Firstmonie RAPID Agent
First Bank of Nigeria's app for Firstmonie RAPID Agents
First Bank of Nigeria's app for Firstmonie RAPID Agents
Total Ratings
Become a Firstmonie RAPID Agent and enjoy stress-free Agent Banking services. Install the App and Open Bank Accounts, make Transfers to Accounts/Wallets, Withdraw, Pay Bills, and buy Airtime/Data on behalf of your customers.
Firstmonie RAPID Agent Banking is part of the leading efforts of FirstBank of Nigeria to partner with Entrepreneurs, and make seamless and secured financial services available to everyone in every country where we operate. Please join us!
Version History
Releasing updates every about 1 month on average. Last update 34 days ago.
New Features
Payout Functionality: introducing the payout wallet which warehouses the agent commission at the end of month.
Transaction can be initiated from the payout wallet into the core account or agent rapid wallet.
Agent can also access payout statement in the new app version.
Performance Enhancements:
Optimised app performance for smoother user experience.
-Pay by transfer service
-Secret questions
-An enhanced Inbox
-Requery transaction
-Move funds between store accounts
-Get prepaid meter token from inbox
-Customer address on receipt for prepaid disco
-Enhanced biller search button
-Session time-out of the App after 10mins of inactivity
-Redesigned homepage with list and grid view options
-Forgot pin
-Performance dashboard
-Access to more billers
Added New Requests by Agents:
*Ability to do all transactions as Admin
*Bug fixes
*UI enhancements
Bug fixes, Token generation
Bug Fixes
Smoother Paybills
Cash In Cash Out for Firstmonie Wallets
Get Loan
Big fixes and improvements
Get Loans
General improvements to ensure your Firstmonie Agent App keeps running smoothly
New in this update:
- Improved transaction response time
- Account Opening with BVN
- New billers added
New Features:
1. State Governement Collections Biller Category
2. Enhanced App Performance
3. Updated UI
4. Bug Fixes
5. Improved Transaction Reporting
New Features:
1. State Governement Collections Biller Category
2. Enhanced App Performance
3. Updated UI
4. Bug Fixes
5. Improved Transaction Reporting
Other Information
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