Day to Day Expenses : Daily Expenses

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Shows AdsNo
LaunchedOct 10, 2018
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Day to Day Expenses : Daily Expenses

Note your daily income and expenditure easily. Get monthly and yearly reports.

Simple guide on how to categories an expense is provided.

Set up a reminder so that you get a notification to note down your expenses regularly.

Save your data locally.

By using this application you will able to manage your income and expenditures. You just need to enter your incomes and expenses, this application will represent them in daily and monthly basis. So, you will have your insights of your income and expenses.

- Daily Expense is a free application.
- You can add your daily income and expense in this application.
- Daily Expenses is an application Design to organize your income and expenses.
- you can easily review the reports daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
- You can modify or delete the records that you have created.
- You Can Create Income and Expense Wise Transaction, also Choose Category and Payment Mode.
- You Can Save Any Transaction With Photo.
- If You Need Any Task Reminder so Easy To Add Reminder in This Application.
- Easy to Add Multipale Category and Payment Mode Add in Setting Menu Option.
- Daily Expenses App in Date,Month, Category, Mode and See All Saved Transaction Wise Record Display in History Menu.

Daily Expenses is an application designed to organize your income and expenses, your movements of money are recorded by date, you can review the reports daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

Organizing your expenses allow you to have a better control over your money.

Then stay relaxed & Check out our new app Daily Expense Manage to track your daily transactions.

Daily Expense is the easiest and most user friendly expense manager app in the store. The simple fact is, by tracking your spending you will be able to stick to a budget and therefore SAVE MONEY. So download it for free, enter your expenses and income, and have instant control over your spending!

Thanks & Enjoy...


Day to Day Expenses : Daily Expenses screenshot 1
Day to Day Expenses : Daily Expenses screenshot 2
Day to Day Expenses : Daily Expenses screenshot 3
Day to Day Expenses : Daily Expenses screenshot 4

Version History

Last version released 2342 days ago.

LaunchedOct 10, 2018

Other Information