Zen Planner Member App
Zen Planner's app, stay connected with your gym from anywhere!
Zen Planner's app, stay connected with your gym from anywhere!
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With Zen Planner's app, stay connected with your gym from anywhere!
Use the Zen Planner app to:
- View your gym, school or studio's calendar
- Reserve your spot in class or join a waitlist
- View class details and instructor bios
- See who else is coming to your favorite class
- Add and manage your saved credit cards
- View details about your membership access
- Update your profile and display options
- View and manage your upcoming reservations
- Go to multiple gyms? Log in to all of your Zen Planner accounts, in one place
- Workout Tracking: View a workout, log results, view your gym's leaderboard, like or comment on others' results
- Use your “account balance” to pay for items (you can now hold money on your account to use later)
Note: your gym, school or studio must use Zen Planner, and you must login with your valid member credentials. Need help with our app? Contact support@zenplanner.com
Your gym doesn't use Zen Planner? Tell your business owner to check it out.
Version History
Last version released 173 days ago.
Upgraded sdk version for Android 14 support
New loading screen.
We have updated our icon library.
Targeting Android 13 and cleanup of old plugins.
Updated icons.
Adding the ability to choose the calendar you would like to sync reservations to, and also the ability to automatically sync all future reservations made via the app to that calendar.
Adding the ability to choose the calendar you would like to sync reservations to, and also the ability to automatically sync all future reservations made via the app to that calendar.
We now support fingerprint readers for login on phones.
We are increasing the app loading timeout to account for some users that may be on slower networks.
Minor enhancements
If you're seeing the occasional red notification in your Member App that says 'Failed to communicate with server', not to worry - we've deployed a new mechanism that will inform you in case of maintenance and/or system outages. These messages are independent from Zen Planner Studio, and does NOT mean that the entire system is affected - just that we're hard at work on the Member App itself.
General bug fixes
- Stability improvements
- Improved device recognition
- Adding support for strong customer authentication
Fix to shorten app loading time
Bug fix to better support older devices
This update will make the app available for more devices.
Improve camera experience
- Improving device compatibility
Security improvements
- Improved error logging
Adding support for SugarWOD integration
- View historical attendance information and rank eligibility based on attendance!
- Reduced password requirements & added real time password requirement validation
Library and Platform version updates
- Ability to purchase memberships
- You now have the ability to add your class reservations to your personal calendar!
- Ability to capture credit card information with your camera
- Ability to use your “account balance” to pay for items (you can now hold money on your account to use later)
-Add and manage your credit cards
-View you membership information
-View upcoming bills and billing history
-Pay unpaid bills
-Add and manage your credit cards
-View you membership information
-View upcoming bills and billing history
-Pay unpaid bills
-Add and manage your credit cards
-View you membership information
-View upcoming bills and billing history
-Pay unpaid bills
-Add or edit your profile picture
-Select other members’ photos on the Leaderboard or in the “Who’s Coming” area to see a big photo!
-See all historical workout data under Workouts -> History
-Sign your unsigned waivers or contracts
-See your picture and name of the business you’re navigating in the new side-menu
-Add or edit your profile picture
-Select other members’ photos on the Leaderboard or in the “Who’s Coming” area to see a big photo!
-See all historical workout data under Workouts -> History
-Sign your unsigned waivers or contracts
-See your picture and name of the business you’re navigating in the new side-menu
-Add or edit your profile picture
-Select other members’ photos on the Leaderboard or in the “Who’s Coming” area to see a big photo!
-See all historical workout data under Workouts -> History
-Sign your unsigned waivers or contracts
-See your picture and name of the business you’re navigating in the new side-menu
Other Information
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