarding some recent inability issued by the IMSS. In fact, you can consult everything about the disabilities you have had throughout your work history.
Now charging your disabilities can be as simple as registering your clab account and receiving the corresponding subsidy. You can register your account, change it or discharge it.
IMSS Digital app
The IMSS Digital app also allows you to perform different procedures from your cell phone.
Locate your IMSS clinic, learn more about the IMSS, process consult with your family doctor, consult your validity of rights, register or change clinic, process a dental appointment, health information about heart attacks, prevention measures, etc.


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Version History

Last version released 999 days ago.

0.0.2Jul 01, 2022

Update IMSS.

LaunchedJun 26, 2022

Other Information