Polarized Sunglasses Test
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Polarized Sunglasses Lens Test
Polarized Sunglasses Lens Test App is the best option to test your sunglasses lens.
Polarized Sunglasses Lens Test will show you how to tell if your sunglasses are polarized the easy way.
Using this app, you can find out very fast if your sunglasses lenses are polarized or not, in only 3 seconds.
Download now the app! It will help you with instructions provided for this test. You can read the instructions tapping on "Info" section or listen to them by tapping on "Audio On".
Version History
Last version released 2824 days ago.
A new image was added to the test !
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Test for the reading glasses.
Bug Fixes.
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Some errors have been fixed
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Bug fixes!
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More images to test your glasses.
New option to rotate the images.
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