DNA Altering

You've got the Aliens World right at your wrist!

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LaunchedJan 18, 2022
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👽 Turn into an Alien using your Wear OS smartwatch! Open the application and become your favorite Hero!

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the app. Through it, you will find all the available instructions and functions. Only a few of them are listed below (the allowed number of characters is limited).

⌚️ General information:

✔️ You can select the Hero either by turning the physical wheel of your watch, or by tapping on the screen on the left or right side.
✔️ When it is discharged, having a red screen, it will also show you the current time.
✔️ Initially, you are allowed to use only the first 10 Heroes.

♻️ Watch Wheel Rotations / Touch sequences:

❗️ To activate / deactivate some features, you will need to either perform a clockwise / counterclockwise sequence of watch wheel rotations, OR a sequence of taps on the left / right side of the screen.
❗️ "Left" means you have to turn your watch wheel to the left, or touch the screen on the left side. You have to do the opposite for "Right".
❗️ These sequences can be used only in the main screen of the app (the one before opening the Hero selection).

🔐 Master Control:

✔️ In Original / Classic style: You will have no cooldowns, no waiting times, you will have access to 17 Heroes and you will be able to use the DNA Scanner feature.
✔️ In Recalibrated style: when Master Control is activated, you will be able to use the ultimate evolved forms of the Aliens.
✔️ Activating sequence: Left-Right-Left-Right-Left-Right-Left
✔️ Deactivating sequence: Left-Left-Left-Right-Right-Right-Left

🔥 Self-Destruction mode:

✔️ When self-destruction mode is activated, orange circular lines begin to appear on the screen.
✔️ Each circular line represents a level of self-destruction.
✔️ A total of 5 circular lines can be loaded in total (so there are 5 levels of self-destruction).
✔️ One level of self-destruction will advance every 30 seconds.
✔️ Once the maximum level of self-destruction has been reached (level 5), the watch will self-destruct.
✔️ Activation sequence: randomly perform 20 watch wheel rotations or 20 taps on the screen, regardless of direction (left / right).
✔️ Each level of self-destruction has its own cancellation sequence, so you need to know what level of self-destruction the watch is in, depending on the number of circular lines that appear on the screen (example: 2 circular lines means level 2 of self-destruction).
✔️ To cancel a self-destruction level, the required sequence is:
"Right" as many times as levels of self-destruction you have, and then continuously "Left" until the level of self-destruction is removed.
✔️ You can also cancel the self-destruction by voice command.

🏅 Recalibration:

✔️ This function is activated by tapping the main screen, but only if the user meets all the conditions below:
1. Master Control is activated.
2. The user turned into an alien at least 10 times.
3. The user has reached at least level 2 of self-destruction in the past and then canceled the self-destruct sequence.

🎤 Voice Commands:
🧬 DNA Scanner
🔋 Ambient Mode
⚙️ Settings Menu
❗️ Read the rest of the information on the smartphone application version.

❗️ This application is a game made for fun. Unfortunately, it can't turn you into an Alien.


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Version History

Last version released 877 days ago.

2.1.5Sep 02, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ In the Recalibrated version, the Aliens selection animation has been changed.
✔️ The Aliens that are not unlocked by DNA Scanner will no longer be visible in the selection menu. They will appear only after they are scanned.

2.1.4Aug 31, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ The pink color has been added and it can be applied from the settings menu.
✔️ Removed the voices in the OG version.
✔️ In the Recalibrated version, the Aliens selection animation has been changed.
✔️ The DNA Scanner animation in OMV (4th gen) version has been modified.
✔️ Some bugs have been fixed.

2.1.3Jul 14, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ Several bugs have been fixed.
✔️ Improved some animations.

2.1.2Jun 06, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ The design of the Recalibrated holograms has been changed.
✔️ From now on, the devices that do not have a step detection sensor will no longer get all the Aliens unlocked by default. Instead, you will be able to unlock them manually using the sequence: right-right-right-right-left-left-left.
✔️ Replaced the app icon.
✔️ Fixed some bugs.

