NNIT Event App
Explore and get inspired and informed with NNIT's event app.
Explore and get inspired and informed with NNIT's event app.
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Explore and get inspired and informed with NNIT's event app that allows you to see the latest news, practical information, program for the day, attendee details and much more.
Version History
Last version released 1805 days ago.
New features and improvements
Fixed icon issue
Added live feed
Updated news and qr code.
Programme start and end time display bug fixed,.
Added speaker's session
Added speaker's tab, removed my programmes from bottom tab, my programmes can now be seen in programme screen.
Updated cover pictures for events.
Loader screen updated and added a missing event.
Fixed login and updated event selection screen.
In this version we've added 'Venues' for different events. We have also updated Practical Information.
Smaller design enhancements have also been updated.