Nepali Gajal (नेपाली गजल)
Publish your Gajal free - नेपाली गजल : नेपाली गजल प्रेमीमा समर्पित
Publish your Gajal free - नेपाली गजल : नेपाली गजल प्रेमीमा समर्पित
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Nepali Gajal is promoting Gajal app. We want to promote Nepali Gajal in all over the world. To achieve this goal, we need your support. You can send your Gajal, share with friends and rate us. Hoping that we will success in our Gajal Mission.
Please send your Gajal and win prize. Please follows the rules to participate Gajal Promotion campaign;
1. You must send your Gajal through this app;
2. You need to send only one Gajal in one time;
3. When your Gajal will publish in app, than you can send your another Gajal.
4. You need to send minimum 10 Gajal in month to eligible for participants.
Please send email and comment us to improve more than more.
Thank you.
Version History
Last version released 568 days ago.
Nepali Gajal app updated Version.
Nepali Gajal updated version with UGC
Nepali Gajal updated version with no location data
Nepali Gajal app updated version
Other Information
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