2.1.1Jun 03, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ New styles have been added, now you can use: Original, Red, Cyan, Orange, Purple, Dark Blue. These can be changed in the app settings.
✔️ The appearance of the Aliens in the Recalibrated version has changed.
✔️ 4 new Aliens were added, 2 in OG and 2 in Recalibrated.
✔️ The feature that shows the names of the Aliens has been removed.
✔️ Fixed some bugs.

2.1.0May 25, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ Added fast-Alien switch for OG Style (long-touch the white screen to open the Alien selection - requires Master Control).
✔️ DNA Scanner feature for OMV Style has been added. It will be activated automatically when you accumulate 300 steps. Using it, you can unlock 20 new Aliens (for more information, read the User Guide on the phone app).
✔️ Improved some animations.
✔️ Fixed some bugs *.

2.0.9May 14, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ New screen look when using evolved Alien forms.
✔️ Added a new type of Alien selection in Omniverse (full hologram). You can change the display mode (straight or circular) in the app settings.
✔️ The Omniverse watch ring has been adjusted (+ slightly faster animations).
✔️ Some color enhancements for Albedo Style.
✔️ Haptic vibrations introduced. They can be disabled in the app settings.

2.0.8May 13, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ New Omniverse animations have been added.
✔️ The progress of the steps for DNA Scanner is no longer lost on recalibration or vice versa.
✔️ You can show or hide the DNA Scanner progress circular line from the app settings.
✔️ More OG style sound effects have been added.
✔️ Albedo style has been added (see app settings).
✔️ New screen look when using evolved Alien forms.

✔️ Some bug fixes.

2.0.7May 08, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ The Randomizer feature has been added for Omniverse.
✔️ The randomized Alien will be displayed on the screen.
✔️ The Ultimate Aliens now have new sound effects in the Recalibrated version. These sound effects can be turned off in settings.
✔️ The sounds for the Alien Selection (previous / next) are now random.
✔️ Several bugs have been fixed.

2.0.6Apr 29, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ The Randomizer feature has been added for Omniverse.
✔️ Added new options in settings:
- Omniverse Recharge Mode
- OG DNA Scanner Animation Type
- Omniverse Selector Speed
- Omniverse Names
✔️ Self-destruction will now start at 20 random rotations / taps.
✔️ Added the evolved form of Ghostfreak in the Recalibrated version.
✔️ Several bugs have been fixed.

2.0.5Apr 19, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ The smartphone app has been modified so that you can preview a simulation of the smartwatch application.
✔️ Wheel rotation / touch sequences have been added to enable or disable the Recalibrated style. Check these sequences in the User Guide, at the "Recalibrated" section on the Phone App.
✔️ Several bugs have been fixed.

2.0.4Apr 16, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read the User Guide.
✔️ The smartphone app has been modified so that you can preview a simulation of the smartwatch application.
✔️ Several bugs have been fixed.

2.0.3Apr 08, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read all the details.
✔️ A new watch style has been added.
✔️ Activation: Right-Right-Left-Left-Left-Right-Right.
✔️ Requirement: Your watch is recalibrated and Master Control is activated.
✔️ To enter the Alien selection, tap and hold the watch screen for at least 1 second. Slide your finger to the left / right to change the selection. Move the finger towards the center and lift it up to select the Alien.

2.0.2Apr 05, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read all the details.
✔️ Some reported bugs have been fixed.

2.0.1Mar 17, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read all the details.
✔️ A settings menu has been added. It can be accessed by voice command "Settings" or by the sequence: Left-Right-Right-Right-Right-Right-Right.
✔️ The time display can no longer be hidden / displayed by touch, this setting moved to settings menu.
✔️ The sensitivity of the watch wheel can be changed in the settings menu.
✔️ The Classic DNA Scanner's color was changed to Yellow.

2.0.0Mar 09, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read all the details.
✔️ 3 new Aliens have been added for the original watch version.
✔️ The DNA Scanner is now available for the original watch version (6 original watch Aliens will be unlocked by this method).
✔️ Using voice commands you can now quickly switch between the original version ("cancel recalibrate") and the recalibrated version ("recalibrate"). Works only if you unlocked the recalibration before.

