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The Jiwaji University App is built with a purpose to facilitate student teacher communication.
Notifications: Serves messages from Teachers and Departments to Students.
Kiosk: Gives briefs about any academic or job events and opportunities.
Videos: Video Lectures from the university professors.
Help Center: Report your issues, keep a track and get replies from the university.
Downloads: Study Material, Notes, Research Papers.
Ideas: Suggest your creative ideas for the betterment of the university.
Attendance: Teachers can mark class attendance. Students can see their last month attendance.
Profile: Check your Info with the university. Update your pic.
Teachers will be given PIN & Passwords. The App is instantly activated for teachers.
Students can apply by filling in small profile info under respective courses. Activation for students is subject to approval.
By next session it is planned to make attendance available for student to view.
Facility for students to view their attendance shall be activated in future updates.
All services might not be available for all user categories.
For help on this App, you may call +917773000090