1.1.9Mar 06, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read all the details.
✔️ The progress of your steps counting to unlock the new Alien can be seen through the green circular line (displayed around the watch face).
✔️ "Ambient Mode" has been added. It can be activated by voice command: "Activate ambient". It allows you to keep the app open and save battery life. For more details about it, check the information in the smartphone application.
✔️ Some bug-fixes.

1.1.8Mar 04, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read all the details.
✔️ The recharge cooldown has been reduced to 1 minute.
✔️ 6 new Aliens have been added in recalibrated mode, they can be unlocked by DNA Scanner.
✔️ "Ambient Mode" has been added. It can be activated by voice command: "Activate ambient". It allows you to keep the app open and save battery life. For more details about it, check the information in the smartphone application.
✔️ Some bug-fixes.

1.1.7Mar 02, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read all the details.
✔️ Feature: DNA Scanner has been added - It is used to unlock new Aliens in the recalibrated version.
✔️ The DNA Scanner is based on the number of steps you take (at a certain number of steps, the application will unlock a new Alien).
❗ It is not necessary to keep the application open to count the steps. The application will receive the number of steps from the watch when you open it.

1.1.6Feb 24, 2022

❗ It is highly recommended to download the smartphone version of the application to read all the details.
✔️ The self-destruct sequence has now a different behavior in the recalibrated version (30 secs timer).
✔️ The recalibrated version can be canceled by a voice command: "Cancel Recalibrated".
✔️ You can now activate a voice command by shaking your wrist. Also, this feature can be deactivated using voice commands.
✔️ You can now turn into evolved Aliens by long-touching the white watch screen.

1.1.5Feb 23, 2022

✔️ The self-destruct sequence has now a different behavior in the recalibrated version.
✔️ The recalibrated version can be canceled by a voice command: "Cancel Recalibrated".
✔️ You can now activate a voice command by shaking your wrist (if your device supports gestures).
✔️ From now on, voice commands can only be used if you have Master Control enabled.
✔️ Some new sound effects have been added.

1.1.4Feb 17, 2022

✔️ The recalibration mode has been introduced. This mode changes the look and behavior of the device. It also gives you a new list of 40 Aliens.
✔️ The quality for some sounds has been improved.

1.1.3Feb 13, 2022

✔️ Added the ability to execute voice commands. For more information, check the application on your smartphone or the complete description of the application in Google Play.
✔️ The overall performance of the application has been improved.

1.1.2Feb 08, 2022

✔️ Omnitrix Self-Destruction mode has been introduced (see application information page or the guide in the phone application).
✔️ A "loading" animation will be displayed when the application is opened.
✔️ The overall performance of the application has been improved.

1.1.1Feb 02, 2022

- Some fixes have been made to the user guide from the smartphone application.
- An application performance tracking system has been introduced to identify potential problems and improve overall performance.

1.1.0Jan 30, 2022

An application version for smartphones has been added. This version will contain the user guide.

Master Control:
Info: Turn watch wheel Clockwise / Anticlockwise or tap the screen on the Left / Right side using a defined sequence:
- To activate: Left-Right-Left-Right-Left-Right-Left
- To deactivate: Left-Left-Left-Right-Right-Right-Left
* Unlocking Master Control will lift all the cooldowns and will unlock 10 more Heroes.

1.0.9Jan 28, 2022

Master Control - Turn watch's wheel Clockwise / Anticlockwise or tap the screen on the Left / Right side using a defined sequence:
- To activate: Left-Right-Left-Right-Left-Right-Left
- To deactivate: Left-Left-Left-Right-Right-Right-Left
* Unlocking Master Control will lift all the cooldowns.

- Tap the time display to hide/show it.
- You will stay turned into a Hero for 1 minute.
- The re-charging time of the Omnitrix is 5 minutes.
- The Omnitrix will initially allow you to use only 10 heroes.

LaunchedJan 18, 2022

Other Information